The Flukeman – a form of quasi-vertebrate human – was an example of reproductive and physiological cross-traiting due to radiation, abnormal cell fusion and/or the suppression of natural genetic processes; essentially, the creature was a result of human science rather than nature. Its vestigial features seemed parasitic but it also had primate physiology.
The Flukeman transmitted its larvae, a form of flatworm, through its bite. The being searched for hosts, in order to multiply, and attacked because its victims' bodies provided generative nourishment.
Wild Card
Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d8, Spirit d4, Strength d6,
Vigor d10
Skills: Climbing d6, Fighting d6, Intimidation d10, Notice d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 7
Special Abilities
• Hardy
• Infection Once infected, the host will become the vessel for a
new flukeman. In 1d6+1 days the flukeman will burst from it's
host, inflcting 2d8 damage. The flukeman can be removed from
the host before it erupts
• Infravision
• Regeneration Slow
Special Abilities
• Acrobat
• Aquatic
• Fear -2• Aquatic
• Hardy
• Infection Once infected, the host will become the vessel for a
new flukeman. In 1d6+1 days the flukeman will burst from it's
host, inflcting 2d8 damage. The flukeman can be removed from
the host before it erupts
• Infravision
• Regeneration Slow
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