My Latest Recipes 1
  • Margarita Ceviche from iatik in Morris Plains, NJ.
    A simple to make dish that is a spin on traditional ceviche by using seasoned sushi vinegar in the vinaigrette, which is why my f...
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  • sas 16 years ago
    I am with you on this topic friend. I banned all fast food outlets from my kids diets early on. But exactly which cuisine would the U.S. evolve into? I have eaten all over the world and discovered that the best food to be gotten is in the good old U.S.A. No comparison on any level. Looking for some of your recipes. I hope you have time to post. Thanks
  • pressurecooker 17 years ago
    I bookmarked your margarita ceviche--it really sounds good. I just have no way to get fresh scallops right now, so it will have to wait a bit.

    You avatar needs a name. How about "hams tartare"?? They need a bit more browning...or maybe a pastry wrap? Or accented with a little "dressing". I like the background greens better--they look a lot tastier.
  • tuilelaith 17 years ago
    I too am tired of the mccy d thing in our country. Its got to go. BTW love the picture, made me laugh!!
  • dancegypsy67 17 years ago
    I miss steak tartare too!

    I was in a locally-owned restaurant a couple weeks ago - they make some of the most interesting tacos I've had - and I'll be darned if a family of 4 came in with a bag from Micky-D's for the kids. I was bowled over. My hand is up and waving!
  • shandy 17 years ago about Margarita Ceviche
    You know, I have enjoyed sushi many times and never knew that there was a sushi vinegar. Your Ceviche sounds sooo flavorful. My husband and I enjoy cooking together at times :) and we both want to try this! Thank you for sharing a great recipe :D