Showing posts with label summer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label summer. Show all posts

Monday, June 9, 2014

Enjoying Summer

 We have been busy playing this summer. We still are doing a little school every day but with all our friends out of school, we are doing a lot more playing! We head to the pool once a week. I wish we could go more, but Lili is pretty crazy and needs constant attention (even with her life jacket) and Talmage doesn't sleep well in his carseat so I usually need to hold him at the pool. It is just easier to go on the weekends when Zane can join us. Once a week all my friends get together for a play date at the pool and we try to go then. These moms are busy watching their own kids, but it is still easier/safer with more eyes on the pool.

We headed to the Children's Museum one last time before school got out. I'm not a fan of going there when it is super crazy so I'm glad we got one more time in before school got out. This last time my neice Ellery joined us.
Doing science experiments

 Dallin is getting better at rock climbing

We keep inviting people out to our pool and every time it starts raining. Our neighborhood pool is pretty awesome with a fun kiddy area and two water slides for the big kids. For Memorial Day, my family came out to our house for a BBQ and pool time. Of course it rained so we improvised with putting on swim suits and playing in the rain.


Lili's cousin Capri was wearing a dress that Lili had too so of course I had to change Lili so that they could be twinsies.

 I actually really enjoy when it rains because it is the only time the boys can jump on the tramp. It is just too hot during the day be outside without water on. Sometimes they play on the tramp and our new swing set with the sprinklers, but the best is when it rains, cools down slightly with the cloud cover, and they can just run free. There is something magical about summer. It is going to be hard to get back to a stricter schedule!