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Stoic Erune "Weapon Contractor" of The Society; a mysterious organization who looks to put down any grave threats to Sky Realm by whatever means necessary. Wielding his Seal Weapon Flamek, Eustace excels at locking down the opponent with his projectile gunfire, command dashGuardStartup26Recovery14Advantage follow-upsGuardMidStartup12Recovery15Advantage-3 [+13] and Rat RaceGuardAllStartup28RecoveryTotal 53Advantage-4 grenade okiShort for "Okizeme" Attacking an opponent about to wake up after they were knocked down, usually with meaty attacks or mix-ups. and pressure. On top of his already strong offense, he can use the simplified inputs for Flamek ThunderGuardAllStartup13~24RecoveryTotal 45~56Advantage-6 [+9] and Slow KillGuardAllStartup15~26RecoveryTotal 40~51Advantage-7 [+10] to execute blockstrings and combos which would otherwise be very difficult or impossible. Although he's strong when it's his turn, his strengths are offset by his lack of a meterless reversal and generally low damage output. Good reads and awareness are required to fully make Eustace shine as an offensive powerhouse.
Walk Speed
100%Raw Value: 8.4
Backwalk Speed
106.5%Raw Value: 6.6
Dash Initial Speed
100%Raw Value: 10.8
Dash Acceleration Speed
100%Raw Value: 0.540
Unique Movement Options
Close Combat

Eustace is a mid-range Zoner set apart by his strong projectiles and pokes, extensive juggles, and dangerous pressure.

  • Strong neutral: A variety of good pokes, projectiles that hit at different timings and advancing moves give Eustace a fantastic neutral game.
  • Godlike pressure: Every one of Eustace's specials is geared towards offense and nearly all H and charged versions grant him advantage on block.
  • Great conversions with Rat Race+: With H grenadeGuardAll [Mid]Startup21RecoveryTotal 47Advantage+2 [N+16] set, Eustace can convert almost any hit into a highly damaging combo from anywhere on screen.
  • Resets galore: Eustace can land any hit and find some way to cancel into 214MGuardMidStartup16~25Recovery16Advantage-7~MGuardLowStartup9Recovery15Advantage-9/HGuardMid, AllStartup7Recovery27Advantage-27 or [1]6XGuardAllStartup13~24RecoveryTotal 45~56Advantage-6 [+9] for a knockdown and easy setups into his pressure games.
  • No jumping: If Eustace can plant 623HGuardAll [Mid]Startup21RecoveryTotal 47Advantage+2 [N+16], the air unblockable detail can easily dissalow jumping due to a reaction H or U Slow Kill sniping you out of the air.
  • Everything's a projectile: Three of Eustace's four skills are projectiles, all of which can very easily be made plus on block. This allows him to keep up offense without having to find new ways to get back in.
  • No meterless reversal: Eustace can have a tough time getting out of pressure as he has no meterless, frame 1 invincible reversal.
  • Limited routing: Despite his damage potential from mixup options, Eustace doesn't have a H move that easily launches for a combo on a standing opponent, meaning he often has to work around it by spending resources.
  • Everything's a projectile: Having mostly projectiles in his kit means that some combos are physically impossible simply because his only auto-advancing move, Close Combat, is on cooldown.

Unique Mechanic: Rat Race Grenades

The H version of Rat RaceGuardAll [Mid]Startup21RecoveryTotal 47Advantage+2 [N+16] causes the grenade to stick to the opponent. Eustace's gunshot moves and projectiles will cause the grenade to detonate for a combo, a knockdown, or massively improved frame advantage on block. These changes in frame data are denoted in [].

In addition to Rat Race+, Ultimate Rat RaceGuardAllStartup11~97RecoveryTotal 20Advantage- summons a grenade that lingers long enough for a mix up resulting in devastating combos.

  • Eustace can only have one Grenade on the screen at a time.
    • This includes the stuck grenade from 623H which will prevent even 623U being thrown until it detonates or fizzles out.
List of moves considered Gunshot Moves
Moves Notes
Normals f.HH, 2HH, 66H, j.U, 5UU, 5U[U]
Skills All versions of Slow KillGuardAllStartup15~26RecoveryTotal 40~51Advantage-7 [+10], All versions of Flamek ThunderGuardAllStartup13~24RecoveryTotal 45~56Advantage-6 [+9], All versions of StunlightGuardMidStartup12Recovery15Advantage-3 [+13], All versions of SpreadshotGuardAllStartup26RecoveryTotal 65Advantage+3 [+18]
Ultimate Skills [2]8U, [1]6U, 214U 214U does not detonate unless it hits cinematic.
Skybound Arts 236236H, 236236U 236236H does not detonate unless it hits cinematic.
236236U gains no frame advantage on block even if triggering 623H.
Other All versions of Throw and Air Throw 623H will be lost if the opponent breaks the throw.
623U will be lost if Eustace breaks a throw. It will remain if the opponent breaks your throw.
623U, rather than give a combo extension, will instead deal damage rivaling a command throw and cause a harder knockdown than usual if triggered by a ground throw.
Notable Exceptions Raging Strike/Chain Despite using Eustace's gun to activate and in the animations, neither Raging Strike nor Raging Chain detonate or interact with 623H/623U.
StartupThe time before an attack is active. Written startup values include the first active frame, so the startup on a frame chart will display one less square than the written value. Frames
ActiveThe active frames of an attack refers to the amount of time an attack can hit the opponent. Frames
InactiveFrames in the middle of multi-hit attacks which cannot hit the opponent, but are after the move has become active at least once. Frames
RecoveryThe recovery of an attack refers to the amount of time an attacker must wait before they may perform another action, even blocking. Frames
Special RecoveryThe recovery of an attack refers to the amount of time an attacker must wait before they may perform another action.Recovery frames which happen under abnormal conditions, such as after landing. Frames
ProjectileIndicates an entity that exists separately from the character has become active. Usually something like a FireballA projectile which usually travels slowly across the screen in a horizontal path above the ground.. Active
CancelA window in which to cancel a move. Can be varied in usage. Window

Normal Moves

Ground Normals


DamageThe unscaled damage of the move. For Skills and Skybound Arts, the simple input damage is displayed.
GuardHow this attack can be guarded. Guarding either negates the damage from an attack entirely or reduces it to minor chip damage.
StartupThe amount of time before an attack is active including the first active frame. For example, an attack with 10F startup means the attack will do nothing for 9 frames, then hit the opponent on the 10th frame.
ActiveThe amount of time during which an attack can hit the opponent. Numbers in parentheses refer to gaps during which there are no active hitboxes in the middle of an attack.
RecoveryThe amount of time an attacker must wait before they may perform another action, even blocking.
On-BlockA measure of frame advantage when the opponent blocks an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent blocks the first active frame of the attack.
On-HitA measure of frame advantage when the opponent is hit by an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent was hit with the first active frame of the attack on the ground at midscreen (i.e. corner-only wall bounces are not taken into account).
InvulnThe timing and duration during which a character cannot be hit. A common component of reversal moves.

Standard Granblue c.L. Eustace's fastest normal, making it his go-to abare normal, especially outside throw range. Cancels easily from 2L so long as he's in range to combo into it. Its frame advantage means it can also be used for pressure, setting up for positioning or high/low with autocombo, or frame traps in conjunction with Eustace's other normals.

  • Works well with itself and c.M in pressure, allowing Eustace to chip away at his opponent's patience noncommittally while remaining safe against reversal throw.
On-Counter Hit
Skybound Art Gauge Gain
Links Normal Hit Counter Hit
Cancels c.L, c.XX, f.L,
Links c.L, c.M, f.L,
f.M, 2L, 2M
c.H, f.H, 2U,
Crouch c.H, f.H, 66L 2H, 5U
Skill Links
Normal Hit Counter Hit
Cancels [2]8L, [2]8M, [2]8H,
[1]6L, [1]6M, [1]6H,
214M, 214H, [2]8U,
[1]6U, 214U, 236236H,
Links 214U
214H~H, [1]6U


DamageThe unscaled damage of the move. For Skills and Skybound Arts, the simple input damage is displayed.
GuardHow this attack can be guarded. Guarding either negates the damage from an attack entirely or reduces it to minor chip damage.
StartupThe amount of time before an attack is active including the first active frame. For example, an attack with 10F startup means the attack will do nothing for 9 frames, then hit the opponent on the 10th frame.
ActiveThe amount of time during which an attack can hit the opponent. Numbers in parentheses refer to gaps during which there are no active hitboxes in the middle of an attack.
RecoveryThe amount of time an attacker must wait before they may perform another action, even blocking.
On-BlockA measure of frame advantage when the opponent blocks an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent blocks the first active frame of the attack.
On-HitA measure of frame advantage when the opponent is hit by an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent was hit with the first active frame of the attack on the ground at midscreen (i.e. corner-only wall bounces are not taken into account).
InvulnThe timing and duration during which a character cannot be hit. A common component of reversal moves.

Eustace's c.M is slightly slower than the average c.M at 7f startup, meaning its conversion potential from 66L is a bit weaker than most's. Despite this, it still finds use in frame traps and as a slightly faster close-range punish tool than c.H.

Combos into 623HGuardAll [Mid]Startup21RecoveryTotal 47Advantage+2 [N+16] on CH, notable when punishing moves like dodges or when used as a frametrap.
On-Counter Hit
Skybound Art Gauge Gain
  • Links
    Normal Hit Counter Hit
    Cancels c.XX
    Links c.L, c.M, f.L,
    2L, 2M, 5U
    Crouch 5U f.M
    Skill Links
    Normal Hit Counter Hit
    Cancels [2]8L, [2]8M, [2]8H,
    [1]6L, [1]6M, [1]6H,
    214M, 214H, [2]8U,
    [1]6U, 214U, 236236H,


DamageThe unscaled damage of the move. For Skills and Skybound Arts, the simple input damage is displayed.
GuardHow this attack can be guarded. Guarding either negates the damage from an attack entirely or reduces it to minor chip damage.
StartupThe amount of time before an attack is active including the first active frame. For example, an attack with 10F startup means the attack will do nothing for 9 frames, then hit the opponent on the 10th frame.
ActiveThe amount of time during which an attack can hit the opponent. Numbers in parentheses refer to gaps during which there are no active hitboxes in the middle of an attack.
RecoveryThe amount of time an attacker must wait before they may perform another action, even blocking.
On-BlockA measure of frame advantage when the opponent blocks an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent blocks the first active frame of the attack.
On-HitA measure of frame advantage when the opponent is hit by an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent was hit with the first active frame of the attack on the ground at midscreen (i.e. corner-only wall bounces are not taken into account).
InvulnThe timing and duration during which a character cannot be hit. A common component of reversal moves.

Eustace's most damaging normal. It also does the most grounded hitstun of any of his buttons, making it the only way to combo into 623HGuardAll [Mid]Startup21RecoveryTotal 47Advantage+2 [N+16] on a standing opponent. This makes c.H great combo filler, and Eustace's optimal grounded punish starter so long as he's in range to use it. Its high blockstun also makes it good if Eustace's opponent has been conditioned to respect his blockstrings.

Devastating on counter-hit, and Eustace can easily frame trap into it from c.L and 66L, though the former can be interrupted with an abare throw. Eustace can also meaty c.H for up to +3 frame advantage.
On-Counter Hit
Skybound Art Gauge Gain
  • Links
    Normal Hit Counter Hit
    Cancels c.XX
    Links 5U c.L, c.M, c.H,
    f.L, f.M, f.H,
    2L, 2M, 2H,
    2U, 66L
    Skill Links
    Normal Hit Counter Hit
    Cancels [2]8L, [2]8M, [2]8H,
    [1]6L, [1]6M, [1]6H,
    214M, 214H, 623H,
    [2]8U, [1]6U, 214U,
    236236H, 236236U
    [2]8[L], [2]8[M], [2]8[H],
    [1]6[L], [1]6[M], [1]6[H],
    623L, 623M, 623U > (normal)
    Links [2]8H, [1]6L, [1]6H,
    [2]8U, [1]6U, 214U,
    236236H, 236236U

Triple Attack

DamageThe unscaled damage of the move. For Skills and Skybound Arts, the simple input damage is displayed.
GuardHow this attack can be guarded. Guarding either negates the damage from an attack entirely or reduces it to minor chip damage.
StartupThe amount of time before an attack is active including the first active frame. For example, an attack with 10F startup means the attack will do nothing for 9 frames, then hit the opponent on the 10th frame.
ActiveThe amount of time during which an attack can hit the opponent. Numbers in parentheses refer to gaps during which there are no active hitboxes in the middle of an attack.
RecoveryThe amount of time an attacker must wait before they may perform another action, even blocking.
On-BlockA measure of frame advantage when the opponent blocks an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent blocks the first active frame of the attack.
On-HitA measure of frame advantage when the opponent is hit by an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent was hit with the first active frame of the attack on the ground at midscreen (i.e. corner-only wall bounces are not taken into account).
InvulnThe timing and duration during which a character cannot be hit. A common component of reversal moves.
KD +30
+1 [Force Crouch]
  • Second hit of a Triple Attack.

