An evening visit to Druridge for an hour produced two long-awaited year ticks, both from a short seawatch.
The first was a single turnstone flying south, still in its summer garb, I didn't see turnstone on the patch in 2008 so I was happy with this one!
The second was knot, two moulting birds also flying south. Offshore there were also at least three roseys, probably more and 50 common scoter.
My year list on the blog is way out, I have updated my spreadsheet which says these are 126 and 127 for the year, this time last year I was on 133 so a bit of catching up to do.
Back to the burnet moth saga, a 'phone call from the Boulmer Birder today, after I commented on his blog about my five spot burnets at Druridge. He had gone away and read up on this on NE moths, which says that narrow-bordered five-spot burnet (I got the name wrong too) does not occur north of Druridge Bay (ie not in vice county 68).
Before Stewart called, Chuck (the NT warden) and I had seen at least two narrow-bordered five spots at Football Hole near Newton on today's coast path walk, I didn't photograph them sadly. Tomorrows walk is from Seahouses to Belford, so I shall be looking for them along the way.
The first was a single turnstone flying south, still in its summer garb, I didn't see turnstone on the patch in 2008 so I was happy with this one!
The second was knot, two moulting birds also flying south. Offshore there were also at least three roseys, probably more and 50 common scoter.
My year list on the blog is way out, I have updated my spreadsheet which says these are 126 and 127 for the year, this time last year I was on 133 so a bit of catching up to do.
Back to the burnet moth saga, a 'phone call from the Boulmer Birder today, after I commented on his blog about my five spot burnets at Druridge. He had gone away and read up on this on NE moths, which says that narrow-bordered five-spot burnet (I got the name wrong too) does not occur north of Druridge Bay (ie not in vice county 68).
Before Stewart called, Chuck (the NT warden) and I had seen at least two narrow-bordered five spots at Football Hole near Newton on today's coast path walk, I didn't photograph them sadly. Tomorrows walk is from Seahouses to Belford, so I shall be looking for them along the way.
narrow-bordered five-spot burnet moths
126 turnstone
127 knot
1 comment:
Thats two species I wont be getting on my patch Ipin! Well done, keep at it mate.
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