The new and improved snake oil.

N Korea hails development of new ‘super drink’

KCNA says: “It, with effects of both preventive and curative treatment, helps improve mental and retentive faculties by multiplying brain cells.

“It also protects skin from wrinkles and black spots and prevents such geriatric diseases as cerebral haemorrhage, myocardium and brain infarction by removing acid effete matters in time.

“It, much higher than quality cosmetics in anti-oxidation capacity, is efficacious for different skin diseases, including allergic dermatitis. It also makes skin fair.

“The drink has no side-effect.”

They shouldn’t have any problem finding suckers customers. All they have to do is advertise on the Won’s website or HuffPo.

“The drink has no side-effect.”

Pretty much the same thing was said about Thalidomide.


The new and improved snake oil. — 5 Comments

  1. It was developed by a joint venture fruit juice company.

    Right…the Jamba Juice guys’ve been merchandising this kind of stuff for, oh, roughly three or four decades, now…

    Would that it actually worked as claimed.

    Nice stuff, fruit juice – good mixer for certain “adult beverages.” Also useful for some “morning-after helpers.”

    I’m entirely willing to be proven wrong – but it seems to me, if some “miraculous super-drink” could be – safely – concocted from “natural juice extracts” (no matter how many-or few-“microelements” involved), it would have been benefiting humans for quite some time now.

    Let’s see the facts and figures on actual performance from the company – not just marketing hype.

    (Anybody think, given the primitive nature of their current sociological country-profile, a NorK company would be able to produce this kind of revolutionary “development”?)

  2. From the country that drinks “bim-sul” (adder liquor) as a spring tonic….dunk a snake in rice liquor, let it ferment. A friend who worked for UNCMAC “buying” remains of American soldiers tried a shot with the Norks a the border. Said it made his whole face numb for almost a week.

  3. Are you sure bim-sul is supposed to be drunk?

    The Chinese have something similar — take sorghum wine or liquor (the same thing as Korean soju) and soak a bunch of herbs and insects and a (small, dead) poisonous snake. It’s for external use only: rub it on a sprain or bruise and the alcohol will help the “medicinal” portion soak in. In Chinese it’s called “di da jiao” (spelling optional). Martial artists often use it. We’ve got some at home, unless it’s all been used up.

  4. Definitely a drink. Much more potent than Okinawan “habu sake” (which also has a snake in it). Bim-sul is different from soju like makali (Korean rice wine) is different from sake….lots of experience with all but bim-sul, which, being produced in the North, I wouldn’t pour down your throat, let alone mine.