Sees occasional usage to cancel into specials where full autocombo would otherwise push too far out to make the link. Mostly combo filler.

  • Mid Triple Attack Ender.

Has high blockstun and hitstun along with a special cancel, allowing Eustace to frametrap or combo into 623HGuardAll [Mid]Startup21RecoveryTotal 47Advantage+2 [N+16] against a crouching opponent for high-value extensions.

  • Low Triple Attack ender.

Can be used as a low option for Eustace's 623UGuardAllStartup11~97RecoveryTotal 20Advantage- mixups, but can be easily fuzzy blocked due to the stark difference in startup between c.XX6M and c.XX6H. Instead, Eustace is better off using this to trip up different defensive options, like opponents mashing DP to escape the mixup or blocking high to try and react to 214LGuardStartup26Recovery14Advantage~MGuardLowStartup9Recovery15Advantage-9.

  • Overhead Triple Attack ender.
Used as the overhead option for Eustace's 623UGuardAllStartup11~97RecoveryTotal 20Advantage- mixups, but can also be used without a setup to close rounds.
On-Counter Hit
Skybound Art Gauge Gain
HKD +55
HKD +32


  • It is usually impossible to achieve Counter Hit c.c.XX, but against some armored moves, you can.
    Normal Hit Counter Hit
    Cancels c.XXX, c.XX6M,
    Crouch 5U
    Skill Links
    Normal Hit Counter Hit
    Cancels [2]8L, [2]8M, [2]8H,
    [1]6L, [1]6M, [1]6H,
    214M, 214H, [2]8U,
    [1]6U, 214U, 236236H,


  • It is usually impossible to achieve Counter Hit c.XXX, but against some armored moves, you can.
    Normal Hit Counter Hit
    Cancels 5U
    Skill Links
    Normal Hit Counter Hit
    Cancels [2]8L, [2]8M, [2]8H,
    [1]6L, [1]6M, [1]6H,
    214M, 214H, [2]8U,
    [1]6U, 214U, 236236H,


  • c.XX6M has no links.


  • c.XX6H has no links.


DamageThe unscaled damage of the move. For Skills and Skybound Arts, the simple input damage is displayed.
GuardHow this attack can be guarded. Guarding either negates the damage from an attack entirely or reduces it to minor chip damage.
StartupThe amount of time before an attack is active including the first active frame. For example, an attack with 10F startup means the attack will do nothing for 9 frames, then hit the opponent on the 10th frame.
ActiveThe amount of time during which an attack can hit the opponent. Numbers in parentheses refer to gaps during which there are no active hitboxes in the middle of an attack.
RecoveryThe amount of time an attacker must wait before they may perform another action, even blocking.
On-BlockA measure of frame advantage when the opponent blocks an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent blocks the first active frame of the attack.
On-HitA measure of frame advantage when the opponent is hit by an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent was hit with the first active frame of the attack on the ground at midscreen (i.e. corner-only wall bounces are not taken into account).
InvulnThe timing and duration during which a character cannot be hit. A common component of reversal moves.

A high kick that looks similar to Zeta's and Djeeta's f.Ls, but it more consistently connects against crouching opponents. Eustace's far-range 6f punish. Also useful for combos as its Eustace's only way to convert into a knockdown from 2L without cooldowns, as well as being his best link from 623HGuardAll [Mid]Startup21RecoveryTotal 47Advantage+2 [N+16] on standing opponents. If f.L connects, 214MGuardMidStartup16~25Recovery16Advantage-7 will combo on hit, allowing for high damage and corner carry if Eustace's opponent has 623HGuardAll [Mid]Startup21RecoveryTotal 47Advantage+2 [N+16] stuck on them.

On CH, f.L will link into 2M, but despite its good frame advantage on block and hit, Eustace will have a bit of trouble utilising his f.L in pressure due to the high hitbox and his short 2M.
On-Counter Hit
Skybound Art Gauge Gain
  • Links
    Normal Hit Counter Hit
    Cancels c.L, f.L, 2L
    Links c.L c.M, f.L, 2L,
    Crouch f.L, 2L f.M, 5U
    Skill Links
    Normal Hit Counter Hit
    Cancels [2]8L, [2]8M, [2]8H,
    [1]6L, [1]6M, [1]6H,
    214M, 214H, [2]8U,
    [1]6U, 214U, 236236H,


DamageThe unscaled damage of the move. For Skills and Skybound Arts, the simple input damage is displayed.
GuardHow this attack can be guarded. Guarding either negates the damage from an attack entirely or reduces it to minor chip damage.
StartupThe amount of time before an attack is active including the first active frame. For example, an attack with 10F startup means the attack will do nothing for 9 frames, then hit the opponent on the 10th frame.
ActiveThe amount of time during which an attack can hit the opponent. Numbers in parentheses refer to gaps during which there are no active hitboxes in the middle of an attack.
RecoveryThe amount of time an attacker must wait before they may perform another action, even blocking.
On-BlockA measure of frame advantage when the opponent blocks an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent blocks the first active frame of the attack.
On-HitA measure of frame advantage when the opponent is hit by an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent was hit with the first active frame of the attack on the ground at midscreen (i.e. corner-only wall bounces are not taken into account).
InvulnThe timing and duration during which a character cannot be hit. A common component of reversal moves.
Eustace's go-to fast poke due to a great combination of speed and range. f.M is a decent linking normal, being just fast enough to link from c.L while being significantly longer than 2M. f.M also makes for a decent spacing trap, but generally outshined in this use by f.H. On hit, it combos into 214MGuardMidStartup16~25Recovery16Advantage-7 except at near-maximum range, and it will frame trap into 5U at any range for high reward.
On-Counter Hit
Skybound Art Gauge Gain
  • Links
    Normal Hit Counter Hit
    Links 5U
    Crouch 5U
    Skill Links
    Normal Hit Counter Hit
    Cancels [2]8L, [2]8M, [2]8H,
    [1]6L, [1]6M, [1]6H,
    214M, 214H, [2]8U,
    [1]6U, 214U, 236236H,


DamageThe unscaled damage of the move. For Skills and Skybound Arts, the simple input damage is displayed.
GuardHow this attack can be guarded. Guarding either negates the damage from an attack entirely or reduces it to minor chip damage.
StartupThe amount of time before an attack is active including the first active frame. For example, an attack with 10F startup means the attack will do nothing for 9 frames, then hit the opponent on the 10th frame.
ActiveThe amount of time during which an attack can hit the opponent. Numbers in parentheses refer to gaps during which there are no active hitboxes in the middle of an attack.
RecoveryThe amount of time an attacker must wait before they may perform another action, even blocking.
On-BlockA measure of frame advantage when the opponent blocks an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent blocks the first active frame of the attack.
On-HitA measure of frame advantage when the opponent is hit by an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent was hit with the first active frame of the attack on the ground at midscreen (i.e. corner-only wall bounces are not taken into account).
InvulnThe timing and duration during which a character cannot be hit. A common component of reversal moves.
-9 [+5]
Air Tech +29
[KD +48]
  • Values in [] indicate advantage when 623HGuardAll [Mid]Startup21RecoveryTotal 47Advantage+2 [N+16] is triggered
  • Squares with Yellow Underline indicate frames whiff cancellable into f.HH
  • By pressing H again, Eustace fires off a shot from the extended gun which can set off the H Rat Race grenade
    • The followup cannot be canceled into special move

Decent poke with a built-in follow-up for free extra damage and a knockdown, though attempting to confirm into a special or 5U is preferable due to the poor reward from f.H without grenade set.

f.H's main use in neutral is as a long-ranged anti-air, crushing jumps spaced to make Eustace's 2H whiff. Though f.M covers similar space, f.H's lower hurtbox and more consistent reward on air hit makes it generally more reliable for this.

f.H is also a great button for frame traps, being fast enough to beat lights if used after a blocked c.L. In combos, f.H is commonly used to extend juggles as Eustace's highest damaging far normal, with high untech time that allows Eustace to combo into 5U, among other things.

The follow-up can be used on whiff, and can make this button harder to whiff punish. This also makes it really useful as a way to stop most advancing attacks where the opponent is moving with the attack.
On-Counter Hit
Skybound Art Gauge Gain
KD +48 [KD +45]


  • Whiff cancelable into f.HH frames 12~20
  • Links
    Normal Hit Counter Hit
    Cancels f.HH
    Links 5U
    Crouch f.M 66H
    Skill Links
    Normal Hit Counter Hit


  • Not Special Cancelable
  • Sets off Rat Race+
    Normal Hit Counter Hit
    Links c.L, c.M, f.L,
    2L, 2M
    c.H, f.M, f.H,
    2H(?), 2U, 66L
    Skill Links
    Normal Hit Counter Hit
    Links [1]6L, [1]6H, [2]8U,
    [1]6U, 214U, 236236H,
    [2]8L, [2]8M, [2]8H,
    [1]6M, 214H


DamageThe unscaled damage of the move. For Skills and Skybound Arts, the simple input damage is displayed.
GuardHow this attack can be guarded. Guarding either negates the damage from an attack entirely or reduces it to minor chip damage.
StartupThe amount of time before an attack is active including the first active frame. For example, an attack with 10F startup means the attack will do nothing for 9 frames, then hit the opponent on the 10th frame.
ActiveThe amount of time during which an attack can hit the opponent. Numbers in parentheses refer to gaps during which there are no active hitboxes in the middle of an attack.
RecoveryThe amount of time an attacker must wait before they may perform another action, even blocking.
On-BlockA measure of frame advantage when the opponent blocks an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent blocks the first active frame of the attack.
On-HitA measure of frame advantage when the opponent is hit by an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent was hit with the first active frame of the attack on the ground at midscreen (i.e. corner-only wall bounces are not taken into account).
InvulnThe timing and duration during which a character cannot be hit. A common component of reversal moves.

A long-ranged low that chains into c.L and f.L. 2L can frame trap into either of Eustace's other lights using a delay cancel, meaning he can start pressure with a low and then utilise c.L/f.L's good frame advantage to continue his blockstrings.

2L is Eustace's fastest low and makes for a solid check to opponents walking back on their defense. It's the only low in his kit that doesn't launch the opponent and therefore the only one that doesn't increase combo limit, making it preferable to its alternatives during mixups (primarily 623UGuardAllStartup11~97RecoveryTotal 20Advantage- setplay).
On-Counter Hit
Skybound Art Gauge Gain
  • Links
    Normal Hit Counter Hit
    Cancels c.L, f.L, 2L
    Crouch c.L
    Skill Links
    Normal Hit Counter Hit
    Cancels [2]8H, [1]6L, [1]6H,
    [2]8U, [1]6U, 214U,
    236236H, 236236U
    [2]8L, [2]8M, [1]6M,
    214M, 214H
    [2]8L, [2]8M, [1]6M,


DamageThe unscaled damage of the move. For Skills and Skybound Arts, the simple input damage is displayed.
GuardHow this attack can be guarded. Guarding either negates the damage from an attack entirely or reduces it to minor chip damage.
StartupThe amount of time before an attack is active including the first active frame. For example, an attack with 10F startup means the attack will do nothing for 9 frames, then hit the opponent on the 10th frame.
ActiveThe amount of time during which an attack can hit the opponent. Numbers in parentheses refer to gaps during which there are no active hitboxes in the middle of an attack.
RecoveryThe amount of time an attacker must wait before they may perform another action, even blocking.
On-BlockA measure of frame advantage when the opponent blocks an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent blocks the first active frame of the attack.
On-HitA measure of frame advantage when the opponent is hit by an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent was hit with the first active frame of the attack on the ground at midscreen (i.e. corner-only wall bounces are not taken into account).
InvulnThe timing and duration during which a character cannot be hit. A common component of reversal moves.
2M is an abare and combo tool, linking from c.L on normal hit, f.L on counter hit, and 66L or most notably 623HGuardAll [Mid]Startup21RecoveryTotal 47Advantage+2 [N+16] on crouching/counter hit. Also solid for catching Cross-Overs due to its low hitbox, and is a relatively fast way to stick a hitbox in front of Eustace to beat 66Ls.
On-Counter Hit
Skybound Art Gauge Gain
  • Links
    Normal Hit Counter Hit
    Links c.L
    Crouch 5U f.L, 2L
    Skill Links
    Normal Hit Counter Hit
    Cancels [2]8L, [2]8M, [2]8H,
    [1]6L, [1]6M, [1]6H,
    214M, 214H, [2]8U,
    [1]6U, 214U, 236236H,


DamageThe unscaled damage of the move. For Skills and Skybound Arts, the simple input damage is displayed.
GuardHow this attack can be guarded. Guarding either negates the damage from an attack entirely or reduces it to minor chip damage.
StartupThe amount of time before an attack is active including the first active frame. For example, an attack with 10F startup means the attack will do nothing for 9 frames, then hit the opponent on the 10th frame.
ActiveThe amount of time during which an attack can hit the opponent. Numbers in parentheses refer to gaps during which there are no active hitboxes in the middle of an attack.
RecoveryThe amount of time an attacker must wait before they may perform another action, even blocking.
On-BlockA measure of frame advantage when the opponent blocks an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent blocks the first active frame of the attack.
On-HitA measure of frame advantage when the opponent is hit by an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent was hit with the first active frame of the attack on the ground at midscreen (i.e. corner-only wall bounces are not taken into account).
InvulnThe timing and duration during which a character cannot be hit. A common component of reversal moves.
-12 [+2]
Air Tech +29
[KD +45]
  • Values in [] indicate advantage when 623HGuardAll [Mid]Startup21RecoveryTotal 47Advantage+2 [N+16] is triggered.
  • Squares with Yellow Underline indicate frames whiff cancelable into 2HH
  • By pressing H again, Eustace fires off a shot from the extended gun which can set off the H Rat Race grenade.
    • The followup cannot be canceled into special moves.

