That's right, you read it here first! There's nothing to brighten up the middle of the week like a semi-exclusive deal for YSK's beloved readers - and this time, it's 50% discount for 200 items on Ladies Fashion!
When I got the news from the owner of Ladies Fashion, I immediately clicked on the links to the great bargain that she is extending exclusively to the readers of YSK. Seriously, when will you be able to get a decent dress for a mere RM15 or a maxi for RM25? A new piece some more!!!
Basic dress - Was RM22, Now RM11
Floral tube dress - Was RM25, Now RM12.50
Maxi Dress - Was RM53, Now RM26.50
Cardigan - Was RM39, Now RM 19.50
Busy Printed Top - Was RM32, Now RM16
Printed maxi dress - Was RM39, Now RM19.50
Did you do the maths to the above bargain? YES!! It's a whooping 50% for an entire collection of already reasonably cheap tops and dresses and skirts and all!!
All you have to do to be entitled to the sale is to choose a minimum of 2 items, though I think most of us would have at least 4 items (because it's so cheap you can start shopping for birthday and Christmas or even Raya gift to girlfriends!) in your order and give a shout out in your e-mail:
OK, maybe that's a bit fanatic. Simply mention that you are a YSK reader and you will be entitled to the sales! =D Spread around to your friends, even if they are non-YSK readers. They can pretend to be =D
Visit Ladies Fashion to start browsing the 200 items on sale now!
Happy Shopping!
By Cynthia (a.k.a. Guest Blogger for YSK)
Edited by YourShoppingKaki
Edited by YourShoppingKaki