Configuring alerts for Looker users

Looker has several user permissions that are associated with alerts. Some permissions determine what the user can do with alerts; others determine what destinations a user can send an alert notification to. See the Roles documentation page for more information about Looker permissions, including dependencies.

Looker user permissions are distinct from the alert setting called Permissions, which lets the alert's creator determine whether other users will be able to view and potentially follow the alert.

In addition to the permissions that are described in the following table, users need see_looks permissions and see_user_dashboards and/or see_lookml_dashboards permissions for the models on which the dashboard or LookML dashboard tiles, respectively, are based.

  • Users must have permissions to access the alert's underlying content to view or explore from the alert's visualization (in the Alert Details page) or to navigate to its dashboard.
  • This permission does not grant the ability to create, follow, or delete alerts from the dashboard tile.
  • Permission Lets Users Notes
    • See the tile's bell icon: The numeric indicator shows the total number of enabled public alerts on the tile
    • Manage alerts from the Alerts management admin page, even private alerts that are created by other users
    • Access the Alert History admin page
    • View, follow, edit, self-assign, and disable any alert on the Looker instance
    The user must be signed in to Slack from Looker to see alerts that send Slack notifications.
    • Access the Alerts management admin page
    • View, follow, edit, self-assign, disable any alert on the Looker instance, even private alerts that are created by other users
    • Access the Alert History admin page
    • See the tile's bell icon: The numeric indicator shows the sum of any public or private alerts that the user has created and other users' alerts that are marked Public
    • From the dashboard tile: create, duplicate, and delete their own alerts; duplicate alerts marked Public by other users
    • View, edit, disable, and enable their alerts on the Manage Alerts user page
    The user must be signed in to Slack to see alerts that send Slack notifications.
    schedule_look_emails Send email notifications Users must also have create_alerts permissions.
    schedule_external_look_emails Send notifications to emails with any domain Users must also have create_alerts permissions.
    send_to_integration Send alert notifications to the Slack or Slack Attachment (API Token) integrations, if enabled for the Looker instance Users must also have create_alerts permissions.