Paying for School

My ongoing adventures in life and the pursuit of more...
Showing posts with label trust. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trust. Show all posts

Friday, September 2, 2016

Soul Blisters

During my youth ministry days there were many uncomfortable moments.

My first was the first morning I taught the Junior High/Senior High Sunday School class.  I was still in Bible College at the time, relatively young, and during the night a giant zit had emerged just beside my nose and just below the frame of my glasses.  It was physically impossible for the Junior High guys NOT to say something about the zit.  But they could have at least let me pretend to get through the lesson first.  The comments, stares and pointing fingers continued through the worship service that followed.  Good times.

Many times passed between that and the time I noticed a couple had “disappeared” during a youth lock-in.  Not in Bible College any more, it was my full-time gig and new missing kids never ends well.  I left a couple other leaders in charge and started checking behind the closed doors of Sunday School classrooms all over the building.  This led to awkward and uncomfortable moment #927 when I caught the young couple in flagrante delicto. Sadly, I was more embarrassed than they were. The times they were a changin’.

The truly uncomfortable moment I want to tell you about though happened during my last youth ministry.  We had a pretty cool youth ministry, incorporating video into our gatherings, real cutting edge, paradigm shifting kind of stuff.  This particular night, we were watching a video by Carman, the Italian-American rap “artist.” In this particular video, in true, dramatic Carman fashion, his character was saved at the last minute from martyrdom and some seriously kick-butt, Frank Peretti style – angels came to his rescue.  The kids were cheering, reacting just the way they were supposed to and then the uncomfortableness came when one of my adult leaders casually said to the cheering kids, “You know, in real life, hundreds of Christians had their heads cut off, were burned at the stake, thrown to lions and torn into pieces and there weren’t any angels that came in to save them at the last second.”


Thus ended my chance for the altar call to end all altar calls that usually started with talk of destiny and ended with a story about a close friend dying in a car accident on their way home from youth group without ever making a decision to follow Jesus. Cue tears, cue raised hands, cue inspirational “fight song” style worship song to send kids back to school to be overcomers.


But the truth is that all those young people were given the gift of a liminal moment that night.  A chance to cross the line between immature and mature faith. A chance to move beyond the God who protects us from the lions and tigers and bears, oh my! And to move forward with the God who sometimes walks with us into the lion’s jaws. A chance to grow past the God of my indestructible youth to the God who “For your sake we are killed every day; we are being slaughtered like sheep.”  A chance to let go of the bedtime story God who manages my portfolio for the highest possible dividends and embrace the God who may be pleased to let my business crash and go bust because He’s more interested in giving me something far more precious than success and wealth.

Downer.  These are not the platitudes with which you gather crowds, build ministries or secure air time.

Out of 13 Apostles, 12 were martyred and 1 was exiled.  I’m thankful for the great men of faith today who have figured out that these early believers got it wrong.  That, in fact, God wants me to have my best life now.  Who have helped me see that if walk faithfully with God (which includes my tithe to the local church) that I am guaranteed good things from God, protection from burly angels who have been working out, and that no evil will touch me.  God’s finally stopped letting us be slaughtered and started guaranteeing our parking spaces. I’m not sure when God switched this up but I’m glad to be living on this side of it.

But what if the reality of our journey with God is that He hasn’t really changed nor have His ways and plans changed?  What if God’s priority is still transformation, redemption and a relationship not for my purposes, but for His? What if I’m not David and my problems aren’t Goliath and following God doesn’t guarantee me a long life or one that could even remotely be called successful by the people who put people on the covers of magazines or elect them to be president of something? What if God is really all about delighting in some obscure nun who dies at 24 from tuberculosis and can only contribute something insignificant to the world called, “the little way”?

What if our journey is less about getting pumped up to face another week and more about a long obedience in the same direction?

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Calm Breaks

I’ve been living in a bubble.  This past week the bubble broke.  And when I write, “broke” I mean “exploded”.

There’s been a gap between the last paper I wrote and getting the reading list for my next school module.  It’s been like a rumination bubble.  I’m still digesting the trip to Egypt, Jordan and Israel.  But this week my new reading list arrived for just one of my classes in the upcoming module.  As I looked over the list my first thought was, “I should’ve started on this last year…”  My second thought was about how much I’ll miss my friend Kim’s reading spreadsheet.

I’m excited about the books as we’re going back to the beginning and reading from the first few hundred years of the Church.  It’s something I’ve dabbled in but now I’m forced to actually dig in and read for content, not just quotes.  I know it will be rich and my facebook status will be full of one liners from dead saints who were closer in time to Jesus than I am to the Mayflower.

My bubble has also been living in a job that was literally made for me.  This past week I resigned from the senior pastor role here at the church I helped plant a decade ago.  I left a cushy job to come to this one and now I’ve quit this amazing job to load a u-haul truck and embark on a whole new pilgrimage.  As you may or may not have heard, the Elusive and I will be moving to Raleigh, North Carolina where I will become the senior pastor at the Raleigh Vineyard. 

I have never been more excited, terrified, happy, sad, confident and feeling inadequate in my life!  I’ve never felt a greater opportunity for an epic fail than I feel with this new adventure!  I’ve also never felt a greater opportunity to see God do amazing things in me and for me to do in Him than I do right now.  It’s an amazing group of leaders and friends that we’re saying “later” to here (not good-bye) and an incredible group of leaders and new friends we’re joining there.

The Elusive and I have never had an experience where God gave us so many assurances and signs that we were right where we were supposed to be.  There were nudges, words, dreams, visions, "coincidences" and most of all a deep connection of the heart and spirit.  And that scares me too.  Often such clarity comes for a reason.

This explosion actually started back in my first module as God increased the internal pressure in the prayer exercises and discussions.  I’m hoping the two remaining modules will help re-order my interior world for the rest of the journey ahead.  I’ve still got a lot to learn but I’ve learned in all this that it’s best not to limit God either by expectation or by previous experience.  May God increase the internal of whatever bubble you've been floating in for the greater things that are yet to come!