The first of Eustace's designated anti-airs, and the most rewarding of the lot. There are many ways to convert 2H into a combo if it hits as an anti-air, but they can be inconsistent depending on whether it counter-hits or not. To get around this, Eustace can cancel straight into 214LGuardStartup26Recovery14Advantage, then either BrakeGuardStartupRecoveryTotal 16Advantage if he sees a CH or StunlightGuardMidStartup12Recovery15Advantage-3 [+13]/Assault KnifeGuardMid, AllStartup7Recovery27Advantage-27 if he doesn't.

2H also has the highest untech time of any of Eustace's normals and is not proximity-dependent, making it great in juggles. In this case, it's commonly used to set up a 623HGuardAll [Mid]Startup21RecoveryTotal 47Advantage+2 [N+16] combo ender when Eustace's opponent is too far for him to get c.H, or to set up a fairly tricky meaty Assault Knife extension.

2HH is highly active and can be used to beat out anti-air bait divekicks even if you whiff 2H. However, it is not any safer on block unless you have a 623HGuardAll [Mid]Startup21RecoveryTotal 47Advantage+2 [N+16] set up, and in fact locks Eustace out of special cancels that make the move actually safe on block. It does leave him at a slight advantage if it sets off a grenade, however.
On-Counter Hit
Skybound Art Gauge Gain
KD +46 [KD +42]


  • Whiff cancelable into 2HH frames 17~25
  • Links
    Normal Hit Counter Hit
    Cancels 2HH
    Links 5U
    Skill Links
    Normal Hit Counter Hit
    Cancels [2]8L, [2]8M, [2]8H,
    [1]6L, [1]6M, [1]6H,
    214M, 214H, [2]8U,
    [1]6U, 214U, 236236H,
    [2]8[L], [2]8[M], [2]8[H],
    [1]6[L], [1]6[H], 623M,
    623H, 623U > 2M


  • Not Special Cancelable
  • Sets off Rat Race+
  • Whiffs on Crouchers
    Normal Hit Counter Hit
    Links c.L, c.M, f.L,
    f.M, 2L, 2M
    c.H, f.H, 2H,
    2U, 66L
    Skill Links
    Normal Hit Counter Hit
    Links [1]6U, 214U


DamageThe unscaled damage of the move. For Skills and Skybound Arts, the simple input damage is displayed.
GuardHow this attack can be guarded. Guarding either negates the damage from an attack entirely or reduces it to minor chip damage.
StartupThe amount of time before an attack is active including the first active frame. For example, an attack with 10F startup means the attack will do nothing for 9 frames, then hit the opponent on the 10th frame.
ActiveThe amount of time during which an attack can hit the opponent. Numbers in parentheses refer to gaps during which there are no active hitboxes in the middle of an attack.
RecoveryThe amount of time an attacker must wait before they may perform another action, even blocking.
On-BlockA measure of frame advantage when the opponent blocks an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent blocks the first active frame of the attack.
On-HitA measure of frame advantage when the opponent is hit by an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent was hit with the first active frame of the attack on the ground at midscreen (i.e. corner-only wall bounces are not taken into account).
InvulnThe timing and duration during which a character cannot be hit. A common component of reversal moves.
HKD +44

Eustace's sweep; 2U is significantly slower than most other sweeps, but has increased range to compensate for it. It's also technically Eustace's longest normal, and it can be used as a low poke to catch people walking back or attempting to 6G through his fireballs, and very occasionally in niche combos where he's too far for any other normal to reach in time. Despite its length, it's long startup and relatively low amount of versatility leaves it usually less preferable to f.H in many situations.

2U's hard knockdown on ground hit is useful to set up Eustace's grenade setplay, but is generally poor as a combo starter despite it being one of his very limited ways to launch an opponent.
On-Counter Hit
Skybound Art Gauge Gain
HKD +48
  • 2U has no Normal Links.
    Skill Links
    Normal Hit Counter Hit
    Cancels [2]8L, [2]8M, [2]8H,
    [1]6L, [1]6M, [1]6H,
    214M, 214H, [2]8U,
    [1]6U, 214U, 236236H,

Dash Normals


DamageThe unscaled damage of the move. For Skills and Skybound Arts, the simple input damage is displayed.
GuardHow this attack can be guarded. Guarding either negates the damage from an attack entirely or reduces it to minor chip damage.
StartupThe amount of time before an attack is active including the first active frame. For example, an attack with 10F startup means the attack will do nothing for 9 frames, then hit the opponent on the 10th frame.
ActiveThe amount of time during which an attack can hit the opponent. Numbers in parentheses refer to gaps during which there are no active hitboxes in the middle of an attack.
RecoveryThe amount of time an attacker must wait before they may perform another action, even blocking.
On-BlockA measure of frame advantage when the opponent blocks an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent blocks the first active frame of the attack.
On-HitA measure of frame advantage when the opponent is hit by an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent was hit with the first active frame of the attack on the ground at midscreen (i.e. corner-only wall bounces are not taken into account).
InvulnThe timing and duration during which a character cannot be hit. A common component of reversal moves.
10 (15)
(Note)Frames in purple denote extra recovery on whiff.
Confirms into 2M grant additional range for the confirm, but will also not always be in range; in comparison, c.M gives access to autocombo, which further leads to 623HGuardAll [Mid]Startup21RecoveryTotal 47Advantage+2 [N+16] into a high damage juggle. Confirms from everywhere with 5M on counter hit. Can also hit meaty if done from farther away, allowing it to be up to +4 on regular block.
On-Counter Hit
Skybound Art Gauge Gain
  • Frame data in () refers to when move whiffs.
  • Clash Level 1
  • Eustace cannot dash for 4 frames after recovery ends.
    Normal Hit Counter Hit
    Cancels c.M
    Links c.L, f.L, 2L c.M, f.M, 2M
    Crouch c.M, 2M c.H, f.H, 66L
    Skill Links
    Normal Hit Counter Hit
    Links 214U


DamageThe unscaled damage of the move. For Skills and Skybound Arts, the simple input damage is displayed.
GuardHow this attack can be guarded. Guarding either negates the damage from an attack entirely or reduces it to minor chip damage.
StartupThe amount of time before an attack is active including the first active frame. For example, an attack with 10F startup means the attack will do nothing for 9 frames, then hit the opponent on the 10th frame.
ActiveThe amount of time during which an attack can hit the opponent. Numbers in parentheses refer to gaps during which there are no active hitboxes in the middle of an attack.
RecoveryThe amount of time an attacker must wait before they may perform another action, even blocking.
On-BlockA measure of frame advantage when the opponent blocks an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent blocks the first active frame of the attack.
On-HitA measure of frame advantage when the opponent is hit by an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent was hit with the first active frame of the attack on the ground at midscreen (i.e. corner-only wall bounces are not taken into account).
InvulnThe timing and duration during which a character cannot be hit. A common component of reversal moves.
+1 [Force Crouch]

66M is a slow, but safe on block overhead that goes airborne early, meaning it can be used bait throws. This also gives it the benefit of being able to spare Eustace a bit of damage by forcing an early Combo Limit, as if the opponent intentionally performed an anti-air route. Despite it being only +1 on hit, 66M becomes very high reward if timed to combo into a 623UGuardAllStartup11~97RecoveryTotal 20Advantage- launch, and it will also link into c.L on CH for a full conversion.

  • Forces crouch on hit
On-Counter Hit
Skybound Art Gauge Gain
+5 [Force Crouch]
Normal Hit Counter Hit
Links c.L
66M has no skill links.


DamageThe unscaled damage of the move. For Skills and Skybound Arts, the simple input damage is displayed.
GuardHow this attack can be guarded. Guarding either negates the damage from an attack entirely or reduces it to minor chip damage.
StartupThe amount of time before an attack is active including the first active frame. For example, an attack with 10F startup means the attack will do nothing for 9 frames, then hit the opponent on the 10th frame.
ActiveThe amount of time during which an attack can hit the opponent. Numbers in parentheses refer to gaps during which there are no active hitboxes in the middle of an attack.
RecoveryThe amount of time an attacker must wait before they may perform another action, even blocking.
On-BlockA measure of frame advantage when the opponent blocks an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent blocks the first active frame of the attack.
On-HitA measure of frame advantage when the opponent is hit by an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent was hit with the first active frame of the attack on the ground at midscreen (i.e. corner-only wall bounces are not taken into account).
InvulnThe timing and duration during which a character cannot be hit. A common component of reversal moves.
-8 [+4]
KD +39 [KD +47]
6~14,18~25 Low Profile
  • Values in [] indicate advantage when 623HGuardAll [Mid]Startup21RecoveryTotal 47Advantage+2 [N+16] is triggered.

Eustace slides on the floor and fires a short-range blast from Flamek Thunder. It goes low enough to move under traditional fireballs and some higher hitting pokes, though using it this way is somewhat risky due to the move being unsafe on block. Reward is fairly limited even with a counterhit, generally only allowing for f.H to hit in the latter scenario.

On a blocked detonation, comes with an auto-timed Crush Counter c.H against all buttons except invincible moves and throws. Mostly useful as a knowledge check, but allows for spending on the 623UGuardAllStartup11~97RecoveryTotal 20Advantage- if you need the damage.

Can get you back in if it triggers the 623HGuardAll [Mid]Startup21RecoveryTotal 47Advantage+2 [N+16] grenade and may have some use in specific juggles since it keeps you closer to the opponent.
On-Counter Hit
Skybound Art Gauge Gain
KD +43 [KD +44]
  • Sets of Rat Race+
    Normal Hit Counter Hit
    Links c.L, c.M, f.L,
    2L, 2M
    c.H, f.M, f.H,
    2H, 2U
    Skill Links
    Normal Hit Counter Hit
    Links 214U

Air Normals


DamageThe unscaled damage of the move. For Skills and Skybound Arts, the simple input damage is displayed.
GuardHow this attack can be guarded. Guarding either negates the damage from an attack entirely or reduces it to minor chip damage.
StartupThe amount of time before an attack is active including the first active frame. For example, an attack with 10F startup means the attack will do nothing for 9 frames, then hit the opponent on the 10th frame.
ActiveThe amount of time during which an attack can hit the opponent. Numbers in parentheses refer to gaps during which there are no active hitboxes in the middle of an attack.
RecoveryThe amount of time an attacker must wait before they may perform another action, even blocking.
On-BlockA measure of frame advantage when the opponent blocks an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent blocks the first active frame of the attack.
On-HitA measure of frame advantage when the opponent is hit by an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent was hit with the first active frame of the attack on the ground at midscreen (i.e. corner-only wall bounces are not taken into account).
InvulnThe timing and duration during which a character cannot be hit. A common component of reversal moves.
Until L
  • Active until landing

j.L is Eustace's fastest air button, and also his only crossup button. Just like other j.Ls, it can also be used to preempt reactive air throws.

