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  • chuckieb 3 years ago about Rosemary Olive Bread (bread Machine Compatible!)
    This is a really nice recipe. As Points said, it's savory.... Loads of flavour, nice density. I served it with a Chicken and Olive dish. I followed the recipe completely with the exception of using Green olives stuffed with Pimentos instead of Kalamata olives. Easy to mix up.....smells awesome while baking. Really enjoyed! Was a big hit! Made Sept. 2021
  • chinablue 9 years ago about Italian Braised Chicken With Red Potatoes And Artichoke Hearts
    If you try this recipe, please try some soup with the leftovers! I had always just tossed what little was left, but I won't be doing that anymore. I added the soup recipe to the end of the recipe for the Braised Chicken.
  • elgourmand2 9 years ago about Farmhouse Chicken And Dumplings
    C n D is one of my "Go To"meals. This looks like a good lot. The method is interesting. Great post. Thanks. RJ
  • chinablue 9 years ago about Italian Braised Chicken With Red Potatoes And Artichoke Hearts
    Stevarino, sprinkle the remaining herbs over the entire chicken/potato/broth mixture before covering and placing the dish in the oven. I edited the recipe to add this step. Thanks for the question so I could address that omission. :-)
  • Stevarino 9 years ago about Italian Braised Chicken With Red Potatoes And Artichoke Hearts
    When do you add the rest of the herbs? The recipe only mentions using half when browning the potatoes.
  • loveisforever 10 years ago
    I wanted to let you know that the broweyegiril isn't here any more.She tryed to get into her account and couldn't get her password right..
  • pointsevenout 10 years ago
    It's a very savory loaf. I like it a lot. And except for toying around with some sourdough these past few months, this loaf might have been the last traditional loaf I made.
  • ducky20536 13 years ago
    I just read about you and I feel a real connection. My husband was born in N.C. and moved to TN when he was 3. I am a 7th generation Californian although I haven't lived there since 1979. I LOVE old-old recipes and also learned a lot from my mother in law while she was still with us. Keep those recipes coming -love em :)
  • gkwillow 13 years ago
    It's a lovely recipe that I'm sure will show up on my plate again...but I didn't change it because I thought it needed to be changed. I have a habit of making tweaks whether the recipe needs it or not. :) Hope you get to try the soup. It is delish! I'd like to know what you think...
  • keni 13 years ago
    Hey Chinablue! Thanks for looking at the Four Cheese Crab Penne. Lemme know if you get a chance to try it!
  • artist92543 15 years ago
    Hi Chinablue. I am actually making some braised chicken at the moment and just wanted to see other recipes while I wait for mine to be done. This one you have with the Italian braised chicken with potatoes sounds very good! I am part Italian myself. Also your chinablue picture interested me aas I make my living creating antique reproduction finishes with the same kind of motifs...chinoiserie it's called. I'll look at some more of your recipes as your write-up soounds like we both like the same kind of food.
  • shepherdrescue 16 years ago
    HI blue! Welcome to the group! Very nice people, great food and lots of interests. The picture of the Italian Braised Chicken is gorgeous!!! I'm trying it!
  • blueeyes68ky 16 years ago
    Hello, Thanks for being my cooking buddy. I also like blue willow china. I don't collect it but I like it.
  • mountainmama 16 years ago
    Hello and Welcome to the Group.
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