The Lefty Gun Grabbers Just Hate It When You Remind Them of the Facts of History…..

The Captain’s Journal But just occasionally it’s nice to be able to push back and show the gun control argument to be impractical, unhealthy and unsafe.  It’s also nice that Dr. Ablow mentioned the example of Nazi Germany.  Since the … Continue reading


Old And Busted: Representative Democracy. New Hotness: European Disenfranchisement : The Other McCain I love ‘Teatard’, which I think I first saw on Daily Pundit. I stole it from DP regular commenter “SDN.” Thanks, SDN! … Continue reading

Enough to Make You Puke: The News The Times Finds to Fit Their Manufactured Post-Modern Reality

Manufacturing equivalence Two weeks ago [Ari] Goldman, formerly a religion writer for The New York Times, publicly confessed to having remained silent for 20 years about his paper’s distorted coverage of the Crown Heights riots. For Goldman, it was up … Continue reading

Right. 9/11 Is All About the Aspirations of Poor, Downtrodden Muslims and the Religion of Peace

WH guidelines on 9/11 anniversary emphasize not “just about us” « Hot Air “The important theme is to show the world how much we realize that 9/11 — the attacks themselves and violent extremism writ large — is not ‘just … Continue reading

Oh, Please

Racially tinged remarks prompt hasty backtracking – Amid the fiercely partisan battles over raising the debt ceiling, Colorado Republican Rep. Doug Lamborn took to the airwaves last week to criticize Obama’s policies, infelicitously comparing them to a “tar baby.” … Continue reading

Blood Libels and Deranged Hate – A Decade in the History of the American Left

Like a stopped clock, the Left’s response to any deranged mass murder is to play propaganda and blood libel Republicans. Here’s a review of this past decade’s greatest Leftist blood libel attempts: 1. The DC Sniper 2. The IRS Plane-Bomber … Continue reading

Note to Reporters: When You’ve Left Your Message, Hang Up, It’s Less Embarrassing That Way

This is all over the right side of the blogosphere. Anchorage CBS Affiliate Caught on Voicemail Conspiring Against Alaska’s GOP Senate Candidate The following voice mail message was inadvertently left on the cell phone of Joe Miller campaign spokesperson Randy … Continue reading