
How to make it

  • In a small bowl, combine the warm water, yeast and 2 tbsp sugar and let rest for 5 minutes.
  • In a medium mixing bowl, pour the boiling water over the margarine, shortening, the remaining 3/4 cup sugar and salt. Sir well.
  • In a large mixing bowl, using 2 cups at a time, alternate the ingredients as follows: pour in 2 cups of flour, then yeast mixture and mix. Add 2 cups flour, then beaten eggs and mix.
  • Add 2 cups flour then the cold water and mix well.
  • Add the remaining 1 1/2 cup flour and mix very well. the dough will be very sticky.
  • Covr and refrigerate for 5 hours or overnight.
  • When ready to serve, preheat oven to 350 degrees. I placed the entre dough on floured surface and using a large knife...cut the dough into 4 pieces. I shaped them into balls. Place on a nonstick baking sheet and bake for 20-30 minutes.
  • For Soup: peel and dice potatoes. Place potatoes, celery, carrots in small bowl. Cover with water and microwave until vegetables are tender.
  • Place chicken soup, milk, vegetables, salt and pepper in saucepan. Cook, until heated, 10 minutes.
  • Cut top off bread bowl and scrape out insides. Place soup into bowl. Dice hard boiled eggs on top of soup.
  • enjoy

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  • cheryilyn 17 years ago
    sounds good
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  • jenniferbyrdez 17 years ago
    I know ya'll get tired of hearing this-I don't bake anymore-but the soup sounds good. I could cheat and buy the bread and put the soup in it. Great pic. Thanks Cross.
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