Alerts overview

With alerts, you can specify conditions in your data that, when met or exceeded, trigger a notification to be sent to specific recipients at a desired frequency.

Alerts overview

Alerts are set on query-based or Look-linked tiles on dashboards. Based on the alert's frequency, Looker checks whether each alert's conditions have been met or exceeded; if so, Looker notifies users of this change.

In addition to creating alerts, users can view, duplicate, and follow some alerts created by other users, depending on their permissions. Alert conditions will also take into account any dashboard filters that exist when the alert is created.

Alerts documentation

See the following links for documentation that is relevant to the Admin role and to all Looker users.

Alerts documentation for Looker admins

Looker admins play critical roles in configuring alert permissions so that Looker users can create and follow alerts to receive alert notifications.

  • Configuring alerts for Looker users discusses how to configure permissions for creating, following, and managing alerts. Alerts discusses the Alerts page in the Alerts & Schedules section of the Admin panel, where admins can see and manage all active and inactive alerts for the Looker instance.
  • Alert History discusses the Alert History page in the Alerts & Schedules section of the Admin panel, which lists information about all active alerts that are running, complete, or failed.

Alerts documentation for Looker users