A settled high pressure with westerly winds has meant that this weekend has been a lot more sedate than last weekend was.
Sedate = boring. Bring back the easterlies please.
It felt like summer at Druridge yesterday morning. There were lots of butterflies out, mostly red admirals and speckled woods with a single
dark-green fritillary which must have been off a second hatching?
Red admiral on whitebeam berries |
Speckled wood |
These drake gadwall thought it was spring - chasing a duck around for five minutes or more. |
Birding was very quiet, robins, wrens, dunnocks and chiffs most notable in the bushes. Overhead, skylarks were moving south throughout the morning with a sprinkling of meadow pipits and swallows.
There was a hint of winter though,
pink-footed geese are back.
Pink-foots, headed south |
Today was even warmer, but more cloudy. I could only manage some evening birding, by which time, the wind had dropped to almost nothing. It was high tide, so I had a look on the sea, hoping for some fly-by waders, pushed off the rocks.
There was an incredible
71 divers in the bay, but all I could pick out was red-throats. In amongst them were five red-breasted mergansers and a
great-crested grebe.
In common with elsewhere, Druridge has had an influx of
little gulls, not an impressive count in comparison with other sites, but there were about 12-15 which is good for Druridge. Most of them were distant, with a feeding frenzy of bigger gulls, well offshore.
I had a really frustrating episode with a gull, when I picked it up in my scope, it was heading south and it didn't deviate from it's course, it didn't bank or turn once, just kept on going. What I saw, and its jizz, was good for a juvenile sabines, but I will never know.
At dusk, the two
juvenile kestrels that have been hanging about were joined by a third. I got a couple of pics before it go too dark, after I abandoned photography due to bad light, they put on a great display over the dunes in front of me, tussling with each other.
juvenile kestrels at dusk |