For my DnD players in our Friday Game, if you are reading this please, move along.
Last November, my Friday players hit 20th Level. I wasn't ready for an Epic game, as I hadn't worked it all out yet, so we started playtesting a dungeon that we should be finished with before it releases in September. And I think I've got the foundations in place for a epic battle amongst the Multiverse.
Long has Orcus, Demon Prince of Undeath lusted after the Raven Queen's divinity presiding over Death, Fate, and Winter. For centuries he has plotted against her, his corpulence rippling like bitter storm stirring a toxic lake in his quest to usurp her. He has tasted merely a drop of her powers, centuries ago, as he began to probe the young goddess, after she had conspired against Nerull.
In that exchange, Orcus offered the Raven Queen a weapon of the purest darkness, Black Razor. His price was, ostensibly for the his old ally, the Queen of Chaos and it was for Miska the Wolf-Spider's prison to be moved from the Shadowfell's Demiplane of Dread and Desire, which was created to house the Wolf-Spider, to be moved to the Abyss. The Raven Queen, vastly underestimating the Prince of Undeath, did not realize that their pact would give that portion of the Demiplane of Dread and Desire to the Demon Lord and transfer it to Pandemonium. Yes, the Raven Queen had Black Razor, but a portion of her power had been eternally lost to Orcus, infuriating her.
However, the Raven Queen has been watching what has been occurring within the Abyss, as several Demon Lords have escaped to the Prime Material Plane of FaerĂșn, including Orcus, the death of Tiamat at the hands of a Cabal of chromatic dragons, and the disappearance of Lolth. It has lead her to reach out to the Queen of Chaos to solicit support, believing that they might find common ground in their enmity of Orcus.
For her part, the Raven Queen still claims to have some hold over the portion of the Demiplane of Dread and Desire that holds the Queen of Chaos' lover and general, Miska the Wolf-Spider in Pandemonium. And the Queen of Chaos, for her part, has claimed that she can enchant Black Razor to slay Orcus, once and for all. Of course, all that she requires is the freedom of her beloved and the opportunity to rule the Abyss, for the Raven Queen to walk away after the Prince of Undeath is slain.
All that either Queen requires now are heroes, valiant or foolish enough to go after Orcus and slay him. Although, for her part, the Raven Queen has much to offer her champions. Saint Cuthbert has been trapped within the Demiplane of Dread and Desire and she can offer his freedom in exchange for their service. Additionally, the Raven Queen is older and wiser now and she is prepared to use Miska as a bargaining chip. Now all she has to do is lure her champions into their service, with Death, Undeath, Fate, and Winter all hanging in the balance.
Showing posts with label Queen of Chaos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Queen of Chaos. Show all posts
Saturday, June 3, 2017
Monday, May 15, 2017
Queen of Chaos: Ataxia
Many wrongfully believe the Queen of Chaos lies forgotten, even helpless, trapped in her lair in the Abyss' Steaming Fen. But the Queen wants other to think she is lost and powerless, merely ancient history. She knows that her greatest strength is her obscurity, but she has retained one hallmark as her legacy, Ataxia.
Looking at the worlds of the Multiverse and you will see many similarities amongst them, celebrations of the Summer and Winter Solstice, the end of the year and the beginning of the next, and finally the Harvest Moon, Ataxia, as some of the elders tell it. While most believe the full moon during harvest each year is merely a celebration of summer's end and preparing for the hardships of winter, it is in fact a ritual that has existed for countless ages. It is, in truth, a celebration of change, of embracing the uncertainty--the chaos of the coming struggle to survive the long nights and cruel environments of world on the brink of ruin. It is a secret holiday, the high holy day, for the Lady of Discord, a moment, strewn across countless worlds, that reminds the Queen that her moment will yet come and that her presence is still felt by untold numbers of fragile, foolish mortals.
Looking at the worlds of the Multiverse and you will see many similarities amongst them, celebrations of the Summer and Winter Solstice, the end of the year and the beginning of the next, and finally the Harvest Moon, Ataxia, as some of the elders tell it. While most believe the full moon during harvest each year is merely a celebration of summer's end and preparing for the hardships of winter, it is in fact a ritual that has existed for countless ages. It is, in truth, a celebration of change, of embracing the uncertainty--the chaos of the coming struggle to survive the long nights and cruel environments of world on the brink of ruin. It is a secret holiday, the high holy day, for the Lady of Discord, a moment, strewn across countless worlds, that reminds the Queen that her moment will yet come and that her presence is still felt by untold numbers of fragile, foolish mortals.
