Showing posts with label fruit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fruit. Show all posts

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Duck Mango

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Sometimes parenting is a lot of guesswork and I mean it's guessing what on earth your child is actually saying. We haven't even gotten into slang yet thankfully but wow toddlers learning concepts is a ride. The conversation pictured actually happened in my car and I could tell she was looking at the picture she had colored at the library so I had to wrack my brain as to what was on the picture (a bunch of summery items) and then what could be misconstrued as a duck and/or mango. 

Explanation: sometimes a kid can think all birds are ducks (like how some people say all sodas are cokes), and "mango" and "flamingo" sound similar so why not sub one for the other.

R: What this duck - a mango?
L: That bird is a flamingo.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Fruitful Emotions

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Why do these fruits equal these emotions? I don't know and I feel like that's a deep rabbit hole to follow so if you take the plunge, let me know. 

Explanation: If things are going well, you can say things are peachy. If things are not working out like they should, then it's pear-shaped. And if things are crazy, it's bananas. I don't think there's an emotion for apples. Let me know if you find one.

T: How are things?
A: Peachy! 
B: Pear-shaped.
C: Apples? No, BANANAS!

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Welch's Wine

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Happy Birthday Eve to my Dad! 

I was having a conversation with sibling-in-laws and the topic of alcohol came up and somehow this comic was spawned. 

Explanation: Welch's makes, among other things, grape juice but not the fermented kind (i.e. wine). When Baptists (and probably other denominations but I'm not familiar enough with them to say) do Communion (bread and wine), they use grape juice in the place of the wine ("fruit of the vine"). 

Title: Baptists
A: What's the wine pairing for this meal?
B: Welch's.

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Pomegranate Pool

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I heard this fact and thought this thing. The tip is intending you to just put the pomegranate in like a bowl of water, submerged while you break it apart. Then the fruit juices don't squirt all over the place, leaving red streaks across your cabinets and ceilings and such. Fun times cleaning all that up. But I guess opening the fruit in a pool would qualify, it would just leave a red streaky mess in the pool and yeah that might be worse. 

A: I like pomegranates, but opening them up makes such a mess.
B: Oh, you can break them open under water to limit the juice spray!
A: So like, in the pool?

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Honeydew Cantaloupe

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Congrats to my brother-in-law getting married this weekend! He is not eloping. We are going to have an adventure out West, and hopefully it's a grand adventure! I briefly considered eloping - both when Mark proposed (the courthouse was right there) and also when I was feeling overwhelmed with wedding planning. But we went with the classic wedding at my parent's church and it was nice. 

The pun in this one is how "honeydew" sounds like "honey-do," and "cantaloupe" sounds like "can't elope." So many melons. 

A: The honeydew list is all the jobs I need to do around the house. The cantaloupe list is all the reasons our kid must have a massive wedding.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Grape Full


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Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy time with your friends and family, and thank the Lord for all He has done for you!

I asked my editor (my husband) what he thought of this comic and he basically groaned so I take that as a good sign - a successful pun. I thought it up at a luncheon when I was struggling to focus so I was tracing the maple leaf on my paper napkin then I thought about grape leaves and then this comic came into my head and was written on the napkin.
I focus better when I'm able to doodle - working from home was great with that because even with the camera on, they couldn't see my hands so I could doodle away during meetings. There was one time I was in a meeting, doodling away, and my Project Manager mentioned something about how I was good at drawing pictures and I thought "Oh NO they can SEE what I'm DOING" but really he was just talking about some graphs and charts I had made for the project all professionally - he was not referencing my comics and critters doodled on the back of a page-a-day calendar. 

A: How do you feel about your abundant vines?
B: I'm very grape-full. 

Thursday, September 30, 2021

Fish Genes

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Shows how little I know? Sometimes derailing a conversation is the best way to handle a situation. 

Also, Happy Birthday to my oldest little Brother! It's so weird that he's turning into an adult. 

M: They put fish genes in strawberries!!!
L: ... I didn't even know fish wore jeans.

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Sterile Environment


Sterile Environment

Happy early Birthday to my eldest sister! 
I feel like most people prefer seedless grapes but that could just be an assumption. Seedy grapes (that doesn't sound right) remind me of going to my Great-Grandmother's house because she liked them and I quickly learned to eat around the seeds but that's the only place I really remember having grapes with seeds. I liked going there and have many happy memories from my childhood with GG. Back to the comic, when thinking of hospital food only Jell-O comes to mind. I'm sure they have more food than that but it's the classic. I have not had Jell-O in a while - there is a family recipe for pretzel salad which is a 9x13 dessert and has Jell-O, strawberries, whipped cream, and a pretzel crust and is quite good. I also have a recipe for Dr. Pepper Jell-O salad which has Jell-O, fruit, and of course Dr. Pepper. I should make that again - it's quite good.

A: Why are all the grapes seedless in the hospital cafeteria?
B: It's a sterile environment! 

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Raisin Awareness of Currant News

What's the currant news? Well, my dad's birthday is tomorrow! I hope he has a splendid day.
Also, it's hard to draw raisins (and currants) - they are just little blobs and I looked up sketches but didn't get inspired by any. So there are my little blobs.
Raisins and currants are dried fruit.

R: What are you raisin awareness about?
C: Currant news!

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Core Values

We had an all-hands meeting at work and they were talking about core values and I thought about how some fruits have cores and others don't and that is not what the meeting was about. There are only a few fruits actually with cores, many have pits or other things you avoid in the center but not a whole line from top to bottom. And many don't have anything to avoid in the center.

Apple: Tell me about your core values.
Grapes: ?

Tuesday, October 22, 2019


As a disclaimer, I have had this comic on the board for a while now (just like the talk of impeachment has been going on for a while now) and I am not trying to make a political statement with this, I just like that impeach contains the word "peach" and "im" is very close to "I'm" so I think this works well.

Peach holding sign: "Impeach!"
Apple holding sign: "I'm apple"

Thursday, October 3, 2019


I like the game Bananagrams. I don't want a banana that has been sent through the mail to me. That would be a bruised mess. But I suppose if you can send a properly postmarked potato through the post, you could also do the same for a banana. But Bananagrams is not a millennial form of telegram, it is rather a jumbled form of Scrabble. You should play it - it't a great party game.
Also, Happy Birthday Eve to my nephew!

A: Who is sending you all these bananas?
B: My friend who doesn't understand how to play Bananagrams.

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Grocery Store Fruit

Durians are a very pungent fruit. Peaches are not in season currently. Mark and I had a funny exchange in the produce department and this is the result. Wegmans has basically every fruit in the world and you can be very adventurous and just try one but you could end up with a durian (to be fair, I haven't tried it but I have heard that it's very strong).

A: Durian, stinking foreigner! Peach, you're not from around here.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Peach Dragon

True story: NP (who is 14 yrs old) and I are walking through the mall and I see an ad for Pete's Dragon. I then comment that it's cool that the dragon is fuzzy this time, and NP says that it makes sense that he's fuzzy since peaches are fuzzy and it's called 'Peach Dragon' - he seriously thought that was the name of the film. So I made a comic (and corrected his misconception of the movie title).
This could be a cool movie - like a mash-up of James and the Giant Peach and Pete's Dragon... and that's all I have on the film treatment so far.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Dried Up Puns

Woohoo 900th comic! My first comic was way back on 5/4/2012.

Here's the answer key:

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Captain Oblivious and the Super Blueberries

Is this the demise of Captain Oblivious??? Join us next time he shows up, to see if he shows up.
Also, why are there so many blueberries? What would a villain do with a pallet of them?