Showing posts with label Mouse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mouse. Show all posts

Friday, 1 January 2016

I've Made Friday Week 182

Good Morning everyone!

Happy New Year everyone!
I hope you had a good night.
I didn't do anything but I am 
looking forward to the next year.

This week seems to have rushed by.
Hubby is back at work,
Red Monster is loving playing with all
of his toys.
I've taken the Christmas decorations down.
I know I should leave them for 12 days
but I like to have them down before
the 1st of the year.
I love starting the year all fresh.

I have lots of rough plans in my head
what I would like to do this year.
I don't count them as resolutions because
I don't want to put pressure on myself.
It's one of the things you learn
as a long term sick person.
Don't plan but wish.

I really want to learn to quilt this year
and I want to make and finish all
the courses and kits I have.
I want this year to be productive.
I'm hoping that in the first three months
of the year I'll be able to concentrate
on my courses and then the rest of
the year I'll be able to use what I have learnt.
I have a funny feeling that 2016 is going
to be full of lots of changes.

I have two makes this week :-)

First I finished the hat for my niece's birthday

I didn't follow a pattern,
I just made it up as I went along.

I also made a towel topper
I crocheted the Rudolph one.

I didn't manage to get it finished
for Christmas this year
but I'll be using him next year :-).

I don't have any other real news today.
We are just relaxing at home
and storing up our energy ready for the
start of normal life for next week.

I really hope you had a good New Year Eve.
I also hope that 2016 is a fantastic year
for you!

Now it's time for linky love.
Please feel free to share anything you've made.
  • Please visit other people to see what they have made.
  • Add the link to here on your blog so we can share the linky love.
  • I will try and visit as many people as possible.
  • I will reply to all comments as soon as I can
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Wednesday, 30 December 2015

What You Doing Wednesday Week 181

Good Morning Everyone!
I hope your week is going well!

I really hope you had a fantastic Christmas!

Ours didn't quite turn out as planned.
Christmas day our visitors left
just before it was time to get making
everything for lunch.
The next visitors came whilst we were eating it.
It was brilliant to see everything but
it put a quick ending to Christmas lunch.

Something did go to plan and that was the fantastic
and beautiful Goose.
It was beautiful and it tasted even better
the next day.

Then Christmas evening the rain started.
by the time my Mother-in-law woke
up in the morning her house was flooded.
Luckily Darren's brother and his family
had stayed the night so they helped
rip everything out and help get the water out.

My mum and dad as well as my brother and his family
were stranded at home as well.
They were the lucky ones and didn't get flooded
but we couldn't get to them and they couldn't
get out so Boxing Day was very quite.

The flood waters are going down but only in
time for another storm to arrive
and bring yet more rain.

It was so scary!
Literally wales, north England and Scotland
was mostly flooded.
So many people have lost so much and
quite a number of them aren't covered
by insurance because they are in a flood area.

The village where I was married was
It has flooded previously but hundreds of
homes that have never flooded were and
the water was nearly to ceiling height.

I cannot believe that some much water
can go so far and have so much damage.

It made us very grateful for where we live
and how lucky we were.
I am devastated for all the people that have
been affected.
Luckily all the communities pulled together.
They even put a ban on people coming to help
as so many had already arrived.
How special is that.
My dad was at the church making sandwiches
and tea and coffee.
He then helped mop up the next day.

I managed to see my family on the Sunday
which made up for everything.
I ended up having to sit in another room
as I couldn't handle the noise but seeing
them just made my Christmas.

Red Monster was so lucky
and I am so lucky having some a wonderful son.
He took his time reading cards
and even got excited by the books he received.
He always gets a book he can read to me,
a book I can read to him,
a boardgame we can all play together
and something off his wish list.
We got him some surprises as well :-).

This is how everything looked before
everyone came down.

This is everything Red Monster received
in his stocking from Santa.
He even got a spud gun.
Daddy and him are going to play
with it this weekend.

Red Monster opening his Jenga Quake.
It was one of the games he wanted so he was very
excited about it.
He also got yatzee and mastermind as well as monopoly from
my auntie.

This is the mess when he had finished opening
I promise after this he helped put everything
for recycling in the bin and
put all the rubbish in a bin bag.

Here he is reading a card and present he received from his
God Mother.

We went for a walk on Monday when the sun came out.
Red Monster loved jumping in the muddy puddles. 

Benji enjoyed playing in the mud as well.
This picture doesn't even begin to
express how muddy and happy he was!

We went out on the Tuesday as well
and the sun really did shine.
It was nice getting out for some fresh air!
Daddy was back at work so it was just the
two of us and Benji.
There were lots of people and dogs out
so both Red Monster and Benji had fun.

