Showing posts with label Thanksgiving. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thanksgiving. Show all posts

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Thanks Three

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Happy Thanksgiving! I thought about putting that in Greek but it's an American holiday and I don't feel like figuring out the translation. I learned a little Greek in high school and picked up a little more practical skill with a certain green owl recently. 
Explanation: The phrase "it's Greek to me" means you don't understand something. The one guy is saying "thanks" in Greek.

Title: Thanks #3
B: What's your thank you pun today?
A: ευχαριστώ!
B: ... it's Greek to me.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Thanks Two

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Another bilingual comic? You bet. 

Explanation: In Spanish, "thank you" is "gracias" which when mispronounced sounds like "grassy ax." 

Title: Thanks #2
B: What's this?
A: A "thank you" gift - a grassy ax!
B: ...

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Thanks One

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How is it the week of Thanksgiving already? Time to get to the grocery store before everybody else realizes it's the week of Thanksgiving. Please ignore this fact until tomorrow so I can get to the store today before everyone and their mother-in-law are there. 

Explanation: In German, "thank you" is "Danke schön" which is pronounced almost like "donkey shawn" but if someone knows that's what you're saying they will probably not be impressed.

Title: Thanks #1
A: Donkey Shawn!
B: You are not welcome. 

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Butter Ball

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 I may have mentioned previously that we usually bring a salad to family functions (we make really good salads). This comic came to mind when I saw a turkey butter sculpture in the grocery store and thought about other things to sculpt out of butter (like a massive cow a la Big E). One pound of butter is four sticks, which means a 12lb butterball is 48 sticks of butter. Now that I think of it like that, the butter ball in the picture should probably be bigger. But now I'm curious how big a sphere that would be and not sure how to go about finding out unless someone else has let their curiosity get the best of them... Nope, Google keeps correcting "ball of butter" to "butterball" and pulling up turkey recipes. But now I want to know... seven sticks wide by seven sticks tall would be 49, then figure it as a sphere instead of a wall... this is not why I minored in math but it is helpful. I'm devoting too much brain power to this - making it three-dimensional is hard.

A: Why do you have a huge sphere of butter?
B: My mom asked me to make a 12 pound butter ball for Thanksgiving.
A: oh NO.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Grape Full


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Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy time with your friends and family, and thank the Lord for all He has done for you!

I asked my editor (my husband) what he thought of this comic and he basically groaned so I take that as a good sign - a successful pun. I thought it up at a luncheon when I was struggling to focus so I was tracing the maple leaf on my paper napkin then I thought about grape leaves and then this comic came into my head and was written on the napkin.
I focus better when I'm able to doodle - working from home was great with that because even with the camera on, they couldn't see my hands so I could doodle away during meetings. There was one time I was in a meeting, doodling away, and my Project Manager mentioned something about how I was good at drawing pictures and I thought "Oh NO they can SEE what I'm DOING" but really he was just talking about some graphs and charts I had made for the project all professionally - he was not referencing my comics and critters doodled on the back of a page-a-day calendar. 

A: How do you feel about your abundant vines?
B: I'm very grape-full. 

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Thanksgiving Preparations


Bath salts for the turkey brine

Thanksgiving is this week! Whaaaaat that means I really need to finish up my Christmas gifts that I plan on making and also start ordering things that are gonna take a longer time to ship. 

I was up visiting family a week or two ago and my mom made a turkey and it was in the salt soak and I thought up this comic. Also, I have a salad to prepare for Thursday. Totally not connected to this comic - Mark and I make a really good salad. And desserts too! And we've hosted plenty of dinners at our abode and, to our knowledge, nobody has gotten sick or anything. We actually are both rather good chefs. It's not that hard to know your limits and select straight-forward recipes and just follow the directions. We are responsible for introducing our previous neighborhood to tater-tachos. They are super good - it's just like a taco salad but you use tater tots as the base layer instead of chips. 

A: Are you ready for Thursday?
L: Yep, I have the bath salts for the turkey brine.
A: Actually, can you bring a salad?

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Turkey Recovery Day

Some people apparently refer to the day after Thanksgiving as Turkey Recovery Day because you eat so much and you need a day to chill out and digest everything. Or you could go crazy shopping. Or you could fly out to visit relatives for the weekend. So many options on Black Friday or whatever you call it.
I hope you all have a relaxing Thanksgiving with friends and family and relaxation!

L: My work gets Thanksgiving and the day after as holidays.
T: Oh, Turkey Recovery Day, nice.
B: I don't think the turkey is going to recover.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Always Complain

This is my take on that positive sign "There is always always always something to be thankful for" which is a great sign but I was at work and overheard a comment about complaining and thought this up.
In actuality, there is always something to complain about or be grateful for and you have to choose which attitude to have. Remember all that God has given you and if you're being truthful, you do have much more to be grateful for than complain about.

There is
to complain about

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Thanksgiving Orc vs Orchestra

Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy your time with family and/or friends and hopefully you can relax and be thankful for what you have without having work or other distractions intrude! A big thank you to those who have to work on major holidays to keep the rest of us safe.
This was inpired by an email sent out by our music director who abbreviated orchestra to orc. 

Orchestra: Come ye thankful people, come...
Orc: I'm grateful that meat's back on the menu!

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Turkeys are Better Than People

"The views and opinions expressed by Kristoff in the comic are solely his own and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of Comical True Story or the comicmaker. Neither Comical True Story nor the comicmaker make any representation of the accuracy of any such views and opinions."