Showing posts with label school. Show all posts
Showing posts with label school. Show all posts

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Testing Patients

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So I heard the phrase "testing my patience" and thought this up. If you are in the medical field, please find a way to use this at work. I saw some funny medical stickers that made me think of an EMT friend of mine, but I don't remember exactly what they said, just that they were funny in a medical way. One of them was something like "natural selection intervention squad."

Explanation: "patients" and "patience" sound the same but are different things (one is a virtue, the other is a category of people). To "test my patience" means you're being irritating, but "testing my patience" means you're checking the education of the people here to see the doctor. 

Dr: Are you testing my patients?!?
N: Yes, and they are flunking - this is basic pathophysiology!

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Elementary Mistake


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When we have time, video games are nice way to relax. Mark usually plays on his computer but that is difficult to draw so just like before, I re-imaged it as a hand-held device like the Switch. I don't recall the game or the mistake that inspired this comic, but now I am wondering what constitutes the different grade levels of mistakes - what separates an elementary mistake from, say, a high school or college level one. That could be interesting to explore. I don't think I will, but let me know if you come up with a scale. 

M: Well that was an elementary mistake.
L: You should at least be at middle school mistakes by now. 

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Non Flying Colors


Now I really want to know what this phrase means. Apparently it is a nautical term, referencing ships returning to harbor with their flag (colors) either raised (success) or lowered (failure). So, Mr. Sarcastic Stick Figure, the colors referencing your your test were lowered rather than sitting on the ground. And I'm not sure if that totally works but we're gonna say it does. And yes, per the dedication in the lower right corner, my husband came up with this one. We were sitting at his parents house and I don't recall the conversation but he made this comment and we all took a moment to get it.

T: You did not pass with flying colors.
S: Were they sitting on the ground?

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Welcome Hybrid Students


This is what I think of when I see the school signs

In Maryland, public schools opened in March in hybrid mode. I saw a school sign that was welcoming hybrid students, and this is what came into my mind. Wings, tails, antlers, satyr, thought about adding a mermaid after the fact but with this already drawn up, decided to just leave it with the selection I had. Thought about mixing in some non-hybrid children, but they aren't getting the welcome here so that wasn't needed. Could have tried to make a minotaur, but that would have been difficult.

The meaning of 'hybrid students' is that the kids have some school days in the school building and other school days are learn from home. Distance learning? Whatever the term is. 

Teacher: Welcome, hybrid students!
Students: one has wings, next has a tail, next has antlers, and the last one is a satyr with little horns and goat legs.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

The Works of Play-Doh

I liked making dioramas when I was in elementary school, specifically ones with my Playmobil people. I remember doing one about Gladys Aylward. We also had a cool Play-Doh tool that we could feed the doh into and it would make things but I don't remember much more than that and also it was colorful.
(Comic Hint: it's supposed to be the works of Plato)

T: What is your Ancient History diorama?
C: The Works of Play-Doh.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Discrete Math

For all the college students in the home stretch, you can do it! There's just finals standing in your way, and you can totally... study your brains out and do your best.
For all the high school students, you're not quite in the home stretch yet (private schools might be closer) unless you're a home schooler, in which case you could be done at this point or have a boat load to catch up and are going into a panic to try and finish before your public school friends (you have friends? lol).
For all the kids pre-high school, yeah this is just getting ridiculous at this point.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Monday, December 8, 2014