From a Comment At…

Jules Crittenden » “He Was Supposed To Be Competent”

I think it’s possible that by the time Obama is done he will rank as the President upon whom the greatest expectations were bestowed and and the President who most spectacularly failed to meet those expectations. Since he never merited those high expectations, it’s the fault of people like Noonan who set him up to fail with all their blathering about his cool temperament and so on.

Well, isn’t this rich. I’ll give the commenter credit for originality in blame-placing, at least. The fact that Barack Hussein Obama will go down in history as the most epically failed U.S. President is the fault of those who had such high expectations for him.

Since I thought he was an incompetent blowhard from the git-go and said so, over and over, does that make me a guy who tried to set up the Black Jesus in the White House for success?

About Bill Quick

I am a small-l libertarian. My primary concern is to increase individual liberty as much as possible in the face of statist efforts to restrict it from both the right and the left. If I had to sum up my beliefs as concisely as possible, I would say, "Stay out of my wallet and my bedroom," "your liberty stops at my nose," and "don't tread on me." I will believe that things are taking a turn for the better in America when married gays are able to, and do, maintain large arsenals of automatic weapons, and tax collectors are, and do, not.


From a Comment At… — 16 Comments

  1. Well, it may be too soon, but I’m starting to feel sorry for him. The person who’s quote ends my comment, and millions like him, are the ones to blame. BHO will be gone, but they will remain. At least the following fool, whose quote I picked up from the comments in a news story, knows he did wrong and apologizes, but what’s to protect us from his foolishness, and the foolishness of the millions like him, next time?

    By far, THE most INEPT President we ever had!! He makes Jimmy Carter look like a model of efficiency. He is also the LAZIEST LOAD of a President that we’ve ever had (unfortunately, I voted for him. I APOLOGIZE to Americans everywhere.)

  2. I read the article (OK, skimmed it as deeply as my gag reflex would allow me to).

    Where Noonan got it really wrong (and she was getting it wrong when she was a speech writer), is that it is not what Obama has done vs. what she and others hoped and thought he could do.

    It is that he has been so much worse than even those of us, such as Bill, thought he might be.

    He is not, as I feared, a competent and crafty statist, using his charisma to force through his agenda. He is not a good front man, with a cable of dedicated leftists behind him, also trying to turn us into a euro-state.

    He is in fact an incompetent boob, filled with typical progressive, statist, marxist cant, but he is too stupid and ineffectual to even be a good front man for people with agendas (Ayers and/or Dohrn) or simply people who crave power (Rahm).

    His level of incompetence is staggering even to those of us who thought he was what he said and not what others hoped.

    His greatest gift may yet be the permanent crippling of the American Left. (I do not think he will kill it. The ideas are too seductive, and too zombie like to ever die. They are already dead, they just lumber around mumbling about brains and causing random destruction.)

  3. Dan, you pretty much said it for me. He aspires to be a world historical figure setting America on the permanent path to hard-left socialism. Thank goodness he’s not very good at it.

    I’ll just add something I’ve said many times: Lots of people, including Noonan, raved about Obama’s supposed “world class intelligence” and “world class temperament” during the campaign. I never saw either one, and I think we have plenty of evidence now that neither one ever existed. He doesn’t appear that bright. He’s clearly pretty ignorant about the way the world works. His temperament seems to be touchy, thin-skinned, and he exudes a sense of entitlement that grates on anyone who doesn’t accept the left tenet of “we’re all racists who owe anything they ask to minorities”.

    So, yeah, if he’s determined to be a mixture of leftist ideologue and Chicago-way thug, then it’s better if he sucks at it.

  4. Dan in MD:

    He is in fact an incompetent boob, filled with typical progressive, statist, marxist cant, …

    In my experience, there are several categories of Marxist/leftist/statist adherents. There are cynics who expect to be in the top class of the “classless” society and there are true believers. Then there is the category which I believe includes Ω aka Bam Bam.

    These are folks who find it too difficult to understand and reason about the real world for whatever reason; usually because they are just not very bright. For them, an ideology and weltanshaung like Marxism (or Islam) which provides detailed guidance on every possible issue is a welcome, indeed necessary security blanket. Whatever the issue, there can never be any doubt; were a doubt to creep in the entire epistemological structure would be threatened with collapse.

    Lately, Obama has called to mind the Peanuts character (Shroeder?) clinging to his blanky.

  5. … does that make me a guy who tried to set up the Black Jesus in the White House for success?