And yes I am making something :-).
I am crocheting a hat for my niece.
She loves minnie so I decided to make
her a hat.
It's her birthday this month and I like
making it special.
She is only two this year so I don't think she'll
see her present early.

Now it's your turn to share what you are doing.
It doesn't have to be crochet, anything you are making
is perfect.
Please add the pin to your post & check out a couple
of other people that are sharing their work 
Crochet Addict UK What You Doing Wednesday
Crochet Addict UK What You Doing Wednesday

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Friday, 12 June 2015

I've Made Friday Week 155

Good Morning everyone!
I hope your week is going well.
I hope you are looking forward to the weekend.

It is a beautiful sunny day in the UK.
Everyone is smiling and everything seems so much better.

I was set-up outside to write this post
but I couldn't get a wi-fi signal :-(.
All that effort and hubby setting things up for me.

We got the paddling pool out for Red Monster.
We set it for him whilst he was at school yesterday
and surprised him.

I haven't taken any pictures yet
but I'll hopefully have some for next week.
Hubby has been working in the front and back garden.
They are looking so much better.
There is still a lot of work to do but each
time he goes out there you can tell the difference.

I made a little dormouse this week.
I'm not sure he is good enough.
It's for my neice's Alice in Wonderland Hat.

He is meant to sit in the cup on top of the hat.
My mum made the hat for her.

I also made another monster foot.
I've made four now which means there is enough for the benches
to be decorated.

I have read a book this week :-)

Hooked on Murder
by Betty Hetchman

As you may or may not of guessed,
this is a murder mystery set around a crochet group.
The main character Molly Pink is a widow, her sons have
grown up and she is now working in a book store
arranging events and book signings etc.
At the start of the book she doesn't crochet
but has arranged for a local crochet group to meet
at the book store.
One of the members left behind some crochet hooks
so she decides to drop them off.
She walks in and finds her dead but as she screams
and policeman walks in and finds her over the victim.
She becomes there first suspect.
Her boyfriend is a policeman so has to excuse himself
from the case but his collegue (who also has
a crush on him) runs the investigation.
She wants Molly to be guilty.
During the story Molly learns to crochet as the group
is in a panic to complete a blanket for charity
and with one member (Ellen who ran the group)
not being with them anymore they are really behind.
As Molly is the number one suspect she decides to
do a little of digging for herself
and see if she can find the murderer.
Overall I enjoyed the book but I didn't find
the descriptive language as enjoyable as the
knitting series of murder mysteries.
I did enjoy it and I love that crochet is involved in the story.
I will carry on reading more in the series.
Infact I've already started dead men don't crochet :-)

Now it's time for linky love.
Please feel free to share anything you've made.
  • Please visit other people to see what they have made.
  • Add the link to here on your blog so we can share the linky love.
  • I will try and visit as many people as possible.
  • I will reply to all comments as soon as I can
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Friday, 6 March 2015

I've Made Friday Week 141

Good Morning everyone!
I hope your week is going well.
I hope you are looking forward to the weekend.

I can't believe how far we are into March already.

I want to try a happy thought but the problem
is picking one.
I have been trying to think a positive thought at least 5 times a day.
It is having an impact.
Just reminding yourself that you do have things
to be happy about makes you happy about more things.
I think my happy this week is that
I have a wonderful family who supports each other.

Now onto the fun stuff,
what I've been making this week:


pattern from;


I finished the cowl.
I am designing it so you can chose two options.
You can either have it as separate strands or
you can plat them together.

I then decided to make a matching hat and bracelet.
They are super fast to make as they are made with
#Bernat Mega Bulky from #Yarspirations.


I will hopefully have a pattern written up soon. 

I have read;

by James Patterson
I'm really not sure how much I enjoyed this book.
I really enjoyed the story.
The story is about Ben Casper and the death of his friend Diana.
He watches her fall from her penthouse apartment.
The question is it murder or is it suicide?
The more Ben finds out the more trouble he gets into.
There are lots of groups of people wanting him dead.
From the CIA, Russia to China.
The story is excited and with many twists and turns.
The only problem is that at too many points the story flits.
Ben is a movie and political buff.
When ever something happens he brings up a film or politician
to compare it to.
For me it just happened a bit too much.
It was still well worth reading and it got me
thinking about a lot of current things that are
happening in the world.
Just wish there weren't quite as many comparisons.

I have been entered into the Favecrafts
blogger contest.
I hope you'll vote for me!
I would be very grateful if you could!

Now it's time for linky love.
Please feel free to share anything you've made.
  • Please visit other people to see what they have made.
  • Add the link to here on your blog so we can share the linky love.
  • I will try and visit as many people as possible.
  • I will reply to all comments as soon as I can
Crochet Addict UK I've Made Friday

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