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When one of those at the table with him heard this, he said to Jesus, “Blessed is the one who will eat at the feast in the kingdom of God.” -Luke 14:15
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Erma_E_K_Monie Central, Mid-Missouri
Shanny72 Nowhere, Us
anitapicosita Nowhere, Us
My Latest Recipes 211
Omlet Breakfast Cups from beautidiva in Missouri, Mo.
I made these for dinner one night and was very good. Everyone picked out their own toppings....
Grandma's Apple Butter from beautidiva in Missouri, Mo.
This is my Grandma's recipe of Apple Butter which we love on toast, biscuits, and ice cream. After you taste you won't want to gi...
Fall Candy Corn Bark from beautidiva in Missouri, Mo.
I made this for my husbands work. My daughter and I ate some too and loved it!...
Cheaters Apple Dumplings from beautidiva in Missouri, Mo.
I threw this together as a side. Was a hit but of coarse not like grandmas....
Cream Cheese Apple Bread from beautidiva in Missouri, Mo.
I made this for my husbands work and was a big hit. Had a wife text me right away wanting the recipe....
Zuccini Relish from beautidiva in Missouri, Mo.
This is my Aunt Dianna's recipe and we love it along with all of our friends. I usually make a batch every other year depending o...
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