I fear.
I cry.
I laugh.
I shout.
I fear.
I cry.
I laugh.
I shout.
I fear.
I cry.
I laugh.
I shout.
I fear.
I cry.
I laugh.
I shout.
I fear.
I cry.
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I fear.
I cry.
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I fear.
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I fear.
I cry.
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I fear.
I cry.
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I shout.
I fear.
I cry.
I laugh.
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I fear.
I cry.
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I shout.
I fear.
I cry.
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I cry.
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I shout.
I fear.
I cry.
I laugh.
I shout.
I fear.
I cry.
I laugh.
I shout.
Redirect You
This page is just an archive for all my old posts. My new blog is at blog.sayfurrahman.com. Thank you.
22 October 2007
01 August 2007
Wednesday 1st August 2007
25th July to the 28th marked an IT Convention at UTM as never done before (at least in UTM, ;) ). It was organized by Kolej Tun Hussein Onn (KTHO) with Microsoft as the coorganizer.
There were several key events during the four days, manning the Microsoft Windows Vista booth was the prevailing one for all four days. And even in the hecticness of coorganizing the whole event, we had to plan and execute some sub-events which gives and exposure to Vista (especially) and other Microsoft products.
The simplest activity we did was called Explorace Windows Vista, or more passionately knownto the committee members as 7 Wows. What we did was to place 7 laptops at 7 locations with 7 attendants where each told of one of 7 highlighted features in Windows Vista.
It was a cool experience. From my perspective as an MSP, I had to tutor the whole group of attendants to understand the features they were supposed to demo/explain about. The guys were very compliant and passionate that they stayed up until three o'clock just to listen to me babble on about Vista. It's been quite some time since I've seen that kind of passion.
I then had to demo Vista and Office 2007 on Friday afternoon. Two half-hour sessions with quite some time for clarification on features and questions. There weren't as much response as we hoped for. I guess many were more interested in activities such as teh 7 Wows rather than listening to demos and talks. But anyhow, those that came generated quite an amount of interesting questions, thus it became quite the event just for the interactivity.
The next sub-event that took energy and and a LOT of preparation was the Vista Gadgets Workshop planned for Saturday 28th. The plan was to give away Vista Business (under the MSDN AA of course), but requiring the students to learn something before they acquire their copy of Vista Business. We targetted 120 Computer Science students, in 2 days of active marketting. We also targetted to accomodate all 120 students in 6 half-hour sessions ranging from 10am to 1.20pm. The students may choose their own time.
The active marketing we did was for one and a half days. Almost the whole of Thurday, and pretty much all of Friday morning. The excitement was quite something to behold. Fellow students came in groups just to know what it's all about. They even asked their friends to come along, putting the names down even over the phone. Nice experience.
The end response? It was so good that eventually we had to turn down people just because of limited seats! We couldn't accommodate too many due to limited computers and time for the hands-on. This is also due to the fact that we had to accommodate for the Vista Launch that happened on the same day, only later in the afternoon.
There were some setbacks however early on. Due to some constraints and limits, the computers just weren't ready by the 10 o'clock deadline. There were even computers that had to be put aside because of the limits in supplying power. The setbacks were overcome nontheless, although we did have to resort to some unorthodox methods of rearranging the workshop venue. :)
The workshop experience was also cool. I don't think I ever did 6 back to back half-hour sessions in one go! Man... It was tiring. You can guess how sore my throat was by the end. But then again, the fatigue only adds to the sweetness of actually being able to pull it off albeit with some setbacks early on.
The Vista Launch was done in the afternoon of Saturday 28th. At about 3 o'clock. The speeches aside, there were some cool gimmicks that the event committe did. They utilized a UTM Robocon robot to pass a hammer to the Dato' (oh by the way, the officiator of the Vista Launch was Dato' Dr Alias Mohd Noor, the TNC HEP of UTM), who then used the hammer to get rid of the ice surrounding a mock Vista DVD. The TNC then put the DVD into a CPU placed on stage. Then the Vista Launch video was played. By the end of that, balloons were dropped from above revealing "Wow of Vista" spelled out on the balcony of the hall.
Overall, the whole event was an experience to be remembered. There were a whole bunch of new people to meet. There were cool and passionate committee members to help us out. There was also a hectic atmosphere before and during the event. All of which adds spice to an event that creates memories and impact for the participants and organizers alike.
I guess that's all for now. Maybe the next time will be more interesting. :) I sure hope so...
'Umayr Sayfurrahman bin Ainullotfi
UTM Skudai Microsoft Student Partner.
"It was We Who created man, and We know what dark suggestions his soul makes to him: for We are nearer to him than (his) jugular vein." Qur'an [Qaaf:16]
21 June 2007
Dedikasi buat yang lemah dek ujian dan mihnah...
- 'Umayr SRA [21.06.2007]
Sebuah rangkap madah indah
Menjadi sentuhan penghibur jiwa
Agar kau merasakan hilang gundah
Merawat jiwa yang dihambat lara
Perkasakan dirimu hai jiwa mujahid!
Kuatkan dirimu hai jiwa mujahidah!
Engkau penjunjung kalimah tauhid,
Pastikan engkau tabah menghadapi mihnah.
Engkau akan lalui pelbagai ujian
Maka hadapilah dengan penuh ketabahan
Engkau bakal diuji dengan dugaan hati
Maka siramlah ia dengan dzikir ilahi
Moga kan terbit dan hadir kembali
Sinar cahaya dari ikhlasnya hati
Ikhwaniy dan Akhawatiy...
