Showing posts with label nurse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nurse. Show all posts

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Testing Patients

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So I heard the phrase "testing my patience" and thought this up. If you are in the medical field, please find a way to use this at work. I saw some funny medical stickers that made me think of an EMT friend of mine, but I don't remember exactly what they said, just that they were funny in a medical way. One of them was something like "natural selection intervention squad."

Explanation: "patients" and "patience" sound the same but are different things (one is a virtue, the other is a category of people). To "test my patience" means you're being irritating, but "testing my patience" means you're checking the education of the people here to see the doctor. 

Dr: Are you testing my patients?!?
N: Yes, and they are flunking - this is basic pathophysiology!

Thursday, March 2, 2023

Patience with Patients

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Why do patience (the virtue) and patients (multiple people going to the doctor) sound exactly the same? Why are patient ("be more patient") and patient ("the nurse has a patient") spelled the same? There's probably an etymological reason for that. There's a comedian I follow on Instagram called stage_door_johnny who has all sorts of stories about how English spells things and they are quite humorous. But back to my comic, I'm reminded of the quote I saw somewhere about someone praying "please give me patience - not opportunities to be patient, I've had plenty of those and they don't seem to work."

Nurse 1: Why are people so frustratingly difficult?!?!
Nurse 2: Did you ask the Lord to give you patients or patience?

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Vitals Taken


The nurse took his vitals!

Happy December! Stay healthy out there. I thought this up after a doctor's appointment and thinking through the phrase 'taking your vitals' because yeah that'd be bad if taken (haha) literally. This comic layout is similar to one I drew a while ago about 'not dying on my watch' - oh here it is. Hah, a while ago is apparently eight years. That was near the beginning of my blog - it's interesting to see how my style has changed. And the layout between the two comics isn't overly similar but I guess it was the 'one person laying down' that triggered the link. Also not sure about the grammar in this one - should it be 'are' or 'is'? Neither seemed correct so I just picked 'are' since it's two items. Grammar is hard. 

A: Why are your blood pressure and temperature so low?!?
B: The nurse... took.... my vitals.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018


I thought this up when I zoned out for a moment at my day job and then thought of my sis-in-law who's a nurse and works a rotating schedule which means sometimes it's at night. She is not fond of the night shift. I wouldn't be, either.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Intense Job

Some of my sister-in-laws are nurses and I'm sure they've never heard this one before. I am also sure someone else has most likely covered it in some way, but I wanted to put my own spin on it (especially after holding it in every time I ask my sis-in-law how her job is going). My sister found a cute comic with the pun "Peek-a-boo ICU" and it was a good one but it was just a picture and not a link so I don't know where it is now. Somewhere on Facebook, but where.