CNN Asks Wrong Questions, Sheriff Asks Right Ones

The always-reliably-Progtard CNN – in the person of Anderson Cooper 360* – questions the publicizing of the presence of newly-arrived illegal aliens by the Sheriff of Pinal County, AZ. within his jurisdiction: Arizona Sheriff Defends Publishing Location for Illegal Immigrants … Continue reading

Has Anybody Seen Steffy Stuffapottamus Lately?

Congratulations to @AlecMacGillis, Hacktastic Douchebag of the Day : The Other McCain “Alec MacGillis, staff writer of the Washington Post, needs to leave journalism immediately to find a profession in which he is half-competent.” – Brad DeLong, March 27, 2008 … Continue reading

NYT: Hey, It’s Still Working, Isn’t It?

The New Hope of Gun Control Advocates | Shall Not Be Questioned How stupid does the New York Times think we all are? Stupid enough to keep on electing and reelecting the gun-grabbing liberal fascists the NYT always supports. Stupid … Continue reading

The Unbiased and Objective Partisanship of the Progressive Media Complex

Boyle on Menendez: ‘Miller Cut His Teeth in Democratic Scandal Management’ : The Other McCain This tactic — claiming that Democrat scandals are the artificial products of “partisan” opponents — was pioneered by Chris Lehane during the Clinton administration, when the White House circulated … Continue reading