Can be used in very difficult 623UGuardAllStartup11~97RecoveryTotal 20Advantage- F-ShikiSometimes known as "Fuzzy Overhead". When you are in blockstun, you can switch high/low blocking, but your blocking animation and hurtbox does not change until you leave blockstun or block another attack. F-Shikis take advantage of this and use overheads that would miss on crouching characters, but not on standing characters. okizeme setups that require multiple frame perfect inputs.
On-Counter Hit
Skybound Art Gauge Gain


DamageThe unscaled damage of the move. For Skills and Skybound Arts, the simple input damage is displayed.
GuardHow this attack can be guarded. Guarding either negates the damage from an attack entirely or reduces it to minor chip damage.
StartupThe amount of time before an attack is active including the first active frame. For example, an attack with 10F startup means the attack will do nothing for 9 frames, then hit the opponent on the 10th frame.
ActiveThe amount of time during which an attack can hit the opponent. Numbers in parentheses refer to gaps during which there are no active hitboxes in the middle of an attack.
RecoveryThe amount of time an attacker must wait before they may perform another action, even blocking.
On-BlockA measure of frame advantage when the opponent blocks an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent blocks the first active frame of the attack.
On-HitA measure of frame advantage when the opponent is hit by an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent was hit with the first active frame of the attack on the ground at midscreen (i.e. corner-only wall bounces are not taken into account).
InvulnThe timing and duration during which a character cannot be hit. A common component of reversal moves.
Until L+1
j.M horizontally reaches the farthest out of Eustace's air buttons, making it his best air-to-air. It can also be used as a jump-in against further opponents, but the hitbox is pretty high up, meaning Eustace has to press pretty late for it to actually connect.
On-Counter Hit
Skybound Art Gauge Gain


DamageThe unscaled damage of the move. For Skills and Skybound Arts, the simple input damage is displayed.
GuardHow this attack can be guarded. Guarding either negates the damage from an attack entirely or reduces it to minor chip damage.
StartupThe amount of time before an attack is active including the first active frame. For example, an attack with 10F startup means the attack will do nothing for 9 frames, then hit the opponent on the 10th frame.
ActiveThe amount of time during which an attack can hit the opponent. Numbers in parentheses refer to gaps during which there are no active hitboxes in the middle of an attack.
RecoveryThe amount of time an attacker must wait before they may perform another action, even blocking.
On-BlockA measure of frame advantage when the opponent blocks an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent blocks the first active frame of the attack.
On-HitA measure of frame advantage when the opponent is hit by an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent was hit with the first active frame of the attack on the ground at midscreen (i.e. corner-only wall bounces are not taken into account).
InvulnThe timing and duration during which a character cannot be hit. A common component of reversal moves.
Until L+1
Safejump button and the preferred jump-in when in range to use it. Poor horizontal range compared to j.M, but a much better hitbox for jump-ins.
On-Counter Hit
Skybound Art Gauge Gain


DamageThe unscaled damage of the move. For Skills and Skybound Arts, the simple input damage is displayed.
GuardHow this attack can be guarded. Guarding either negates the damage from an attack entirely or reduces it to minor chip damage.
StartupThe amount of time before an attack is active including the first active frame. For example, an attack with 10F startup means the attack will do nothing for 9 frames, then hit the opponent on the 10th frame.
ActiveThe amount of time during which an attack can hit the opponent. Numbers in parentheses refer to gaps during which there are no active hitboxes in the middle of an attack.
RecoveryThe amount of time an attacker must wait before they may perform another action, even blocking.
On-BlockA measure of frame advantage when the opponent blocks an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent blocks the first active frame of the attack.
On-HitA measure of frame advantage when the opponent is hit by an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent was hit with the first active frame of the attack on the ground at midscreen (i.e. corner-only wall bounces are not taken into account).
InvulnThe timing and duration during which a character cannot be hit. A common component of reversal moves.
Until L+7
-16 [±0]
KD +21 [KD +54]
  • Values in [] indicate advantage when 623HGuardAll [Mid]Startup21RecoveryTotal 47Advantage+2 [N+16] is triggered.
  • After Eustace fires the shot, he is bounced up and backwards, and cannot act until landing.
  • Completely stalls air momentum before the shot.

j.U is a throw and anti-air bait that can be fairly difficult to punish depending on spacing.

j.U can be used to disengage from preemptive jumps early if Eustace doesn't see his opponent commit to a move that a jump-in will punish, or late into a jump to punish attempted 2Hs. It can also be used as a throw bait, though it's not difficult to punish if used this way, and is very low reward if Eustace's opponent doesn't have a 623HGuardAll [Mid]Startup21RecoveryTotal 47Advantage+2 [N+16] grenade attached to them. Depending on spacing and conditioning, Eustace can get the opponent to commit a button and proceed to sideswap on them for either a full punish or a throw mix.
On-Counter Hit
Skybound Art Gauge Gain
KD +25 [KD +53]
  • Sets off Rat Race+. Hit Data is taken from an immediate j.U upon jumping.

Unique Action

Stay Tonight


DamageThe unscaled damage of the move. For Skills and Skybound Arts, the simple input damage is displayed.
GuardHow this attack can be guarded. Guarding either negates the damage from an attack entirely or reduces it to minor chip damage.
StartupThe amount of time before an attack is active including the first active frame. For example, an attack with 10F startup means the attack will do nothing for 9 frames, then hit the opponent on the 10th frame.
ActiveThe amount of time during which an attack can hit the opponent. Numbers in parentheses refer to gaps during which there are no active hitboxes in the middle of an attack.
RecoveryThe amount of time an attacker must wait before they may perform another action, even blocking.
On-BlockA measure of frame advantage when the opponent blocks an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent blocks the first active frame of the attack.
On-HitA measure of frame advantage when the opponent is hit by an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent was hit with the first active frame of the attack on the ground at midscreen (i.e. corner-only wall bounces are not taken into account).
InvulnThe timing and duration during which a character cannot be hit. A common component of reversal moves.
-6 [+8]
Air Tech +27
[KD +50]
-6 [+8]
KD +38 [KD +50]

Eustace's 5U can be canceled into from any normal except dash attacks and 2U.

  • Values in [] indicate advantage when 623HGuardAll [Mid]Startup21RecoveryTotal 47Advantage+2 [N+16] is triggered.
  • Follow-up sets off H Rat Race grenade, but the first hit does not.

Eustace steps forward and strikes with the barrel of Flamek. Pressing Unique Action again shoots the Thunder. The follow-up shot can be charged to delay the attack and increase damage, and the second shot will also set off a Rat Race +GuardAll [Mid]Startup21RecoveryTotal 47Advantage+2 [N+16] grenade.

Useful for frame traps and closing distance, with 5UU being safe on block due to pushback. 5UU doesn't knock down but forces your opponent in an auto-tech quite close to you, so you can run up and continue your offense on hit. On block, 5UU can be delayed for a frame trap, or cancelled into immediately for a safe, true blockstring. Once he has his opponent respecting the frame trap, Eustace can omit 5UU as a pressure ender and instead run up and throw them.

5U[U] launches and can be linked into f.L. This is a rare starter, but 5U combos into 5U[U] on CH, making it a powerful frame trap.
On-Counter Hit
Skybound Art Gauge Gain
KD +39 [KD +50]
KD +38 [KD +50]


  • Links
    Normal Hit Counter Hit
    Cancels 5UU 5U[U]
    5U has no Skill Links.


  • Cannot be special canceled
  • Sets off Rat Race+
    Normal Hit Counter Hit
    Links c.L c.M, f.L, 2L,
    5UU has no Skill Links.


  • Cannot be special canceled
  • Sets off Rat Race+
  • Counter Hit is same as Normal Hit
    Normal Hit Counter Hit
    Links c.L, f.L, 2L
    5U[U] has no Skill Links.

Universal Mechanics

Ground Throw

L+U or L+M

DamageThe unscaled damage of the move. For Skills and Skybound Arts, the simple input damage is displayed.
GuardHow this attack can be guarded. Guarding either negates the damage from an attack entirely or reduces it to minor chip damage.
StartupThe amount of time before an attack is active including the first active frame. For example, an attack with 10F startup means the attack will do nothing for 9 frames, then hit the opponent on the 10th frame.
ActiveThe amount of time during which an attack can hit the opponent. Numbers in parentheses refer to gaps during which there are no active hitboxes in the middle of an attack.
RecoveryThe amount of time an attacker must wait before they may perform another action, even blocking.
On-BlockA measure of frame advantage when the opponent blocks an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent blocks the first active frame of the attack.
On-HitA measure of frame advantage when the opponent is hit by an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent was hit with the first active frame of the attack on the ground at midscreen (i.e. corner-only wall bounces are not taken into account).
InvulnThe timing and duration during which a character cannot be hit. A common component of reversal moves.
2500 (3550)
HKD +44 [HKD +50] (HKD +54)
2500 (3550)
HKD +44 [HKD +45] (HKD +73)
  • Values in [] indicate advantage when 623HGuardAll [Mid]Startup21RecoveryTotal 47Advantage+2 [N+16] is triggered.
  • Values in () indicate when 623UGuardAllStartup11~97RecoveryTotal 20Advantage- is triggered.

Eustace's throws are potent mixup options due to Rat Race+ allowing them to start combos if it is attached.

Back throw is generally Eustace's preferred throw midscreen if positioning is irrelevant, as it leaves his opponent closer for better oki, and a better combo if his opponent has a grenade stuck on them. From forward throw, Eustace has to perform an extremely difficult link into a running f.H for a proper combo midscreen, while back throw allows him to continue the juggle trivially using 2H.

In addition to 623HGuardAll [Mid]Startup21RecoveryTotal 47Advantage+2 [N+16] being a free combo if the throw lands, in the corner, in conjunction to 623LGuardAllStartup28RecoveryTotal 53Advantage-4/623MGuardAllStartup24RecoveryTotal 46Advantage+2 (+33), this can lead to nearly impossible to escape throw loops that require a DP or Brave Counter to escape.
On-Counter Hit
Skybound Art Gauge Gain


  • Sets off Rat Race+


Air Throw

j.L+U or j.L+M

DamageThe unscaled damage of the move. For Skills and Skybound Arts, the simple input damage is displayed.
GuardHow this attack can be guarded. Guarding either negates the damage from an attack entirely or reduces it to minor chip damage.
StartupThe amount of time before an attack is active including the first active frame. For example, an attack with 10F startup means the attack will do nothing for 9 frames, then hit the opponent on the 10th frame.
ActiveThe amount of time during which an attack can hit the opponent. Numbers in parentheses refer to gaps during which there are no active hitboxes in the middle of an attack.
RecoveryThe amount of time an attacker must wait before they may perform another action, even blocking.
On-BlockA measure of frame advantage when the opponent blocks an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent blocks the first active frame of the attack.
On-HitA measure of frame advantage when the opponent is hit by an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent was hit with the first active frame of the attack on the ground at midscreen (i.e. corner-only wall bounces are not taken into account).
InvulnThe timing and duration during which a character cannot be hit. A common component of reversal moves.
Until L+6
HKD ≈+35 [HKD ≈+47]
  • Values in [] indicate advantage when 623HGuardAll [Mid]Startup21RecoveryTotal 47Advantage+2 [N+16] is triggered.
    • Eustace will have 15 frames to continue a juggle if this triggers 623H.
Anti-air that's immune to air stalling, but useful otherwise as Eustace's 2H isn't winning any awards. If your opponent somehow has a grenade stuck to them as you land this, you can follow it up with a combo using f.H or any of Eustace's fireballs midscreen, and c.H in corner.
On-Counter Hit
Skybound Art Gauge Gain
  • Sets off Rat Race+. On-Hit data refers to advantage at roughly the crest of the jump arc

Raging Strike


DamageThe unscaled damage of the move. For Skills and Skybound Arts, the simple input damage is displayed.
GuardHow this attack can be guarded. Guarding either negates the damage from an attack entirely or reduces it to minor chip damage.
StartupThe amount of time before an attack is active including the first active frame. For example, an attack with 10F startup means the attack will do nothing for 9 frames, then hit the opponent on the 10th frame.
ActiveThe amount of time during which an attack can hit the opponent. Numbers in parentheses refer to gaps during which there are no active hitboxes in the middle of an attack.
RecoveryThe amount of time an attacker must wait before they may perform another action, even blocking.
On-BlockA measure of frame advantage when the opponent blocks an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent blocks the first active frame of the attack.
On-HitA measure of frame advantage when the opponent is hit by an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent was hit with the first active frame of the attack on the ground at midscreen (i.e. corner-only wall bounces are not taken into account).
InvulnThe timing and duration during which a character cannot be hit. A common component of reversal moves.
Guard Crush 45 [52]
28 (1)
+8 [+15]
+15 (KD +40)

Costs 1 Bravery PointClick for more information on Raging Strike
Guard Crushes against block, launches on hit • Won't Guard Crush against opponent in blockstun

  • Data in [] refers to against a foe with 1 or less Brave Points
  • Data in () refers to when used mid combo

Eustace's Raging Strike is a very important combo tool and occasional mixup tool.

For the cost of a Bravery Point, Eustace gains access to a launch that works against standing opponents, from any normal, at any spacing (or at least within the tip of f.H), and midscreen. It can also help extend juggles or confirm odd hits such as anti-air c.M into damaging extensions, and its instant startup when cancelled into makes it a very easy hitconfirm from most pokes.

