Veggie Fajitas

  • gkwillow 13 years ago
    Veggie Fajitas
    by rcragun

    The marinade for these veggies was so, so good and I was so, so hungry! :)

    Because I was hungry and wanted to eat, I took a shortcut and just stir-fried the veggies. I only used zucchini, red bell pepper, and onion and topped the fajita with crumbled queso fresco cheese. YUM.

    The taste of the marinade is great on veggies, but would work with any kind of meat too.
  • frankieanne 13 years ago said:
    That marinade looks like it would work with "real" chicken as well.
  • mrpiggy 13 years ago said:
    That looks really good GK. But I have a question............ what is the difference between a fajita and a burrito? Is one YUM and the other YUMMY :) Seriously, though. And I actually have another question. What is "grainy" mustard? First its dry mustard. Then its "prepared" mustard, and now grainy??? What's up with that?

    And you better be careful with shortcuts or hurrying in your kitchen. Frainke deemed your kitchen dangerous already

    "real" chicken???
  • frankieanne 13 years ago said:
    hehe, Mr. P. The recipe calls for Quorn chicken pieces. Quorn is a meat substitute made from a grown fungus. Its available in the UK. I've never had it, but then I'm not much into funguses. :D Plus, I don't think its available here in the US.
  • mrpiggy 13 years ago said:
    Fungus?????? Ackkk. When I hear that I think of athletes foot......Fungi kingdom. And to make something to eat from that group makes me shudder. And please dont remind me that mushrooms are from that group, because I LOVE those.......... I'll just pretend they're another form of soybean : )
  • gkwillow 13 years ago said:
    OK mr p I won't remind you that mushrooms are a fungus. And I won't remind you that ice cream isn't a healthy food.;)

    How do you feel about truffles? They are a fungus too, and PIGGIES LOVE them. Sometimes too much...

    Speaking of soybeans...and corn...brings me to another grainy subject. Prepared mustard is what you squeeze out of the mustard container. Dry is, well.......dry. Grainy is prepared mustard that isn't smooth. Any more questions???
  • mrpiggy 13 years ago said:
    Ice cream is too good for it not to be good for me somehow : ) I have never had truffles and Im not sure what they are. Isnt it a chocolate or something? Why would Piggies love them? And I am still wondering what the difference is between a burrito and a fajita........... : )
  • frankieanne 13 years ago said:
    A fajita consists of marinated vegetables (with the vegetables usually being onions and sweet peppers) and meat that are grilled and served in a flour tortilla. A burrito consists of fillings, usually beef and/or beans and cheese, that are rolled up in the tortilla before serving. Anything else? :)
  • gkwillow 13 years ago said:
    You are right, CORRECT, about truffles being a type of chocolate candy that is very YUM. And I suppose PIGGIES would LOVE those too although they are a bit more expensive than your "post-it note" confections. ;)

    But I was talking about the truffles that grow underground and are another type of fungi. Truffle hunters in Italy and France use pigs and dogs to sniff out truffles. Dogs are preferred to pigs because pigs LOVE to eat truffles and there go the profits! Truffle hunters use a staff or leash to force the pig to back off, once the pig has located a truffle, because they LOVE them so much. Evidently, PIGGIES have good taste, as truffles are VERY expensive.

    A fajita is sauteed veggies and meat you put in a flour tortilla, like a taco. a burrito has rice and bean, or other fillings, wrapped into a large tortilla like a envelope. the burrito is called that because the Mexican people could carry their whole meal inside, rice, beans and meat, thus the meaning little burro. I think that's referring to the pack a burro would carry. Sorry, I can't work any PIGGIES into the equation here... except that I'm sure the PIGGIES would be glad to eat what's in the burro's pack... ;)
  • gkwillow 13 years ago said:
    Frankieanne, we were evidently typing at the same time. Good thing we agreed and didn't tell poor mr p two different things... ;)
  • frankieanne 13 years ago said:
    I think we've done that before, gkw. You know what they say about great minds! :)
    And yes, Mr. P, the fajita vegetables and meat can be sauteed, which is how a lot of restaurants do them. I've done them that way as well as grilled.
  • mrpiggy 13 years ago said:
    Gee. I feel special :) 2 ladies answering. In stereo, even. Er almost. Thank you both........... And look. IMI has moved up in ranks. I dont think I have EVER seen it #1. Opps. I just checked again and its #2. Still that is good

    And as for Piggies and truffles, those poor little piggies dont even get to eat what they dig up? BAD truffle peoples. Thats like having cake and not being able to eat it :( Or even worse.......... Ice Cream : (
  • gkwillow 13 years ago said:
    Ice Cream with coffee crystals... now I bet THAT would be something PIGGIES would really go for... Better get out the BIG stick to keep them away :O
  • mrpiggy 13 years ago said:
    Hey, you're giving away trade secrets about my ice cream and coffee :P

    And I do have another question. It is about leeks, chives, scallions, and green onions. I know what green onions are. But the others, not so much. Then there is something that looks just like a green onion, but the end is a big bulb about the size of a golf ball. Now I dont think I need to know what these all are, but my question is can I just use green onions when either of these things are called for? Do they all taste like onions?
  • mommyluvs2cook 13 years ago said:
    okay I can't stay away from this conversation any longer :0) Mr P are you living in a dark hole? J/K lol! Yes they are all in the onion family pretty much but they all have their own flavors. I guess chives and green onions can be switch out if needed. Now if a recipe calls for leeks I always stick with leeks. Leeks have such a mild oniony but buttery flavor that's hard to replace. I've seen the bulb things your talking about in the store and I think they are called spring onions? Maybe not though. I think my store still has them (even though it's not spring, weird) so I'll check if someone doesnt know cause now it's gonna drive me crazy lol!
  • mrpiggy 13 years ago said:
    WELCOME. ml2c :) Sometimes I feel like I am in another world when you guys talk about cooking, spices and weird veggei thingys. When I go to the store I see all these things that I have no idea what they are. And they are usually bunched up with a bunch of other similar looking things. They are not individually labeled and the labeling above has all sorts of things listed w/o pictures. I know, I know. I can always ask. One time this woman saw me looking and reading all the labels. I must have looked pathetic. She was sooo helpful. That is when I learned what shallots were. Anyway, ml2c, I still dont know what a leek looks like. And there was a recipe that called for them once and I used green instead. I am slowly learning. I hope to crawl out of this black hole soon. Its all in baby steps :)
  • frankieanne 13 years ago said:
    ml2c, I think those are called spring onions, too. I have to go to the store tomorrow so I'll take a look.
    Mr P, leeks look like huge green onions. No bulby thing at the bottom. They are pretty straight. 1" to 1-/2" in diameter or so. You should get leeks if a recipe asks for leeks as ml2c said. They are usually a major cooking component unlike green onions or chives, which are usually a garnishment type thing - although for flavor as well. Your dish probably won't suffer much if you forgot to buy the chives or green onion. Leeks - that's another story.
    Keep asking and pretty soon you'll be answering someone else's question. That's all it takes. :)
  • mommyluvs2cook 13 years ago said:
    Yes, baby steps mr.piggy! Onions are such a wonderful thing and there is so many varieties of them that it can get a bit confusing! Thanks Frankie for your response cause I was just throwing a name out there about the spring onions! We should still check though. Look them all up online for the pictures Mr. P cause they are all worth trying ;)

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