The radio announces more outbreaks of the Russian flu and
more people beginning to panic and flood GP’s surgeries while the gang gathers
up their things ready to leave – and Jessica Hyde dramatically joins them. She
has the manuscript which she gives to Wilson. It has everything in it – the experiments,
the murder victims – all of it.
Of course, the gang aren’t especially pleased with her
given her actions last time they saw her. To which she responds, in classic
Jessica style, that she needed to set a trap. They were bait. “I’m sorry, let’s
move on.” An apology with all the sincerity of a celebrity who just dropped
slurs on twitter. Becky wants to chew her out some more but Jessica is far too
goal orientated for that – specifically she wants to know where Grant is and
where the pages she gave to him are, especially since those pages contain the
real name of Mr. Rabbit.
While Wilson analyses the cryptic pages, Jessica loses
her shit and starts tearing the place apart looking for the pages until Becky delivers
an epic slap down of “killing Mr. Rabbit won’t make your father any less of a
cock.” The verbal battle escalates a little until Alice hands over the pages –
Grant isn’t that good at hiding things. Now she wants them to find Grant.
Which is looow on Jessica’s priority list. She and Becky
continue to snap at each other, she wants Wilson to hack GCHQ and find someone
of the name “Leton” who may or may not be Mr. Rabbit but he’s all distracted because
he’s not entirely on their side any more.
Grant is,
course, in the Network’s hands, being questioned by the Assistant. He has
Grant’s pictures he drew of the comics including the cryptic page of Janus with
all the random numbers which he thinks is an essential protein code –
unfortunately Grant didn’t finish it, they need 3 more 5 digit numbers and they
need Grant to remember them. Seemingly impossible, but the Assistant is quite willing
to lay on the pressure –including footage of Grant’s mother to show they’re
watching her.
They leave him the laptop of his mother’s every activity while he struggles to
remember. He manages to dredge up one number but his pleas that he can’t
remember any more are ignored. Left alone again he takes apart the lap top.
And Michael and Jen have taken Anya in – and taken over
her medical care (and Michael is still in the guilty dog house, naturally) and
not entirely happy to see his boss, Geoff, being hailed in the news as the
country’s saviour with his department’s brilliant forward planning over Russian
Flu. Especially since the vaccine has been hurried through and is going out the
next morning.
At work there’s a little snag to that – before the
vaccine can be released it needs to be independently tested and analysed by,
well, Michael (Geoff can’t do it because politics may motivate him, it has to
be a civil servant). Geoff has the team –Michael’s job is to sign it off without
questioning. Awww, Michael can’t wash his hands of the whole thing.
Becky does meet up with the nasty Dr. Donaldson to make
it clear she is never going to help him again – she appeals for the medicine
she needs as one last plea to whatever shred of humanity he has in him. Of
course, he throws them in the lake, no humanity detected here. Back at the
mansion, with Ian, she worries about whether Deals has started – or if she’s
just imagining it and stressed. Ian promises to stay with her but she recites
the awful symptoms of Deals and doesn’t think she wants someone to watch her
endure it all. Instead she talks to Alice about the cryptic code page.
Meanwhile Wilson easily hacks GCHQ (he’s contemptuous of
the security) but has to cover his tracks – so that means trawling through lots
of databases he’s not interested in so he’ll be taken as a UFO conspiracy
theorist. He also tries – unsuccessfully – to get Jessica to leave him alone so
he can contact the Network, she’s a hard woman to get rid of. He almost gets a
message off to the Network – just as he gets a result and has to delete the
The result has a reference to “Letan”, his name is
redacted and changed on all official documents – but they missed the footnote
(see, I love this – because it’s so real. How is a conspiracy discovered?
Simply by finding the mistakes that people will make – and there will always be
mistakes. It has a realness to it that adds so much context).
Knowing Mr. Rabbit was on this committee (on weaponised genetic research) they
print out the committee’s pictures. 18 people, 14 men, 7 of which are dead or
incapacitated. Unfortunately, none of them recognise any of the 7 men – so Jessica
decides to kill them all.
Michael goes to see Anya – and is attacked by Ian who
points a gun at him. Michael tries to protest his innocence – and offers to
help them find the vaccine. Michael
quickly calms down the panicking Anya and gives Ian the address of the
warehouse full of vaccine; Ian, intelligently, demands he bring it up on
googlemaps to confirm there is actually a warehouse at the location. He offers
to get them inside, to help – and then Anya grabs the gun and smacks them both
down. Then she calls the Network; in a perfect English accent.
Oh I did not see that coming! Cue sputtering guppy-fish reaction from Michael.
When she turns away, he pulls the rug out from under her – literally – and then
rushes her and hits her in the head and she smacks her head on the glass table.
She looks pretty dead. Ian leads the shellshocked Michael out before the
Network team arrives.
Ian and Michael return to the mansion just as Jessica and
Becky are having another fight – Becky accusing Jessica of being too
emotionally attached. Everyone panics a little about Michael. He tells them about
the warehouse and he recognises one of the pictures they have up – Conran’s assistant,
the man really running Corvadt.
It looks like they just found Mr. Rabbit.
Grant, in his cell, fills in another number and buzzes
for the Assistant. He hides a piece of sharp metal he removed and bent from the
lap top. But he doesn’t use it.
Back at the mansion, Jessica is determined to go and hunt down Letan in broad
daylight – which everyone tells her is foolish and, no matter what she says, at
this late stage won’t stop the warehouse of Janus vaccines going out. There’s
another stand off, Ian refusing to hand over the gun and Jessica threatening
more violence when Alice – she has impeccable timing that child – calls them
over to where she’s been examining the Manuscript.
Spreading out the pages, she has found a pattern – lines and dots that go from
one page to the next – together forming a molecular diagram. The structure of
Janus. The real Janus, not just the vaccine test. Everyone leaves while poor
Michael tries to praise Alice for being so clever, aww bless (Alice is, indeed,
very clever – clever enough to know when she’s being patronised). Michael
justifies why he handed over Grant to Alice and Alice talks about her mother
and finally breaks down. They sit and talk and Michael holds her