Eustace's pressure also makes his Raging Strike relatively practical as a mixup, due to his opponent having to look out for so many different options during his offense.
On-Counter Hit
Skybound Art Gauge Gain
  • Forces Crouch on uncancelled hit
  • +2 on block without guard crush

Raging Chain

M+H after successful Raging Strike

DamageThe unscaled damage of the move. For Skills and Skybound Arts, the simple input damage is displayed.
GuardHow this attack can be guarded. Guarding either negates the damage from an attack entirely or reduces it to minor chip damage.
StartupThe amount of time before an attack is active including the first active frame. For example, an attack with 10F startup means the attack will do nothing for 9 frames, then hit the opponent on the 10th frame.
ActiveThe amount of time during which an attack can hit the opponent. Numbers in parentheses refer to gaps during which there are no active hitboxes in the middle of an attack.
RecoveryThe amount of time an attacker must wait before they may perform another action, even blocking.
On-BlockA measure of frame advantage when the opponent blocks an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent blocks the first active frame of the attack.
On-HitA measure of frame advantage when the opponent is hit by an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent was hit with the first active frame of the attack on the ground at midscreen (i.e. corner-only wall bounces are not taken into account).
InvulnThe timing and duration during which a character cannot be hit. A common component of reversal moves.
+15 (HKD +63)

Costs 25% Skybound GaugeClick for more information on Raging Chain
Guaranteed follow-up after a Raging Strike hits or against a foe in Guard Crush • Moves close enough for c.HGuardMidStartup9Recovery17Advantage-3 to link

  • Data in () refers to when used against an airborne foe

On uncancelled hit, Raging Chain forces crouch, allowing for an extension on a crouch confirm for a 623H launch via autocombo into 623H. When used raw and not followed up, can be used to set 623U and go into a high-low, left-right mix that is difficult to block.

In some scenarios, such as a near-verticle anti-air c.HGuardMidStartup9Recovery17Advantage-3, Eustace can combo into Raging Strike and get the Chain to whiff, allowing for a sideswitch setup. This usually leaves him with one or two more hits before combo limit though, so there isn't much reward for the risk. The move also has weird quirks in block strings, since if you don't get the guard crush on Raging Strike, the Chain can sometimes be mashed out of by the opponent, depending on what blockstun got us there.
On-Counter Hit
Skybound Art Gauge Gain
  • On-Block data obtained by doing Raging Strike and Chain during a blocked Ultimate Rat Race explosion.

Brave Counter

M+H during Blockstun or Guard Crush

DamageThe unscaled damage of the move. For Skills and Skybound Arts, the simple input damage is displayed.
GuardHow this attack can be guarded. Guarding either negates the damage from an attack entirely or reduces it to minor chip damage.
StartupThe amount of time before an attack is active including the first active frame. For example, an attack with 10F startup means the attack will do nothing for 9 frames, then hit the opponent on the 10th frame.
ActiveThe amount of time during which an attack can hit the opponent. Numbers in parentheses refer to gaps during which there are no active hitboxes in the middle of an attack.
RecoveryThe amount of time an attacker must wait before they may perform another action, even blocking.
On-BlockA measure of frame advantage when the opponent blocks an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent blocks the first active frame of the attack.
On-HitA measure of frame advantage when the opponent is hit by an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent was hit with the first active frame of the attack on the ground at midscreen (i.e. corner-only wall bounces are not taken into account).
InvulnThe timing and duration during which a character cannot be hit. A common component of reversal moves.
10 [18]
3 [2]
19 [35]
Air Tech +21 [±0]
1-20 All [1-54 All]
M+H(During Blockstun)
M+H(During Raging Strike)

Costs 1 Bravery PointRequires being in blockstunWhen a character successfully blocks an attack while standing or crouching, the defender is forced into a stun animation for a set period of time where they are incapable of acting. This period of time is called blockstun.Click for more information on Brave Counter
Universal guard cancelAn attack which can be performed while the user is in blockstun. • Deals no damage when opponent has less than 500 health • Uses Eustace's c.HGuardMidStartup9Recovery17Advantage-3 animation

Eustace's Brave Counter provides enough stun to usually allow him to safely start his setplay game either with any version of Rat RaceGuardAllStartup28RecoveryTotal 53Advantage-4 or SpreadshotGuardAllStartup26RecoveryTotal 65Advantage+3 [+18]. This makes it especially potent as it almost guarantees the opponent must block the next attack.
On-Counter Hit
Skybound Art Gauge Gain
HKD +54 [HKD +43]

Special Moves

Slow Kill

[2]8L/M/H (Chargeable) or 5S/S+M/S+H (Chargeable)

DamageThe unscaled damage of the move. For Skills and Skybound Arts, the simple input damage is displayed.
GuardHow this attack can be guarded. Guarding either negates the damage from an attack entirely or reduces it to minor chip damage.
StartupThe amount of time before an attack is active including the first active frame. For example, an attack with 10F startup means the attack will do nothing for 9 frames, then hit the opponent on the 10th frame.
ActiveThe amount of time during which an attack can hit the opponent. Numbers in parentheses refer to gaps during which there are no active hitboxes in the middle of an attack.
RecoveryThe amount of time an attacker must wait before they may perform another action, even blocking.
On-BlockA measure of frame advantage when the opponent blocks an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent blocks the first active frame of the attack.
On-HitA measure of frame advantage when the opponent is hit by an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent was hit with the first active frame of the attack on the ground at midscreen (i.e. corner-only wall bounces are not taken into account).
InvulnThe timing and duration during which a character cannot be hit. A common component of reversal moves.
Total 40~51
-7 [+10]
-3 [KD +50]
Total 40~51
-7 [+10]
-3 [KD +50]
Total 39~50
-2 [+13]
KD +37 [KD +54]
Total 52
+9 [+25]
+13 [KD +65]
Total 52
+9 [+25]
+13 [KD +65]
Total 51
+11 [+25]
KD +50 [KD +65]
  • Values in [] indicate advantage when 623HGuardAll [Mid]Startup21RecoveryTotal 47Advantage+2 [N+16] is triggered.
  • Active squares denote each projectile's launch frame, all go offscreen

Eustace aims his gun downward and ricochets a shot off of the ground. One of Eustace's myriad ways to extend his pressure, as all three versions of [2]8[X] grant great frame advantage if blocked. Although it's not too difficult to react to it due to its unique animation, Eustace can release the projectile early in the charge for to bait a mash out. Excellent okizeme tool (such as after throw or certain combo enders) that gives extreme frame advantage with essentially no strings attached, as Eustace can position far out enough to make most reversals whiff.

In neutral, Slow Kill is generally much slower to reach enemies than [1]6LGuardAllStartup13~24RecoveryTotal 45~56Advantage-6 [+9], which allows Eustace to mix up his projectile timings against opponents attempting to use dodges or particularly cross-overs to bypass his zoning, as the projectile also beats the low profile that comes with 6G. It can also potentially catch jumps, though it's not as reliable as air throwing or 2H in any regard. The projectile's unique trajectory will often allow shots outside of point blank to be plus on block or hit, and if the Eustace player recognizes this, they can take the opportunity to close the distance and start pressure.

The charged versions of Slow Kill can very rarely stay on screen long enough to break you out of a punish if the opponent misplaces themself. It won't come up often, but it can make a lot of hits trade that wouldn't usually.

  • Projectile is fully persistent, staying on screen on hit or block.
  • Technical input allows for 1 and 3 to also be used for the charge.
  • Technical input allows for 7 and 9 to also be used for the release.
  • Eustace is in CH state during recovery.
On-Counter Hit
Skybound Art Gauge Gain
-1 [KD +50]
-1 [KD +50]
KD +37 [KD +54]
+13 [KD +65]
+13 [KD +65]
KD +50 [KD +65]


  • Sets off Rat Race+
  • [2]8L has no links.


  • Sets off Rat Race+
  • [2]8M has no links.


  • Sets off Rat Race+
Normal Hit Counter Hit
Links c.L


  • Sets off Rat Race+
    Normal Hit Counter Hit
    Links c.L, c.M, c.H,
    f.L, f.M, f.H,
    2L, 2M, 2H,
    2U, 66L, [2]8H,
    [1]6L, [1]6H, [2]8U,
    [1]6U, 214U, 236236H,


  • Sets off Rat Race+
    Normal Hit Counter Hit
    Links c.L, c.M, c.H,
    f.L, f.M, f.H,
    2L, 2M, 2H,
    2U, 66L, [2]8H,
    [1]6L, [1]6H, [2]8U,
    [1]6U, 214U, 236236H,


  • Sets off Rat Race+
    Normal Hit Counter Hit
    Links c.L, c.M, c.H,
    f.L, f.M, f.H,
    2L, 2M, 2H,
    2U, 66L, 66H,
    [1]6L, [1]6H, [2]8U,
    [1]6U, 214U, 236236H,

Flamek Thunder

[1]6L/M/H (Chargeable) or 6S/S+M/S+H (Chargeable)

DamageThe unscaled damage of the move. For Skills and Skybound Arts, the simple input damage is displayed.
GuardHow this attack can be guarded. Guarding either negates the damage from an attack entirely or reduces it to minor chip damage.
StartupThe amount of time before an attack is active including the first active frame. For example, an attack with 10F startup means the attack will do nothing for 9 frames, then hit the opponent on the 10th frame.
ActiveThe amount of time during which an attack can hit the opponent. Numbers in parentheses refer to gaps during which there are no active hitboxes in the middle of an attack.
RecoveryThe amount of time an attacker must wait before they may perform another action, even blocking.
On-BlockA measure of frame advantage when the opponent blocks an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent blocks the first active frame of the attack.
On-HitA measure of frame advantage when the opponent is hit by an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent was hit with the first active frame of the attack on the ground at midscreen (i.e. corner-only wall bounces are not taken into account).
InvulnThe timing and duration during which a character cannot be hit. A common component of reversal moves.
Total 45~56
-6 [+9]
Air Tech +18 [KD +51]
Total 45~65
-6 [+9]
Air Tech +18 [KD +51]
Total 45~56
+3 [+20]
+7 [KD +60]
Total 52
+5 [+16]
KD +36 [KD +58]
Total 66
+5 [+16]
KD +36 [KD +58]
Total 50~70
+13 [+18]
KD +38 [KD +60]
  • Values in [] indicate advantage when 623HGuardAll [Mid]Startup21RecoveryTotal 47Advantage+2 [N+16] is triggered.

A faster-than average fireball in both startup and velocity. The projectile has the unique property of not locking Eustace out of the skill during use, allowing him to put multiple Flameks on the screen at once, or charge a shot to land at the same time as one he sent before. This property in addition to the innate speed is often used in zoning to allow him to overwhelm others who cannot match the rate of fire, enabling the knockdown he needs in order to begin pressuring the opponent.


Both [1]6L and [1]6M are very spammable and good at winning fireball wars, but are both very unsafe on block. [1]6H, on the other hand, grants some frame advantage, and can be used to extend combos and pressure. Both [1]6L and [1]6H will combo from literally any normal.

Eustace's low stance during this attack can allow him to low profile higher-hitting fireballs, such as Avatar Belial's 5UGuardAllStartup28Recovery21Advantage+4 and Metera's Starry Sky (High)GuardAllStartup12RecoveryTotal 43Advantage-5.

  • [1]6M can be used to meaty off a successful [1]6L if the opponent is around half screen away.
  • From a long range hit, can safely allow enough time to setup 623M.


[1]6[X] is effectively a laser. All versions will pierce through and destroy other projectiles to hit the opponent. [1]6[X] will win against any projectile, except for Ultimates, which will cancel out, and (S)SBA's which it will lose to. All versions become dangerously plus on block, making easy setups to push yourself out into range for a Charged Slow KillGuardAllStartup27RecoveryTotal 52Advantage+9 [+25] to keep up the pressure.

[1]6[M], despite being significantly slower than [1]6[L], can be used against opponents who figured out the timing of the Light version and try to roll/dodge it to advance. It also allows a greater degree in freedom in canceling the charge early to stop a quick approach.

[1]6[H] can be held to further throw off opponent's dodge/cross-over attempts. If [1]6[H] is used to active 623HGuardAll [Mid]Startup21RecoveryTotal 47Advantage+2 [N+16], the resulting explosion is advantageous enough to toss 623UGuardAllStartup11~97RecoveryTotal 20Advantage- without dropping the combo. This is extremely expensive and locks Eustace out of Rat RaceGuardAllStartup28RecoveryTotal 53Advantage-4 for a while, so it is not recommended to try.

  • [1]6[L] will meaty anywhere within half screen when fireball spamming.
  • [1]6[M] will meaty outside that range, and allows for a [1]6UGuardAllStartup11RecoveryTotal 86Advantage-4 [+1] pickup on Counter near the corner if you are prepared for it.
  • Any version on hit allows for a 623M to cover the wakeup and allow time to setup another [1]6[L] to hit if they try to escape.

  • Projectile is fully persistent, staying on screen on hit or block.
  • Technical input allows for 4 or 7 to also be used for the charge.
  • Technical input allows for 3 to also be used for the release.
  • The 236 alternate input available in Button Settings at Character Select wholly replaces the charge input, meaning both cannot be available at the same time.
On-Counter Hit
Skybound Art Gauge Gain
KD +31 [KD +50]
KD +31 [KD +50]
+7 [KD +60]
2 (piercing)
KD +38 [KD +57]
2 (piercing)
KD +38 [KD +57]
2 (piercing)
KD +40 [KD +59]


  • Sets off Rat Race+
  • [1]6L has no links.