    You’re obviously guilty, Bill; along with Bush, of course.

    Anybody with low expectations or high expectations for The Won is raaacist and probably also a violent terrorist.

  6. Nice take, Dan…and entirely consistent, I think, with what is now revealed to all (those who actually wish to see, that is).

    (BTW – one very small quibble. Perhaps the word you wanted was “cabal”, not “cable”, in that fifth sentence?)

    Not that anyone should take particular comfort in Lil’ Obambam’s fully-evident lack of real-world effectiveness – we still need to proceed against him and all his “progressive” attempts as though he remained a serious threat; he clearly still is.

    …I’m starting to feel sorry for him.

    Don’t – do not think that way.

    If you want to feel sorry about something – feel sorrow for the fact that, if we are not at the actual low-point in our nation’s history of political governance and leadership, we are clearly below any prior point, and still descending (if somewhat more slowly than in recent months). The nadir is not yet reached – though it may be as near at hand as the next National Executive election, that event is still roughly 2-1/2 years distant. Feel bad about that.

    I feel no sorrow or sympathy for The Won – nor will I ever. He is the Flim-Flam, Big Con writ as large as it can be – the embodiment of the Ultimate Affirmative Action recipient, and is proving to be every bit the real-world, open-competition failure that such a recipient nearly always is. In addition, he sought this position; no one other than himself drove him to this end.

    Feel no sorrow or sympathy for the pompous, arrogant Unclothed Emperor.

  7. I am abashed, chagrined, and discomposed. I stand corrected for the mawkish moment and the sappy lapse of decorum and propriety. I will hold my sword in my outstretched arm for half an hour.

  8. J.S. – Yes, Cabal, not cable. To many communication line specs last week.

    Bill – “We … know where Jesus was born…” snicker

    As Bill says, we want the Won to fail – spectacularly, flamboyantly and completely.

    May he take Hill Bill and the RINOs with him

  9. …the republican candidate that gets his ass kicked in 2012 will be an even bigger failure.

    Wow – the sheer size of the crystal ball(s) on that one…

    The Won’s primary (wishful-dreaming) defender hereabouts has just as big an ego as – and a much smaller intellectual capacity than – his Shining Object Of Worship And Praise.

    Aim high boys!

    It only requires a level gaze to be well above you and your Political God-Like Idol, sonny.

    …we want the Won to fail – spectacularly, flamboyantly and completely.

    And, as we see clearly demonstrated virtually every day, he’s striving diligently to fulfill our every desire in that manner.

    Aside from lying and thereby getting votes, the only thing The Grand Flim-Flammer is remotely competent at: Being a multi-tasking incompetent.

    If the Rethuglicans will now get their act straight, and their shit all in one bag, this can truly become the Democ-rat Vespers.

  10. Does our lackwit of a bum even publish his daily schedule as other presidents used to do? I wonder because I’m doubtful he could possibly do so and not receive pro forma complaints even from the major media. I wouldn’t be surprised of 75% of his 12-13 waking hours each day are spent with media. He was granting “exclusives” to every electronic media outlet in the U.S. for a few months there, and it looks plainly like he has no idea what to do with his time.

    It would be one thing if he was a legislator in a job he never understood. Then at least he would have some record of accomplishment, and usually that also implies an understanding of detail. But this jackass has never done even one thing of significance. Until he was nearly 48 years old (I mark February as his month of birth) his single achievement was having written an abortion bill protecting doctors who leave a live born child, a failed abortion, to starve to death on the table their mothers lay upon while delivering him. At least others could claim to have hired their campaign staff personnel, but Obama didn’t even do that much. He doesn’t even appear to understand his lack of understanding, which would be more frightening if it hadn’t been so obvious for so long by now. He doesn’t even have imagination, so that he can throw out notions to people who know things about the real world and have them directed toward plausible goals. But most of his staff appear similarly unacquainted with the real world. Hillary Clinton may be the closest to a realist in his administration, and she only knows anything from organizing bribes for ~15 years and being a partner in a law firm.

    If China’s going to take their shot, 2012 looks excellent. Not only will we be more likely to lose by then, but loyalty to the person in power will push many to support the most anti-American incompetent who ever ran for the job. Clinton just traded technology and skills (such as how our IFF system works, and how we can generate so many aircraft sorties compared to other nations) for money. Obama has an ideological desire to bring the U.S. down little different than that of the Soviets and the islamists.