Sunday, May 7, 2017
Queen of Chaos: Chaos Cults
Throughout the Multiverse, the Queen of Chaos waits for clues to the whereabouts of the Rod of Seven Parts from her home in the Abyss, the Steaming Fen. Miska, the Wolf-Spider was her consort and general, a master tactician that led his spyder-fiends and the demons that he pressed into her service like a tsunami across the Planes, giving his enemies no quarter. But when the Rod was used to banisher her lover, the Queen, unable to keep her forces united, fled. To wait. To stew. To plot. To watch.
Over the eons, she has come to believe that by finding the Rod, she can free her lover from his prison and finish her campaign.
To that end, she has spread her will across the Multiverse, perverting those with a bent toward Chaos, nudging them to form cults dedicated to being ever vigilant for the Rod. For her lover's freedom. For her final victory.
She looks for those who are broken and beaten down, people who cannot abide Law or order. Renegades and outcasts who she can twist, giving them the gift to find others of like mind.
Once a cult has been cultivated, the Queen typically gifts it's leader with a manifesto, in the form of a demoniac treatise, to spread the cult's message, gathering new followers and creating new cells. The manifesto typically features foul and monstrous rites in the name of Chaos. Such works have found their way into the hands of many powerful Archmages, such as the Path of Discord, the Cacodex, the Ruinous Rubric, and Misrules.
Sometimes, the Queen will even pose as powerful demon and offer the willing a warlock's pact, she especially enjoys this solution for would-be adventurers, knowing that their actions inevitably will aid her free the Wolf-Spider and undo whatever good they might achieve.
As much as she enjoys corrupting and destroying mortal lives though, her most important goal is for her cultists and warlocks to remain ever vigilant for any clue or Part of the Rod.
The Queen is ancient and she has learned patience, much to the chagrin of her enemies, and it's merely a matter of time before one or more of her agents collect the Parts of the Rod for her. And then the Multiverse will tremble at her vengeance.
A cleric who worships Chaos gains a +1 to Saving Throws and is trained in Persuasion.
Saturday, May 6, 2017
Queen of Chaos: Sapper [UPDATED]
Scattered throughout the multiverse are zealots dedicated to the worship of the malignant Queen of Chaos. Their dark dedication driving them to sew chaos and warp the world in which they live. They practice obscene rites, inviting things from outside their world to wreak havoc and invoke terror. Some amongst these chaotic crusaders have gained a greater understanding of the thresholds between worlds and have practiced their foul invocations to the point that they can permanently weaken the barriers of their world in certain locales. Amongst scholars and arcanists they are often referred to as Sappers, as they sabotage the walls between worlds.
Sappers are feared amongst the learned and wise as their only mission is to empower Chaos by destroying the Laws that protect one world from another. Too often the inhabitants of one world are ill prepared to face the threats from a different one and once a Sapper has begun destroying the threshold in one area, their work seems to accelerate in a different one. Many sages believe them to be a pandemic that can doom a world in a few short years.
Sappers are Mages/9th Level Magic-Users and any creatures they conjure/summon have an additional 20% Hit Points and a +2 to damage.
Additionally, the area within 120 feet of a Sapper is considered a Wild Magic Zone. When any creature besides the Sapper casts a spell roll a d20, on a 13 or higher a Wild Surge occurs. Feel free to use the Wild Surge table in ADnD's Tome Of Magic, the 5th Edition Player's Handbook, or check out this page.
Sappers are feared amongst the learned and wise as their only mission is to empower Chaos by destroying the Laws that protect one world from another. Too often the inhabitants of one world are ill prepared to face the threats from a different one and once a Sapper has begun destroying the threshold in one area, their work seems to accelerate in a different one. Many sages believe them to be a pandemic that can doom a world in a few short years.
Sappers are Mages/9th Level Magic-Users and any creatures they conjure/summon have an additional 20% Hit Points and a +2 to damage.
Additionally, the area within 120 feet of a Sapper is considered a Wild Magic Zone. When any creature besides the Sapper casts a spell roll a d20, on a 13 or higher a Wild Surge occurs. Feel free to use the Wild Surge table in ADnD's Tome Of Magic, the 5th Edition Player's Handbook, or check out this page.
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