  • Sets off Rat Race+
  • [1]6M has no links.


  • Sets off Rat Race+
Normal Hit Counter Hit
Links c.L, c.M, f.L,
2L, 2M
Crouch f.M, 214U


  • Sets off Rat Race+
    Normal Hit Counter Hit
    Links c.L, f.L, 2L


  • Sets off Rat Race+.
    Normal Hit Counter Hit
    Links c.L, c.M, c.H,
    f.L, f.M, f.H,
    2L, 2M, 2H,
    2U, 66L, [2]8H,
    [1]6L, [1]6H, [2]8U,
    [1]6U, 214U, 236236H,


  • Sets off Rat Race+.
    Normal Hit Counter Hit
    Links c.L, c.M, c.H,
    f.L, f.M, f.H,
    2L, 2M, 2H,
    2U, 66L, [2]8L,
    [2]8M, [2]8H, [1]6H,
    [2]8U, [1]6U, 214U,
    236236H, 236236U

Close Combat

214L/M/H or 4S/S+M/S+H

DamageThe unscaled damage of the move. For Skills and Skybound Arts, the simple input damage is displayed.
GuardHow this attack can be guarded. Guarding either negates the damage from an attack entirely or reduces it to minor chip damage.
StartupThe amount of time before an attack is active including the first active frame. For example, an attack with 10F startup means the attack will do nothing for 9 frames, then hit the opponent on the 10th frame.
ActiveThe amount of time during which an attack can hit the opponent. Numbers in parentheses refer to gaps during which there are no active hitboxes in the middle of an attack.
RecoveryThe amount of time an attacker must wait before they may perform another action, even blocking.
On-BlockA measure of frame advantage when the opponent blocks an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent blocks the first active frame of the attack.
On-HitA measure of frame advantage when the opponent is hit by an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent was hit with the first active frame of the attack on the ground at midscreen (i.e. corner-only wall bounces are not taken into account).
InvulnThe timing and duration during which a character cannot be hit. A common component of reversal moves.
(Note)Squares with a Yellow Underline show cancel window into Close Combat Follow Ups
  • Cancellation data is provided in the Additional Data section.

Eustace's command dash.

214L only moves and can be cancelled into 5 follow-up actions (see below). It can be used to fake out a 214M frametrap and go for pressure extensions or a throw, or in neutral to advance with immediate access to Close Combat follow-ups.

214M ends in a knife attack and then allows follow-ups, apart from Brake. Startup varies based on distance travelled. 214M is Eustace's main combo tool from L/M buttons and allows him to get a decent knockdown with TakedownGuardLowStartup9Recovery15Advantage-9, or extend combos with StunlightGuardMidStartup12Recovery15Advantage-3 [+13].

214H can be cancelled before or after the knife strike, but BrakeGuardStartupRecoveryTotal 16Advantage must be used before the strike. Startup varies based on distance traveled.

Despite being fully punishable on block, most expect some attempt at a frametrap or something after 214M/H, so it can often be totally fine to not perform a follow-up, then in the confusion fish for a Counter f.L or 2M.
On-Counter Hit
Skybound Art Gauge Gain


  • Cancel window is 9-26
    Normal Hit Counter Hit
    Cancel 214L~L, 214L~M,
    214L~H, 214L~U,


  • Cancel window is during the slice, except for Brake which can cancel after frame 9
    Normal Hit Counter Hit
    Cancel 214M~L, 214M~M,
    214M~H, 214M~U,


  • Cancel window is 5-32, ends on the last active frame, depending on when the slice activates
    Normal Hit Counter Hit
    Cancel 214H~L, 214H~M,
    214H~H, 214H~U,


Close Combat~L

DamageThe unscaled damage of the move. For Skills and Skybound Arts, the simple input damage is displayed.
GuardHow this attack can be guarded. Guarding either negates the damage from an attack entirely or reduces it to minor chip damage.
StartupThe amount of time before an attack is active including the first active frame. For example, an attack with 10F startup means the attack will do nothing for 9 frames, then hit the opponent on the 10th frame.
ActiveThe amount of time during which an attack can hit the opponent. Numbers in parentheses refer to gaps during which there are no active hitboxes in the middle of an attack.
RecoveryThe amount of time an attacker must wait before they may perform another action, even blocking.
On-BlockA measure of frame advantage when the opponent blocks an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent blocks the first active frame of the attack.
On-HitA measure of frame advantage when the opponent is hit by an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent was hit with the first active frame of the attack on the ground at midscreen (i.e. corner-only wall bounces are not taken into account).
InvulnThe timing and duration during which a character cannot be hit. A common component of reversal moves.
-3 [+13]
+1 [KD +53]
-3 [+13]
+1 [KD +53]
-2 [+14]
+2 [KD +54]
  • Values in [] indicate advantage when 623HGuardAll [Mid]Startup21RecoveryTotal 47Advantage+2 [N+16] is triggered.

Eustace stops in place and fires a quick flash.

Stunlight is the safest way to end pressure after Close CombatGuardStartup26Recovery14Advantage, although its low pushback does leave Eustace vulnerable to a strike/throw mix-up if it is blocked. It's also one of Eustace's preferred ways to set off an H Rat RaceGuardAll [Mid]Startup21RecoveryTotal 47Advantage+2 [N+16] grenade in both pressure and combos, as it provides high frame advantage on block and a very usable launch on hit.

Stunlight is only useful mid-combo if the opponent has H Rat Race on them, or if used from 214HGuardMidStartup15~26Recovery16Advantage-7. Sees very limited use in this way and has extremely poor damage and combo conversion potential, and should only be used if 214H~HGuardMidStartup7Recovery27Advantage-22 would not be comboable afterwards or you need the extra lenience from Combo Limit.

When performing 214MGuardMidStartup16~25Recovery16Advantage-7 or 214H, if either version is blocked, always go into Stunlight to stay safe. It also has a built in frame trap that, if successful and close enough, on counter hit allows for c.L in the corner and a full combo.

However, if 214M or 214H hits and Eustace's opponent does not have a grenade on them, the other follow-ups are preferable as they do significantly more damage than Stunlight while also granting a knockdown.

  • Has extremely limited use as an anti-air if Eustace would not make it in time to land Assault KnifeGuardMid, AllStartup7Recovery27Advantage-27.
  • Launches far on aerial hit, allowing an easy setup from 2U>214M~L to start zoning pressure.
On-Counter Hit
Skybound Art Gauge Gain
+5 [KD +53]
+5 [KD +53]
+6 [KD +53]


  • Sets off Rat Race+
  • Fastest startup including travel time is 24 frames
Normal Hit Counter Hit
Links c.L
Crouch f.L, 2L


  • Sets off Rat Race+
  • Fastest startup including travel time is 28 frames
    Normal Hit Counter Hit
    Links c.L
    Crouch f.L, 2L


  • Sets off Rat Race+
  • Fastest startup including travel time is 19 frames
    Normal Hit Counter Hit
    Links c.L, f.L, 2L
    Crouch c.M, 2M


Close Combat~M

DamageThe unscaled damage of the move. For Skills and Skybound Arts, the simple input damage is displayed.
GuardHow this attack can be guarded. Guarding either negates the damage from an attack entirely or reduces it to minor chip damage.
StartupThe amount of time before an attack is active including the first active frame. For example, an attack with 10F startup means the attack will do nothing for 9 frames, then hit the opponent on the 10th frame.
ActiveThe amount of time during which an attack can hit the opponent. Numbers in parentheses refer to gaps during which there are no active hitboxes in the middle of an attack.
RecoveryThe amount of time an attacker must wait before they may perform another action, even blocking.
On-BlockA measure of frame advantage when the opponent blocks an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent blocks the first active frame of the attack.
On-HitA measure of frame advantage when the opponent is hit by an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent was hit with the first active frame of the attack on the ground at midscreen (i.e. corner-only wall bounces are not taken into account).
InvulnThe timing and duration during which a character cannot be hit. A common component of reversal moves.
KD +25
3~26 Low Profile
KD +25
3~26 Low Profile
KD +33
3~26 Low Profile

A low slide utilising Eustace's combat knife.

Takedown is very unsafe on block, but travels extremely far and crucially, hits low. This property gives this move unique utility in neutral, allowing Eustace to punish his opponents' 6Gs or back walks from extremely far away by using it from 214LGuardStartup26Recovery14Advantage. Its absurd effective range when used like this also allows Eustace to threaten characters attempting a setup move from fullscreen, such as Vaseraga's 5UGuardMidStartup21Recovery17Advantage-6. The move also keeps advancing during its active frames allowing for meaty Takedown setups making the move much harder punish or even safe on block.

On Counter Hit 214H~MGuardLowStartup9Recovery15Advantage-9, it is possible to link in the corner to a c.L for extra damage. This is a high-risk, high-reward option, as the launch height is suitable for almost all of Eustace's corner combo routes.

When used as quickly as possible from 214L, Takedown is also a 17F startup low, allowing Eustace to perform an unfuzzyable high-low from his autocombo using c.XX6H as the overhead mixup. With an Ultimate Rat RaceGuardAllStartup11~97RecoveryTotal 20Advantage- set up, he can convert both of these mixup options into highly damaging combos.

  • Eustace is in a Crouching state during the move
On-Counter Hit
Skybound Art Gauge Gain
KD +29
KD +29
KD +37


  • Fastest startup including travel time is 17 frames
  • 214L~M has no links.


  • Fastest startup including travel time is 25 frames
  • 214M~M has no links.


  • Fastest startup including travel time is 13 frames
Normal Hit Counter Hit
Links c.L

Assault Knife

Close Combat~H

DamageThe unscaled damage of the move. For Skills and Skybound Arts, the simple input damage is displayed.
GuardHow this attack can be guarded. Guarding either negates the damage from an attack entirely or reduces it to minor chip damage.
StartupThe amount of time before an attack is active including the first active frame. For example, an attack with 10F startup means the attack will do nothing for 9 frames, then hit the opponent on the 10th frame.
ActiveThe amount of time during which an attack can hit the opponent. Numbers in parentheses refer to gaps during which there are no active hitboxes in the middle of an attack.
RecoveryThe amount of time an attacker must wait before they may perform another action, even blocking.
On-BlockA measure of frame advantage when the opponent blocks an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent blocks the first active frame of the attack.
On-HitA measure of frame advantage when the opponent is hit by an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent was hit with the first active frame of the attack on the ground at midscreen (i.e. corner-only wall bounces are not taken into account).
InvulnThe timing and duration during which a character cannot be hit. A common component of reversal moves.
600, 400
Mid, All
KD +30
1-8 All
400, 400
Mid, All
KD +30
1-8 All
800, 100×4
KD +35
1-26 All

A rising anti-air attack, similar to a DP.

Invulnerable on startup, but only air unblockable if used from 214HGuardMidStartup15~26Recovery16Advantage-7. Assault Knife is Eustace's highest damaging combo ender from 214MGuardMidStartup16~25Recovery16Advantage-7 and 214H, and if used from 214H, grants a combo extension on opponents juggled high enough. Slightly less disadvantageous on block if used from 214H, but only if the opponent stand blocks.

As an anti-air, Assault Knife has two primary disadvantages: needing to clear Close CombatGuardStartup26Recovery14Advantage's startup to be used, and being air blockable from 214LGuardStartup26Recovery14Advantage and 214M. However, if Eustace needs to hit a jumping opponent from outside his f.H range or cover a very horizontal divekick, it can come in handy. Similarly, on defense its usage is limited due to the long effective startup of its invulnerability, but if used as fast as possible from 214H Eustace can brute-force his way through some spacing traps if the gap is large enough. This is especially useful against the near-universal frametrap of f.L > 2M, which leaves a 6f gap if performed by most characters.

Specific juggles (most often from a 2H launch) can be used to land 214L~H in such a way that the first hit juggles into the second late, allowing Eustace to combo after Assault Knife without spending the cooldown for Close Combat. To do this, Eustace needs to travel underneath and slightly behind the opponent. These juggles are most often seen midscreen, usually into another rep of 2H > 214L~H, but can also be performed in the corner using the wallbounce from [1]6UGuardAllStartup11RecoveryTotal 86Advantage-4 [+1]/[1]6[H]GuardAllStartup25~45RecoveryTotal 50~70Advantage+13 [+18] provided the opponent has some height off the ground for Eustace to be able to cross under.

