Has Anybody Seen Steffy Stuffapottamus Lately?

Congratulations to @AlecMacGillis, Hacktastic Douchebag of the Day : The Other McCain “Alec MacGillis, staff writer of the Washington Post, needs to leave journalism immediately to find a profession in which he is half-competent.” – Brad DeLong, March 27, 2008 … Continue reading

The Mystery Gets Deeper – Well, Something Is Getting Deeper, At Any Rate

Boston bombs showed some expertise – latimes.com Another piece of propaganda material that suggests the Caucasians who inexplicably bombed the Boston Marathon may have had some “guidance” from mysterious people in Russia. If only we could figure out what might … Continue reading

Breaking News: The Imams of the Obama Regime Are Brutal, Vicious Hypocrites!

Perino: When Bush Admin Tried to Slam Bob Woodward, The Left Rallied For Him | Wizbang In an appearance on Fox News, former Bush White House Press Secretary Dana Perino noted that when the Bush team tried to push back … Continue reading

Candy Crawley: Nazi Moderator Dictator

Candy Crowley will disregard debate agreement on Tuesday – The Hill’s Video CNN’s Candy Crowley, the moderator of Tuesday night’s presidential debate, plans to disregard the rules the campaigns signed on to and wield more control in the conversation between … Continue reading

If “Boycott” Means “Hang Them From Lamp Posts,” I’m In

Seconding Ace: It’s Time to Boycott NBC « Nice Deb I started “boycotting” virtually all commercial TV (other than the news) over 20 years ago, so it’s no skin off my back. Got sick of what Breitbart’s John Nolte likes … Continue reading

Yeah, The MSM Is A Bunch of Corrupt, Lying Hack Propagandists: So What?

» Tales of the tapes – Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion Obama attended an anti-Israel conference with Rashid Khalidi.  The L.A. Times will not release the video. Obama was caught on an open mic calling federal employees ”slugs.”  CBS News will not release the tape. Obama was … Continue reading