Showing posts with label eyes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eyes. Show all posts

Thursday, December 13, 2012


Mokulites come from a far away jungle planet filled with many different types of large predators. The creature has evolved it's many faceted vision in order to scan in all directions. The feet are joined into a powerful single stalk, which allows it to leap large distances in order to reach it's dwelling in the jungle canopy.

Friday, November 2, 2012


Scrcrabs are small, scuttling, pseudo-crustaceans. They live in large underground warrens dug into the beaches and hillsides of their native planet.They share a communal existence, free from crime, poverty, inequality, or other social ills which plague most other sentient species.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Bugalwallaps are slimy little creatures which live in large underwater communities. They begin life as part of a gigantic bio-mass, upon which small buds form and separate. After several years of lying dormant the buds develop into adolescent Bugalwallaps.

Friday, January 20, 2012


The Xrung are a race of tree dwelling, predatory primates. Their multiple eyes allow them to spot potential prey (and larger predators) from any direction.

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Strophaligs are stout, waddling, pig-like monstrosities. They were spawned in a primordial radioactive soup surrounding the Fukishimia nuclear disaster. The creatures are large, viscous, and have been known to attack children. They have been seen nesting in waste dumps and trash heaps.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


The Grubalach are a race of very hardy creatures, with multiple eyes that allow them to see in many different directions at once. Despite their rather strange appearance, the Grubalach are known for having the uncanny ability too see another's point of view, and thus often find employment as councilors, psychiatrists, and professional negotiators.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


The Eliblixix are a race of semi-humanoids evolved from swamp dwelling reptile-like creatures. The multiple eyestalks originally allowed them to peek above the surface of the water or above tall grasses while remaining hidden. As a whole their species is generally peaceful but suffers from extensive violent social problems due to their predatory past.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Glibberites come from a planet similar to Earth, with a wide variety of environments. They have the ability to independently control each of their four eyestalks and can thus look in multiple directions at once. Glibberites usually find employment as lifeguards, scouts, traffic cops, and air traffic controllers.

Friday, July 9, 2010


Bipedal humanoid aliens with three eyes and a unique, three lobed brain. Because of their physiology, they have developed a very complicated religious theology, headed by a trinity of gods and a trimunitive church. Branches of the trimunitive can be found on most worlds the Goleaquaxians have had contact with. Religious sects run from the very liberal to the fanatical, but most will band together to face a common threat.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Brainmites are extremely fragile beings. Little more than a central nervous system with a rudimentary muscular and skeleton, they have little in the way of natural defenses. Brainmite culture has thus evolved along neurotic, paranoid lines. The creatures have an inherent distrust of anything larger or stronger than they are. Brainmites are extremely xenophobic. Outsiders are deliberately segregated. Contact with others is seen as a "corrupting" influence for Brainmite youth.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Took lives up in the frozen North,
His hat is the only thing he owns of worth,
Has three eyes, four legs, and teeth,
Lives in the snow, never goes to the beach.