  • L and M versions are Air Unblockable for first 3 active frames (7-9).
    • H version is fully Air Unblockable.
On-Counter Hit
Skybound Art Gauge Gain
KD +30
KD +30
KD +35


  • Fastest startup including travel time is 15 frames
  • Leaves 8 vulnerable frames before invincibility starts when used as fast as possible from 214L
  • 214L~H has no links


  • Fastest startup including travel time is 23 frames
  • 214M~H has no links


  • Fastest startup including travel time is 11 frames
  • Leaves 4 vulnerable frames when used as fast as possible from 214H
  • 214H~H has no links


Close Combat~U

DamageThe unscaled damage of the move. For Skills and Skybound Arts, the simple input damage is displayed.
GuardHow this attack can be guarded. Guarding either negates the damage from an attack entirely or reduces it to minor chip damage.
StartupThe amount of time before an attack is active including the first active frame. For example, an attack with 10F startup means the attack will do nothing for 9 frames, then hit the opponent on the 10th frame.
ActiveThe amount of time during which an attack can hit the opponent. Numbers in parentheses refer to gaps during which there are no active hitboxes in the middle of an attack.
RecoveryThe amount of time an attacker must wait before they may perform another action, even blocking.
On-BlockA measure of frame advantage when the opponent blocks an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent blocks the first active frame of the attack.
On-HitA measure of frame advantage when the opponent is hit by an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent was hit with the first active frame of the attack on the ground at midscreen (i.e. corner-only wall bounces are not taken into account).
InvulnThe timing and duration during which a character cannot be hit. A common component of reversal moves.
Total 65
+3 [+18]
+7 [KD +58]
14~28 All
Total 65
+3 [+18]
+7 [KD +58]
14~28 All
Total 65
+1 [+18]
+5 [KD +58]
14~28 All
  • Values in [] indicate advantage when 623HGuardAll [Mid]Startup21RecoveryTotal 47Advantage+2 [N+16] is triggered.

Eustace hops backward and shoots three bolts of lightning downward in a spread pattern.

Spreadshot has the highest frame advantage of every Close CombatGuardStartup26Recovery14Advantage followup, and can be used to reset pressure or bait options from Eustace's opponent. Thanks to its long invulnerability period, it can phase entirely through abare and reversals, though Eustace's reward for doing this tends to be poor outside of corner, where it can lead to full combos. Although this follow-up can seem oppressive, knowledgeable opponents can dodge the projectiles to leave Eustace negative, or even jump preemptively for a full punish.

When used from 214HGuardMidStartup15~26Recovery16Advantage-7, Spreadshot has less frame advantage on block, so it is preferred to use the other versions of this move.

  • Advantage listed is against Katalina and most of the cast, though it can vary between characters (see Full Advantage Table)
  • Advantage listed assumes opponent does not move from point blank activation.
    • Advantage if projectile lands on first active: On-Block: -3 | On-Hit: +1
Character(s) Version On-Block On-Hit
All characters except Ladiva and Vaseraga 214L~U
+3 [+18]
+3 [+18]
+1 [+18]
+7 [KD +58]
+7 [KD +58]
+5 [KD +58]
Ladiva and Vaseraga 214L~U
+1 [+16]
+1 [+16]
-1 [+16]
+5 [KD +56]
+5 [KD +56]
+3 [KD +56]
All characters on Crouch Confirm 214L~U
+3 [+18]
+3 [+18]
+1 [+18]
+8 [KD +58]
+8 [KD +58]
+6 [KD +58]
On-Counter Hit
Skybound Art Gauge Gain
+7 [KD +58]
+7 [KD +58]
+5 [KD +58]


  • Sets off Rat Race+
  • Fastest startup including travel time is 34 frames
  • Advantage is inconsistent on taller members of the cast
    Normal Hit Counter Hit
    Links c.L, c.M, f.L,
    2L, 2M
    Crouch f.M


  • Sets off Rat Race+
  • Fastest startup including travel time is 42 frames
    Normal Hit Counter Hit
    Links c.L, c.M, f.L,
    2L, 2M
    Crouch f.M


  • Sets off Rat Race+
  • Fastest startup including travel time is 30 frames
    Normal Hit Counter Hit
    Links c.L
    Crouch f.L, 2L


Close Combat~G

DamageThe unscaled damage of the move. For Skills and Skybound Arts, the simple input damage is displayed.
GuardHow this attack can be guarded. Guarding either negates the damage from an attack entirely or reduces it to minor chip damage.
StartupThe amount of time before an attack is active including the first active frame. For example, an attack with 10F startup means the attack will do nothing for 9 frames, then hit the opponent on the 10th frame.
ActiveThe amount of time during which an attack can hit the opponent. Numbers in parentheses refer to gaps during which there are no active hitboxes in the middle of an attack.
RecoveryThe amount of time an attacker must wait before they may perform another action, even blocking.
On-BlockA measure of frame advantage when the opponent blocks an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent blocks the first active frame of the attack.
On-HitA measure of frame advantage when the opponent is hit by an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent was hit with the first active frame of the attack on the ground at midscreen (i.e. corner-only wall bounces are not taken into account).
InvulnThe timing and duration during which a character cannot be hit. A common component of reversal moves.
Total 16

By pressing G, Eustace will stop his dash. This has to be done before the strike of the MGuardMidStartup16~25Recovery16Advantage-7 and HGuardMidStartup15~26Recovery16Advantage-7 versions, and looks like the expiration of the dash of 214LGuardStartup26Recovery14Advantage.

Although it's a bit slow, Eustace can run an effective strike/throw mixup by either doing 214L~G > Throw, or 214L~UGuardAllStartup26RecoveryTotal 65Advantage+3 [+18] to bait a throw tech. This is especially effective when his opponent is cornered, thanks to 214L~U linking into 2M for a full combo.

When used as fast as possible, Brake stops at a hardcoded 26 frames for L and M versions, and 22 frames for 214H.
On-Counter Hit
Skybound Art Gauge Gain
  • Fastest startup including travel time: 214L/M - 26 frames, 214H - 22 frames
  • 214X~G has no links

Rat Race

623L/M/H or 2S/S+M/S+H

DamageThe unscaled damage of the move. For Skills and Skybound Arts, the simple input damage is displayed.
GuardHow this attack can be guarded. Guarding either negates the damage from an attack entirely or reduces it to minor chip damage.
StartupThe amount of time before an attack is active including the first active frame. For example, an attack with 10F startup means the attack will do nothing for 9 frames, then hit the opponent on the 10th frame.
ActiveThe amount of time during which an attack can hit the opponent. Numbers in parentheses refer to gaps during which there are no active hitboxes in the middle of an attack.
RecoveryThe amount of time an attacker must wait before they may perform another action, even blocking.
On-BlockA measure of frame advantage when the opponent blocks an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent blocks the first active frame of the attack.
On-HitA measure of frame advantage when the opponent is hit by an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent was hit with the first active frame of the attack on the ground at midscreen (i.e. corner-only wall bounces are not taken into account).
InvulnThe timing and duration during which a character cannot be hit. A common component of reversal moves.
200, 600
Total 53
200, 600
Until Hit(28)3
Total 46
+2 (+33)
+6 (+37)
800 [800]
All [Mid]
64,1 [1]
Total 47
+2 [N+16]
+6 [KD +N]
  • Values in () refers to advantage after the second hit/explosion
  • Values in [] refers to on Detonation

Eustace tosses a grenade. The grenade has different properties depending on what version is used, with the H version sticking to the opponent. Mostly useful as a setplay tool, but can see some use in neutral to control space.

  • Explodes on impact with your opponent or the ground.

Very slow startup, but becomes extremely advantageous when even slightly spaced.

Yellow grenade can also be used as a potential fakeout for people expecting 623M or 623H in pressure. The typical response to Rat Race is to dodge on reaction, but 623L is slow enough that it will CH such attempts and allow Eustace to combo.

  • Hits once, then explodes.
    • If it does not connect to its opponent before touching the ground, it will ground bounce before exploding.

Goes the furthest out of all three versions, and can catch cross-over from near fullscreen. Certainly the most useful version in neutral, owing to its high advantage if the second hit is blocked and its long range.

In pressure or oki, it can be useful to bait your opponent into doing something, and Eustace is always plus if they block the second hit. As an oki tool, it's usable from pretty far, so what they'll do depends on how far away you are when you set it. When they're close, you want to look out for mashing or reversals, and from afar, keep jumps in mind.


Frame traps from full autocombo and H normals while granting advantage on block, while also making all of Eustace's offense much more threatening. Allows full conversions from ground throws, air throw, any of his standing or crouching normals, or 66H. Can only be combo'd into with c.H on standing opponent and 2H or full autocombo on crouching ones.

623H as a juggle ender leaves Eustace's opponent in a KD state with a grenade on them. Compared to using it in blockstrings or as okizeme, this guarantees a set, but locks him out of using it as a frame trap or reset.

Although this can be a frame trap and a pressure reset, dodging on reaction to the yellow H flash will leave Eustace minus in many cases. To avoid being predictable and strain his opponent's mental stack further, Eustace will want to sneak in grenades from blockstrings that it won't frame trap from, or use similar-looking cues to trick his opponent into dodging.

  • Projectile is semi-persistent, staying on screen on block
  • All first hits have the hitbox listed under the hitbox tab
    • All second hits have an expanded hitbox that is about double the size
  • [Detonate] always refers to the second hit activating of the most recently launched grenade
    • If no grenade launch is present prior, assume a 623H was planted before the combo, unless specified otherwise
On-Counter Hit
Skybound Art Gauge Gain
35 after 13F or Disappear
+8 (+37)
+6 [KD +N]


  • At far ranges, it is possible to get only the second hit to land.
  • 623L has no links.


  • 623M is active for 28 frames, ground bounces, and is active another 37, hitting without the first hit.
  • If the grenade connects before the ground bounce, a 28 frame break is initiated before the second hit lands.
  • Links
    Normal Hit Counter Hit
    Links c.L, f.L, 2L
    Crouch c.M, 2M
  • 623H

    • 623H[Detonate] adds 16 frames of advantage on block, makes any hit air unblockable, and makes any skill cause a significant knockdown. See data in [] under any skill for details.
    • Deals 800 damage either on ground explosion or on stick, and an additional 800 when activated from a gunfire move
    • Grenade will stick to opponent if it connects during the first 64 active frames, then will detonate on the ground on frame 65
    • Detonate is air unblockable
    • Detonate adds a hit to combo limit and damage scaling regardless of the move used to trigger it, e.g. performing Throw[Detonate] > 236236H would scale the SBA at 60%Combo damage: 5700
      Throw + Detonate + SBA
      (2500*1) + (800*0.7=560) + (4400*0.6=2640) = 5700
      because throws deal 2 hits and Detonate 1 for damage scaling purposes.
    • Links
      Normal Hit Counter Hit
      Links c.L, f.L, 2L
      Crouch c.M, 2M

    Ultimate Skills

    Ultimate Slow Kill

    [2]8U or 5S+U

    DamageThe unscaled damage of the move. For Skills and Skybound Arts, the simple input damage is displayed.
    GuardHow this attack can be guarded. Guarding either negates the damage from an attack entirely or reduces it to minor chip damage.
    StartupThe amount of time before an attack is active including the first active frame. For example, an attack with 10F startup means the attack will do nothing for 9 frames, then hit the opponent on the 10th frame.
    ActiveThe amount of time during which an attack can hit the opponent. Numbers in parentheses refer to gaps during which there are no active hitboxes in the middle of an attack.
    RecoveryThe amount of time an attacker must wait before they may perform another action, even blocking.
    On-BlockA measure of frame advantage when the opponent blocks an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent blocks the first active frame of the attack.
    On-HitA measure of frame advantage when the opponent is hit by an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent was hit with the first active frame of the attack on the ground at midscreen (i.e. corner-only wall bounces are not taken into account).
    InvulnThe timing and duration during which a character cannot be hit. A common component of reversal moves.
    Total 65
    ±0 [+1]
    HKD +57 [HKD +74]
    • Values in [] indicate advantage when 623HGuardAll [Mid]Startup21RecoveryTotal 47Advantage+2 [N+16] is triggered
    • Active squares denote each projectile's launch frame, all go offscreen
    • Advantage is neutral on block in the corner, -24 [+2] midscreen due to the pushback

    Eustace fires a pair of shots out similar to [2]8H, then follows up with a sharper angle shot that bounces from the ceiling for a hard knockdown.

    All three shots will bounce as many times as they touch the ceiling or floor, giving this move very high screen coverage and making it exceptional at forcing chip damage or guaranteeing a Detonation on an opponent trying to jump with 623HGuardAll [Mid]Startup21RecoveryTotal 47Advantage+2 [N+16] on them.

    This move is very effective in neutral, where it catches most options from fullscreen and can allow for a juggle on close or high hits.

    • Projectile is fully persistent, staying on screen on hit or block.
      • Will not generate more projectiles if Eustace is hit out of it.
    • Eustace is in Counter Hit state through frame 30CH state frames 1~30
    • Technical input allows for 1 and 3 to also be used for the charge.
    • Technical input allows for 7 and 9 to also be used for the release.
    On-Counter Hit
    Skybound Art Gauge Gain
    HKD +57 [HKD +74]
    • [2]8U has no links.

