I really liked how Tieflings in Planechase didn't have universal traits so I decided to channel that a bit using Foci.
Thursday, July 29, 2021
Worlds Without Number: Tiefling Origin
Wednesday, July 28, 2021
Masters of the Universe Revelation
Netflix dropped Masters of the Universe Revelations last week and like nearly anything in the 21st century, there is some outrage about it.
I encountered the Masters of the Universe toyline from Mattel when my buddy Barry (maybe the only kid more spoiled than I was) and I played with his He-Man, Man-At-Arms, Skeletor, and Beast-Man. I was hooked from the moment I saw their crazy proportions and I made my Mom drag me to Kay-Bee Toys to get all four. What Barry hadn't shown me were the enclosed mini-comics which were awesome.
Before the Filmation series, He-Man was the star of the Masters of the Universe but I found all the characters pretty darn cool and the cartoon's lore didn't really jive with the early mini-comics. I enjoyed the Filmation series but the introduction of Prince Adam and Orko was a little odd to my 10-year-old self. Due to some Marvel Comic 3-Packs of Conan the Barbarian and DC Comic 3-Packs of Tarzan I was already starting to dig pulp adventurers and I always preferred the story featuring a barbarian who finds a magic harness & cool weapons to Shazam-like transformation, but I watched the cartoon anyway and I consumed Masters of the Universe.
And obviously, I love Masters of the Universe since I've made so many posts about it.
Let me add something right here and now though, I'm not a Kevin Smith fan and his movies just aren't something I really dig. Maybe he was talked up to much before I saw Clerks or Mallrats or Chasing Amy or Dogma? In case you don't know Kevin Smith is Revelations showrunner and he says Revelation is a direct sequel to the Filmation series.
Also let me add that last year, largely due to the new Masters of the Universe Origins toy line, I got back into action figures. There has been "concern" among that community that Kevin isn't really a He-Man fan and that his series is supposed to subvert the character.
I went in pretty open-minded.
I've seen three of the first five episodes and I really love this show Kevin Smith and all. I won't lie to you that by the end of Episode 1 something major happens and the story goes off in a direction I didn't foresee. Also, this IS a direct sequel to the Filmation series but because of what happens it took me a few minutes to process where the story was going and I think some people might get turned off and miss out on a great story, but that's their loss.
The story, in my opinion, makes a lot of sense and really lets Masters of the Universe be about more than He-Man and Skeletor and I love that. I love it a lot.
Orko isn't annoying and there are moments of real emotion from the nostalgia these characters experience after the events of the first episode. The status quo has changed dramatically and many of these characters, even the "bad guys" -- especially the "bad guys" are really going through something.
The one issue that might crop up is Teela's reaction to what happens and if you didn't watch the Filmation movie or know the lore you might not fully get her strong emotions. Is the show about Teela? Yes, and it's about Duncan, Orko, Evil-Lyn, Tri-Klops, Beast-Man, Whiplash, Trap Jaw, and Mer-Man through three episodes. But it is also okay that it is about Teela because this store isn't a Skeletor scheme-of-the-episode and there are real stakes involved because the people who loved it are now making it.
And I really, really love that.
Let me add that the voice cast is outstanding on every level but Lena Headey's Evil-Lyn is transcendent and her castmates include the Onion Knight, Luke Skywalker, and Batman.
I totally love this series and I hope it rises above the outrage. I do understand feeling a bit puzzled about Smith's "direct sequel" and the direction the story takes, but the property is better for it and I hope it makes a lot of people love Masters of the Universe. It certainly gave me everything I wanted in a MotU show as well as everything I didn't know that I wanted if that makes sense.
Monday, July 26, 2021
Marvel Monday: Hulk for Godbound
Immoral Hulk for Godbound
Attack: +9 x2
Sunday, July 25, 2021
World of Warcraft: Tauren Origin for Worlds Without Number
Saturday, July 24, 2021
Warhammer 40,000: Necron Immortal for Stars Without Number
Necron Immortal for Stars Without Number
Dmg: Seen below
Save: 12+
Friday, July 23, 2021
Warhammer Fantasy: Skaven Stormvermin for Worlds Without Number
Skaven Stormvermin for Worlds Without Number
Atk: +5
Dmg: Wpn+1
Skill: +2
Save: 10+
Thursday, July 22, 2021
Star Wars: Jawa Origin for Stars Without Number
When Jawas began to walk, they were given moisture-regulated and insulated robes that they would wear their whole life. Their robes were originally hemmed to the armpit. As they mature, the hem is lowered to cover their height. Most Jawas measured their height by the amount of hems their robes had had. An average adult Jawa had usually had five or six hems in their robes.
Tuesday, July 20, 2021
Warhammer 40,000: Necron Warrior for Stars Without Numbeer
Necron Warrior for Stars Without Number
Dmg: 2d8+2
Save: 14+
Monday, July 19, 2021
Marvel Monday: Klaw for Godbound
Ulysses Klaw for Godbound
Attack: +9 x3
Sunday, July 18, 2021
Warhammer Fantasy: Skaven Clanrat for Worlds Without Number
Skaven Clanrat for Worlds Without Number
Atk: +2
Dmg: Wpn
Skill: +1
Save: 14+
Thursday, July 15, 2021
Warhammer Fantasy: Squig for Worlds Without Number
Squig for Worlds Without Number
Atk: +2
Dmg: 1d4
Skill: +1
Save: 14+
(If you like this post and others like it and have an extra $1 a month, please consider becoming a Patron of Cross Planes on Patreon.)
