Blogs for sale.

HuffPo is available for 15 grand.

Monday we exposed Huffington Post’s own conflict of interest when we discovered that SEIU had paid the site $15,000 categorized as “political activities and lobbying.”

Media (doesn’t) Matters gets around 50thou from SEIU
AFL-CIO gave MM $75,000.00 for “political activities” and $100,000.00 for “union administration”. So much for “non-partisan”.
The fact that unions are paying big bucks to HuffPo and Media (doesn’t) Matters is news, but you won’t see it in the NYT, LAT or AJC. You won’t hear about in on CBS, NBC, ABC CNN, MSNBC or even FOX. But if Breibart accepted a drink of water from Palin it would be front page above the fold.

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