    Ultimate Flamek Thunder

    [1]6U or 6S+U

    DamageThe unscaled damage of the move. For Skills and Skybound Arts, the simple input damage is displayed.
    GuardHow this attack can be guarded. Guarding either negates the damage from an attack entirely or reduces it to minor chip damage.
    StartupThe amount of time before an attack is active including the first active frame. For example, an attack with 10F startup means the attack will do nothing for 9 frames, then hit the opponent on the 10th frame.
    ActiveThe amount of time during which an attack can hit the opponent. Numbers in parentheses refer to gaps during which there are no active hitboxes in the middle of an attack.
    RecoveryThe amount of time an attacker must wait before they may perform another action, even blocking.
    On-BlockA measure of frame advantage when the opponent blocks an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent blocks the first active frame of the attack.
    On-HitA measure of frame advantage when the opponent is hit by an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent was hit with the first active frame of the attack on the ground at midscreen (i.e. corner-only wall bounces are not taken into account).
    InvulnThe timing and duration during which a character cannot be hit. A common component of reversal moves.
    500×4, 600
    Total 86
    -4 [+1]
    HKD +54 [HKD +81]
    • Values in [] indicate advantage when 623HGuardAll [Mid]Startup21RecoveryTotal 47Advantage+2 [N+16] is triggered.

    Eustace fires two fast shots before a final powerful and piercing shot, causing a hard knockdown. Wallbounces on hit, allowing for a further juggle.

    [1]6U is ideal for winning fireball wars in the mid-range where it overpowers and pierces most projectiles or crushes whiffed normals, and can easily stuff opponents running in for an approach. Its high chip damage makes it great in the final stages of a round, and it also functions as a strong confirm at the corner to lead reliably into a wallbounce to set up a combo.

    • Projectile is fully persistent, staying on screen on hit or block.
      • Will not generate more projectiles if Eustace is hit out of it.
    • Eustace is in Counter Hit state until frame 25.
    • Technical input allows for 4 or 7 to also be used for the charge.
    • Technical input allows for 3 to also be used for the release.
    • The 236 alternate input available in Button Settings at Character Select wholly replaces the charge input, meaning both cannot be available at the same time.
    On-Counter Hit
    Skybound Art Gauge Gain
    HKD +54 [HKD +81]
    • First shot lasts 4 frames, second lasts 10, third goes offscreen.
    Normal Hit Counter Hit
    Links c.L, c.M, c.H,
    f.L, f.M, f.H,
    2L, 2M, 2H,
    2U, 66L, 66H,
    [2]8L, [2]8M, [2]8H,
    214M, 214H, [2]8U,
    [1]6U, 214U, 236236H,

    Ultimate Assault Knife

    214U or 4S+U

    DamageThe unscaled damage of the move. For Skills and Skybound Arts, the simple input damage is displayed.
    GuardHow this attack can be guarded. Guarding either negates the damage from an attack entirely or reduces it to minor chip damage.
    StartupThe amount of time before an attack is active including the first active frame. For example, an attack with 10F startup means the attack will do nothing for 9 frames, then hit the opponent on the 10th frame.
    ActiveThe amount of time during which an attack can hit the opponent. Numbers in parentheses refer to gaps during which there are no active hitboxes in the middle of an attack.
    RecoveryThe amount of time an attacker must wait before they may perform another action, even blocking.
    On-BlockA measure of frame advantage when the opponent blocks an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent blocks the first active frame of the attack.
    On-HitA measure of frame advantage when the opponent is hit by an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent was hit with the first active frame of the attack on the ground at midscreen (i.e. corner-only wall bounces are not taken into account).
    InvulnThe timing and duration during which a character cannot be hit. A common component of reversal moves.
    700, 100×6, 600 {700, 200×3, 100}
    HKD +46
    {HKD +43}
    1-16 Full
    • Data in {} refers to non-cinematic hit.
      • Does not consume 623HGuardAll [Mid]Startup21RecoveryTotal 47Advantage+2 [N+16] on non-cinematic hit.
    • Does not refund meter when performed from neutral.

    Eustace travels a short distance before striking upwards, finishing with a spread shot for a hard knockdown that leaves the opponent about halfscreen.

    Eustace's Ultimate reversal, and his only invincible reversal outside of Skybound Arts. Works as an ender to setup a hard knockdown. Due to its thin hitbox and the initial dash on startup, can partially connect or completely whiff on certain juggles or anti-airs.

    Interestingly, if spaced absolutely perfectly, Eustace can travel under the opponent and sideswitch them after only three hits land and combo with c.L. This requires landing two frame perfects and have perfect spacing, so it will likely never happen in a match.

    • Does not consume 623HGuardAll [Mid]Startup21RecoveryTotal 47Advantage+2 [N+16] if blocked.
    • 623HGuardAll [Mid]Startup21RecoveryTotal 47Advantage+2 [N+16] is consumed on hit, but does not change frame data.
    On-Counter Hit
    Skybound Art Gauge Gain
    HKD +46
    • Transitions to additional attack when hitting on frames 8~9. Frame data in { } refers to non-cinematic hit.
    • Air unblockable frames 8-16.
    • Airborne frame 10.
    • 214U has no links.

    Ultimate Rat Race

    623U or 2S+U

    DamageThe unscaled damage of the move. For Skills and Skybound Arts, the simple input damage is displayed.
    GuardHow this attack can be guarded. Guarding either negates the damage from an attack entirely or reduces it to minor chip damage.
    StartupThe amount of time before an attack is active including the first active frame. For example, an attack with 10F startup means the attack will do nothing for 9 frames, then hit the opponent on the 10th frame.
    ActiveThe amount of time during which an attack can hit the opponent. Numbers in parentheses refer to gaps during which there are no active hitboxes in the middle of an attack.
    RecoveryThe amount of time an attacker must wait before they may perform another action, even blocking.
    On-BlockA measure of frame advantage when the opponent blocks an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent blocks the first active frame of the attack.
    On-HitA measure of frame advantage when the opponent is hit by an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent was hit with the first active frame of the attack on the ground at midscreen (i.e. corner-only wall bounces are not taken into account).
    InvulnThe timing and duration during which a character cannot be hit. A common component of reversal moves.
    Total 20
    • Squares in Yellow Underline indicate extra active frames if the move whiffs initially.
    • Grenade frame data assumes frame 1 as first frame after launch, e.g, frame 11 of the move
    • List of Moves Considered Gunshot Moves

    Eustace tosses a grenade that bounces on the ground and explodes after a set time. The explosion can be triggered early by hitting the grenade with normals that fire his gun (such as f.HH), or his projectiles. Upon exploding, the grenade deals multiple hits, locking an opponent in blockstun or allowing for a combo on hit.

    The grenade stays on screen on block, even against Raging Strike, meaning that if you predict the opponent will mash out with a safe option, having it around can sometimes reversal their attack making the safejab minus and letting Eustace punish. This is a fairly rare occurrence, but is a good enough threat to stop people from breaking out of the pressure loop.

    Mainly used as a safe setplay option, setting up the grenade and mixing the opponent to score a hit, such as a low/high with c.XX6M/6H. Even if the attack is blocked you maintain your plus frames, but if it hits, it is ridiculously plus and leads to very high damage.

    • Projectile is semi-persistent, staying on screen on block
    • Eustace is in Counter Hit state for entire move duration
    On-Counter Hit
    Skybound Art Gauge Gain
    • Projectile spawns on frame 11.
    • Active frames range from 13 to 36 depending on when the bomb hits
    • Projectile can detonate immediately upon use if a gunshot move is still present on the stage where it blows up.
    • 623U has enough hitstun to allow Eustace to perform any move he wishes.

    Skybound Art

    Acidrage Howl

    236236H or 236S or 5S+Throw

    DamageThe unscaled damage of the move. For Skills and Skybound Arts, the simple input damage is displayed.
    GuardHow this attack can be guarded. Guarding either negates the damage from an attack entirely or reduces it to minor chip damage.
    StartupThe amount of time before an attack is active including the first active frame. For example, an attack with 10F startup means the attack will do nothing for 9 frames, then hit the opponent on the 10th frame.
    ActiveThe amount of time during which an attack can hit the opponent. Numbers in parentheses refer to gaps during which there are no active hitboxes in the middle of an attack.
    RecoveryThe amount of time an attacker must wait before they may perform another action, even blocking.
    On-BlockA measure of frame advantage when the opponent blocks an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent blocks the first active frame of the attack.
    On-HitA measure of frame advantage when the opponent is hit by an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent was hit with the first active frame of the attack on the ground at midscreen (i.e. corner-only wall bounces are not taken into account).
    InvulnThe timing and duration during which a character cannot be hit. A common component of reversal moves.
    1000, 350×3, 450, 100×15
    HKD +42
    1-13 All

    Eustace rushes forward with invulnerability. On hit or block, he unleashes a flurry of shots. Very good range, traveling almost full screen. The full cinematic always plays on any hit, so it is guaranteed to drain 1 BP from the opponent.

    In neutral this can be used on reaction to punish committal moves, and it's great in combos despite its low minimum damage. However, its variable startup can make this tricky to land as a combo ender at times, so his Super Skybound Art may be needed instead if it's available.

    Acidrage Howl will do 800 additional damage if it connects on an opponent marked by 623HGuardAll [Mid]Startup21RecoveryTotal 47Advantage+2 [N+16].

    • Eustace is fully invincible during the flurry of slashes, meaning he will beat a Brave Counter attempt and go into the cinematic.
    • Does not consume 623HGuardAll [Mid]Startup21RecoveryTotal 47Advantage+2 [N+16] if blocked.
    • Recovers 1 Bravery Point for Eustace during superflash.
    • Removes 1 Bravery Point from the opponent on hit.
    On-Counter Hit
    Skybound Art Gauge Gain
    HKD +42
    • Total base damage: 4000
    • Active frames assuming frame 13 connects (starting with frame 13): 1(12)3×3(15)2(42)3×15. Goes into 36F recovery post active if no hit lands for cinematic
    • First three active frames must make contact to trigger the four slashes, at least one slash must land to trigger finisher.
    • Crushes Brave Counter attempts on block, and will finish the animation if the last slash lands, regardless if any of the others do

    Super Skybound Art

    Dead-End Fall

    236236U or 236S+U or 5S+U+Throw

    DamageThe unscaled damage of the move. For Skills and Skybound Arts, the simple input damage is displayed.
    GuardHow this attack can be guarded. Guarding either negates the damage from an attack entirely or reduces it to minor chip damage.
    StartupThe amount of time before an attack is active including the first active frame. For example, an attack with 10F startup means the attack will do nothing for 9 frames, then hit the opponent on the 10th frame.
    ActiveThe amount of time during which an attack can hit the opponent. Numbers in parentheses refer to gaps during which there are no active hitboxes in the middle of an attack.
    RecoveryThe amount of time an attacker must wait before they may perform another action, even blocking.
    On-BlockA measure of frame advantage when the opponent blocks an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent blocks the first active frame of the attack.
    On-HitA measure of frame advantage when the opponent is hit by an attack. Positive values indicate that the attacker can act first. Negative values indicate that the defender can act first. This value assumes the opponent was hit with the first active frame of the attack on the ground at midscreen (i.e. corner-only wall bounces are not taken into account).
    InvulnThe timing and duration during which a character cannot be hit. A common component of reversal moves.
    240×16, 60×33, 180 [200×15, 1000]
    Mid, All
    Total 121
    HKD +45 [HKD +54]
    1-15 Full

    Eustace scorches the heavens with Flamek Thunder. The shot fires upward, so it will miss grounded opponents if they're far enough away. Best used against airborne opponents or in short range combos. Also works well against opponents looking for a jump in or punishing an advancing move. Note that only the first hit of the super is air unblockable.

    If the move does not hit close enough to trigger its cinematic, it will do near-identical damage to 236236HGuardMidStartup9+4~13Recovery36Advantage-19 while also having much worse okizemeFrom Japanese "起き攻め". Attacking an opponent about to wake up after they were knocked down, usually with meaty attacks or mix-ups.. Depending on the situation it may be necessary to end combos with 236236H even if 236236U is available.

    Dead-End Fall will do additional damage if it connects on an opponent marked by 623HGuardAll [Mid]Startup21RecoveryTotal 47Advantage+2 [N+16], up to 4800 total on a non-cinematic connect and 6960 on a cinematic connect.

    • Data in brackets refers to non-cinematic far hit.
    • Guaranteed to dodge crush opponents evading at any point if they are within 1/3 screen distance.
    • Recovers 1 Bravery Point for Eustace during superflash.
    • Removes 2 Bravery Points from the opponent on close hit only. The listed damage assumes a 20% increase due to Bravery Penalty.
    • Counter Hit state until frame 69.
    On-Counter Hit
    Skybound Art Gauge Gain
    HKD +45 [HKD +54]
    • Total base damage: 6000.


    Default Colors
    Color 1
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    Color 8
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    Color 10
    Color 11
    Color 12
    Color 13
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    File:GBVSR Eustace Color 20.png
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    File:GBVSR Eustace Color 21.png
    File:GBVSR Eustace Color 22.png
    File:GBVSR Eustace Color EX.png


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