Showing posts with label swamp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label swamp. Show all posts

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Dragon Toad

Massive amphibious creatures born out of the unholy union of dragons and giant toads, the Dragon Toad inhabits swamps, wetlands, and marshes. They are equally at home both on land and under water. They are voracious eaters, and will attack any creature unlucky enough to cross their path.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Menphibians are hyperintelligent amphibian creatures evolved from swamp dwelling frogs. They have formed a loose knit society and use their latent psychic powers to engage in acts of sabotage to prevent human development into their territory.

Sunday, August 19, 2012


Mossolites are creatures which live in swamps and bogs. Their moss-like covering is an evolutionary adaptation which allows them to remain camouflaged in their preferred environments. Mossolites live a nomadic existence. They are capable of moving through thick undergrowth without making much noise, which allow them to hunt and migrated with impunity.

Monday, July 16, 2012


Mugglubborts are short, squat humanoids descended from swamp dwelling amphibians. Their earth-toned skin with it's varied bumps and protuberances act as camouflage to keep them hidden in the muddy shoals of their natural environment. Mugglubborts are classified as a Type 0 emerging intelligence.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Fluggs are a strange race that evolved from soft-bodied, slug-like creatures. They tend to make their homes in swamps, bogs, or wetlands, as they must stay close to water as their skins will dry out.

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Splugglings are a form of lichen that posses rudimentary organs and other structures commonly associated with animals. They breed by "budding" off smaller Splugglings, who are genetically identical to their parents. They usually feed on rotting matter found in swamps or bogs, like leaves, logs, or animal carcasses.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Slutterbugs are small, squirmy, soft-bodied insects which infest water holes, marshes, and swamps. The insects are notorious for crawling into the nose, ears, or other orifices of it's host animal. There the creature lays it's eggs. When the young hatch they cause unbearable pain as they did their way to the surface.

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Phanzqlix are bipedal amphibians which live in swamps and salt marshes. They live in loose communal tribes. They do not have a sense of private property beyond small trinkets. Responsibility for raising children falls upon all adults in the community. The Phanzqlix will usually select one representative when dealing with outsiders, while the rest of the tribe remains isolated.

They have acquired a taste for the high fructose corn syrup carbonated drinks introduced to them by explorers, and readily trade various types of native handcrafts for as much as they can acquire.

Monday, September 7, 2009


A MarshRot is a gigantic piles of fetid, stinking vegetation. The exact method by which these masses of swamp form and move about remains a mystery. They possess a rudimentary "skeletal system" of roots and vines, which clump together pockets of soil upon which other plants grow in a symbiotic relationship. The only animal element of the creature seem to be it's eyes, which are of an insect-like nature.