
How to make it

  • In a pan, put a bit of olive oil in the pan, cook chopped onions, chopped green pepper, and garlic until cooked. (Mixing these ingredients first is called SOFRITO) Pour in tomato sauce. Add meat. Cut the potato in cubes and put in the pot (if you are pressed for time, boil the potato first in a separate pot and add later) When the meat is starting to turn brownish, add capers and olives (a little juice helps), then add Adobo (I sprinkle a few times back and forth in the pot) cook at medium approximately 20 minutes on medium/ high. Add garlic powder to taste (again I sprinkle back and forth). STIR EVERYTHING TOGETHER. Add white vinegar and vino seco, cook for another 30 minutes in a covered pot on low/medium until serving.

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    " It was excellent "
    maywest ate it and said...
    cuban food rocks and this sound awsome. i will make this many times. thanks
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
    " It was excellent "
    otterpond ate it and said...
    I love that you put in the extra explanations like the definition of sofrito and hints on speeding the cooking time. Terrific recipe and I am using your ideas in working out a turkey picadillo for what's in my pantry.
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • elsie1970 17 years ago
    It's in ingriedent that gives it find it in the oil the dry wine & olive oil
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • coffeebean53 17 years ago
    Sounds delicious. What is vino seco?
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag

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