White Chocolate Mousse
From netty_angel 16 years agoIngredients
- 1 cup white chocolate chips shopping list
- 1 1/2 cups of heavy whipping cream (divided in 1/4 and 1 1/4 cups) shopping list
How to make it
- microwave chocolate and 1/4 cup of the cream in a large microwaveable bowl on high for 2 minutes or until the chocolate is almost melted, stirring after 1 minute. Stir until chocolate is completely meltedl.
- Cool 20 minutes or until at room temperature, stirring occasionally.
- Beat remaining 1 1/4 cups cream in chilled medium bowl with electric mixer on medium speed until soft peaks form (do not over beat). Add half of the whipped cream to the white chocolate mixture stir with wire whisk until well blended. Gently stir in remaining whipped cream. Spoon evenly into 6 dessert dishes.
- Refridgerate 2 hours or until ready to serve.
People Who Like This Dish 4
- mumtazcatering Gauteng, ZA
- cholena Food World, Sin
- jett2whit Union City, GA
- midgelet Whereabouts, Unknown
- migvia Houston, TX
- netty_angel Rolla, MO
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The Rating
Reviewed by 4 people-
sounds goooood!
jett2whit in Union City loved it
GR8 !!!!
cholena in Food World loved it
mumtazcatering in Gauteng loved it
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