Tuesday, July 13, 2021
Star Wars: Wookiee Origin for Stars Without Number
Wednesday, July 7, 2021
Silent Legions: Kushtaka
Kushtaka for Silent Legions
AC: 5
HD: 2
Atks: Bite +2
Dmg: 1d6
Skill: +3
Special: Disguised
Madness: 1
Save: 12+
Physically, kushtaka are shape-shifters who will imitate the cries of a baby or the screams of a woman to lure victims to the river. Once there, the Kushtaka attempt to kill their victim.
It is also said that the Kushtaka emit a high pitched, three part whistle in the pattern of low-high-low.
(If you like this post and others like it and have an extra $1 a month, please consider becoming a Patron of Cross Planes on Patreon.)
Worlds Without Number: Displacer Beast
Atk: +5
Dmg: 1d8 / 1d8
Skill: +2
Save: 13+
It uses its two tentacles in combat, slashing victims with "the rough, horny edges of these appendages"."
(If you like this post and others like it and have an extra $1 a month, please consider becoming a Patron of Cross Planes on Patreon.)
Monday, July 5, 2021
Marvel Monday: Captain America for Godbound
Abilities Score (Modifier) [Check]
Strength 14 (+2) [7+]
Dexterity 13 (+1) [8+]
Constitution 16 (+2) [5+]
Wisdom 13 (+1) [8+]
Intelligence 13 (+0) [8+]
Charisma 18 (+3) [3+]
Hardiness 13+
Evasion 14+
Spirit 12+
Just A Kid From the Lower East Side
Unarmed +8; 1d6+2, Fray 1d8
Influence 5
Star Wars: Trandoshans for Stars Without Number
Trandoshans often walked barefooted and had feet with three digits each. A Trandoshan's skin color could vary wildly, and Trandoshans could be found with green, red, orange, brown, or yellow skin. Some Trandoshans had brownish-orange skin with red stripes on their face. They were able to regrow their limbs if they were severed. Trandoshans used their sharp claws to climb tall trees in the forest or jungles they naturally inhabited.
Sunday, July 4, 2021
The 9 Realms: Session 1 & 2
A few weeks ago I ran Godbound for a small group of friends, 3 players in all. I used some pregens found here and my players chose to run Thor, a Red Dragon, and Legolas. They investigated some disappearances in the village of Kwung at the base of Red Witch Mountain.
The session was great and heavily featured investigation and a lot of role-playing. The characters discovered that Loki & Hela were manipulating a pact that Odin had made many centuries ago and that the Red Witch was abducting villagers who were involved in the death of her apprentice. Like all others before her, the current Red Witch took on an apprentice to replace her so she eventually escape her mortal coil and become a part of the magical weave around Midgard. To solve the situation characters went into Hel and made a pact with Hela, two, in fact, which reunited the Red Witch and her apprentice were reunited and the natural cycle restored.
Tonight, I had 3 players again, Thor's player returned and was now joined by Loki and Doctor Strange. The Celestial Beauracracy detected an anomaly at the Violet Gate in Svartalfheim and dispatched the Pantheon to investigate the situation in a kind of "pre-crime" scenario ala Minority Report.
I used Kevin Crawford's excellent tools in Godbound to generate a nice outline for the session and it worked great.
The Beauracracy had allowed the Brotherhood in Bonds, who serve the Shackled God, to take over maintenance on the Violet Gate but various omens pointed to something dangerous occurring there soon.
The trio met the new leader of the Brotherhood, Hyrm, the sentient python advising him (who is also the serpent from Eden), an Oni named Harvey, a heroin-addicted quantum physicist named Kevin, and a blind astronomer named Liz.
The investigation revealed that the former leader of the Brotherhood, Kip Kob Khana was a makluan -- a member of the same alien race as Fin Fang Foom, had masqueraded as a human throughout many centuries until he found a way to use the Violet Gate to take necessary technology to his homeworld so that they could conquer Earth. The trio was able to intercept the Makluan armada at Jupiter and was able to decimate the fleet. The surviving ships insisted on a formal treaty with the Celestial Bureaucracy and the accompanying feast to honor the trio. However, all of that was only a ruse as Kip and their leader, Leng Leng Leng, used the Violet Gate to attack the brotherhood and escape the Dark World.
Doctor Strange went to Alfheim and was met by a trinity of Light Elves while Thor and Loki went to Nidavellir, the Realm of the Dwarves, where they encountered several fallen Dwarves. It was then that Thor and Loki called out to the Sorcerer Supreme who was being attacked by the Light Elves who had allied with the Makluans.
And that is where we ended things.
The plan is to continue things next week.
Friday, July 2, 2021
Masters of the Universe: Webstor for Godbound
Attack: +7 x2
One of the last remaining members of an ancient Eternian race of Spider Warriors called the Arachna, Webstor™ was awoken from hibernation beneath Snake Mountain and occasionally allies himself with Skeletor®. In ancient times, the Arachna were an advanced dominant race until driven underground by the Snake Men™. Araneus retains much of the knowledge of his people and while seemingly savage, is an expert mathematician and strategist as well as an accomplished escape artist. He often arms himself with a grappling hook Fast Pack and uses his climbing power to escape capture!
Monster Monday: Manacondas for Shadowdark
The subjects of the Nagarajah of Sssirabad are guarded and weary because many cultures view them with fear and suspicion. Twenty years ago t...