My Latest Recipes 98
  • Fish With Walnut Sauce from jimrug1 in Peoria, IL.
    Ground Walnuts replace Tahini in this recipe. When combined with the garlic and Cilantro, it makes for a simple but quite exotic ...
  • Fish With Rice Onions And Walnuts from jimrug1 in Peoria, IL.
    The dark flavor of the caramelized onions give this fish dish itโ€™s unique Middle Eastern twist. It is especially appealing when...
  • Fish Baked In Taratoor Sauce from jimrug1 in Peoria, IL.
    Many cooked fish dishes in Lebanon are made to be eaten warm, at room temperature or even cold but they are also wonderful when e...
  • 2009 Inaugural Herb Roasted Pheasant With Wild Rice Stuffing from jimrug1 in Peoria, IL.
    This recipe was part of the second course menu at the 2009 Inaugural Luncheon for President Obama. Luisa has the entire menu post...
  • Lebanese Rice Dressing from jimrug1 in Peoria, IL.
    This recipe is 3rd generation in my family. It is a traditional and classic Lebanese side dish for special occasion dinners. It...
  • Jims Super Bowl Gumbo from jimrug1 in Peoria, IL.
    This is a Gumbo I made for the last Super Bowl Party. It is now a yearly request. If you can't find all the ingredients, try subs...
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  • Amir 1 year ago
    ๐ŸŒฒ๐Ÿฆƒ๐Ÿฒ please subscribe and support me on youtube๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™ my youtube channel address is
  • GatorBaby2000 5 years ago
    Hi I saw you was one of my followers on my old account which was just GatorBaby. Can anyone tell me how to contact these people. I tried the forgot my password but they are not sending it to me. So I had to make this one. I really want my old one back. They are not responding to my requests. Please message me anyone and help me. If anyone has their phone number or something. I been trying to get them to resend me a way to retrieve my password but they've never sent it to me.
  • Ladybug_MrsJ 5 years ago about Avocado With Tahini
    Reviewed in IMII:
    Avocado With Tahini Recipe
  • pointsevenout 8 years ago about Chipotles In Adobo Sauce
    A nice smoky flavor.
  • pointsevenout 9 years ago about Chipotles In Adobo Sauce
    I'll have to try these instead of store bought.
  • gatorbaby 10 years ago
    Hi Jim. Hope your having a great day.
  • gatorbaby 10 years ago
    I hope you enjoy them. I will be adding more later. just trying to get fully back in the swing of things.
  • Good4U 10 years ago about Lamb Chops Marinated In Mint And Sherry Flag
  • NPMarie 10 years ago about Hummus Bi Tahini
    IMI review
    Jimrugs Hummus Bi Tahini

    Please add this to the "I Made It" Group..thank you:)
  • gatorbaby 12 years ago
  • maryment 14 years ago
    I would love to try your elderberry flower fritter recipe.Where is it? I have just harvested ripe elderberries for jam, but am looking for to those fritters next year,Thanks
  • elgourmand 14 years ago
    Although you sent it to otter, thanks for the suggestion about soaking beans in salted water. That may be worth a try. RJ
  • elgourmand 14 years ago
    Are we havin fun yet? Haven't seen you, or a lot of the other thinkin foodies, around much sense the "New and Improved" GR came along. More proof the the old saying "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" and the KISS principle both still work. Tis sad. Leave a comment, if you're of a mind. RJ
  • otterpond 14 years ago
    Unfortunately not able to post this with the recipe but I wanted you to know. This was my first go at hummus. I fixed as a simple treat for a birthday party this weekend. As always, Jim's recipes are consistent and the instructions clear. I started the day before by getting the chickpeas to soaking then making the tahini using the Homemade Tahini recipe posted by Smooch . This morning I boiled the chickpeas as directed using baking soda in the water. I don't know the purpose of the baking soda but in it went. I got enormous pleasure in "peeling" the chickpea's. As Jim indicated in his instructions, the tea towel roll is very quick and simple. Some may say that you loose a lot of fiber from the beans, but I'm not sure. Those peas really want to shed their protective jackets when cooked which makes me think they are all done with them so toss them out. Anyhow, I'm not paying a kid a dollar to do that job when I enjoyed it so :) I made a double batch and I'm so glad. I now have enough for the party and some for home. I don't know how long this will keep in the fridge or if it will freeze well but I'm going to try to freeze a portion and hope. I really like lemon so when I make recipes calling for a good amount of lemon juice, as this does, I mince some zest into it. Other than that small change I followed the recipe faithfully and the results were wonderful. I was able to post a picture on the recipe.
  • otterpond 14 years ago
    Jim I'm making your hummus recipe today. I was wondering if you could tell me what purpose the baking soda makes in boiling the chickpeas. I'd not seen that before and thought you could teach me.