Moga kita bertemu di Jannatu lLah!
06 June 2007
08 April 2007
Dilanda DEMAM
Saya sedang dilanda demam.
Ya ikhwaniy, tolonglah do'akan ye. Do'akan kesembuhan. Do'akan hati ini tak lari dan remuk diuji ALlah.
Benarlah, kesihatan bila tiada sebuah ujian dari Allah. Do'akan saya seperti Nabi Ayub. Yang tabah dan bertambah syukurnya dengan sakit yang berpanjangan. Do'akan saya seperti Rasulullah (SAW), yang tabah tabah jiwanya menghadapi dugaan Allah.
Saya berharap demam ini tak menjadikan ana tertinggal dengan urusan yang banyak. Mungkinlah demam ini satu rahmat, untuk memberi saya rehat. Untuk memberi ketenangan fikiran.
Saya berdo'a agar diri ini sembuh. Andai sakit ini disebabkan dosa-dosa yang lalu, semoga Allah emberi keampunan kepada saya. Saya juga mendo'akan setiap daripada ikhwah dan akhawat kebaikan. Terutama sekali dalam tempoh dekat nak periksa nih. SSemoga anda semua cemerlang dalam peperiksaan dunia dan akhirat.
Allahua'lam... Sekadar nukilan seorang akh yang masih terasa dirinya berdosa...
31 March 2007
Forex? E-Dinar?
Remember my post about internet entrepreneurship?
Well... Here's an outline of what I learnt:
- Forex
- Halal Haram of Online Trading
- E-Gold
- E-Dinar
Post number 29. 2 more!!
Internet Entrepreneurship
And I'm not talking about all this MLM thingies here... Hopefully. I may have mentioned it before, or I may have not... But I'll mention it again just in case, I dislike MLM. The system doesn't feel sound to me. My moral instincts also flare up whenever anyone approaches me with the MLM paradigm. I don't say that MLM is ALL bad. But it's that most MLM agents focus little on the product, and due to that, I have a distaste for MLM because of it's syubhahness.
Getting back to this internet business, the fast returns rate is plausible to me. This is due to the worldwide access to the internet. Connect your business to the net, and you get a global market instantaneously. IF you know how to market your product.
Regarding my reasons for going, I thought why don't I have a look? I do plan to do business in the future. But as to how, i have no idea yet. I wanna look at my options. If this internet business is indeed lucrative (and hopefully within the boundaries of syari'ah), I might implement my plans over the holidays. Planning for a stable income by next year. Wouldn't that just be great? Heheh! I know it would...
So my reasons are that, and the fact that this course counts in my entrepreneurship cocurricular course. Of course... That cannot be denied.
Yours truly,
One who dislikes being bound by the restrictions of money.
Bismillahi rRahmaani rRahiim...
May Allah make me amongst His grateful servants, may he make my heart firm on the His Siraatu l-Mustaqiim. May he never make my heart waver between the adornments of the world, and the path towards Him and His ridha.
Rabbiy, taqabbal minniy solatiy wadu'aaiy innaka enta s-samii'u l-'aliim. Watub 'alayya innaka enta t-tawwabu rRahiim. Washolla lLahu 'alaa saiyyidinaa Muhammad, wa'alaa aalihi washohbihi wabaarik wasallim. Walhamdu lilLahi rabba l-'aalamiin.
This is posts number 27 for this month. 4 more to go!
Posted by 'Umayr SRA at 6:52 AM |
Labels: Curious, Technology, Training
30 March 2007
Kempen Pena Da'wah
Selama ini anda telah MENERIMA
Kini tibalah masa untuk MEMBERI
Tidak sukar...
Tidak mustahil...
Anda hanya perlu...
Tulis ape?
artikel, cerita, cerpen, cerpan, sajak, pantun, perkongsian, tadzkirah
Ahhh! Ape-ape je lah! Janji sesuatu KARYA bertulis!
Jom ramai-ramai kita meriahkan masa cuti kita!
Jumlah terkini peserta: 9 orang
Peserta Khas: 2 orang
Peraturan mudah je.
Tempoh: biar mula formally masa cuti nanti. Antara Mei hingga Julai.
Pertandingan Penulisan Iqra' - Ahli atau alumni Kelab Iqra' UTM. Join la wahai rerakan ikhwan dan akhawat!
Penyertaan Bahan Pena Da'wah - Sesiapa sahaja yang nak join. Ana sangat, sangat, sangat mengalu-alukan. (penyertaan khas)
Ana tak boleh janji lagi. Dalam proses mencari sponsor. Tapi jangan harap lelebih la... Heh!
Penulisan Artikel:
- Apa: bahan penulisan (asas realiti).
- Tema: Hidup dan Tarbiyyah. Kaitkan hidup antum, dan tarbiyyah yang antum lalui selama nih. Tak kisah ah, setahun lepas ke. Dua tahun ke. Atau nak kaitkan Islam dengan seumur hidup antum ke.
- Bentuk: perkongsian, pengajaran, kupasan qur'an/hadith, perumpamaan.
- Saiz: tak perlu panjang sangat, tapi jangan pendek sangat. Pendek tuh dalam 5 perenggan yang terdiri dari 4 ayat at least. Panjang tuh ikut ah... Kalau rasa macam panjang sangat, pendekkan.
- KREATIFLAH dalam menulis. Sesungguhnya ilham tu datang dari Allah untuk hamba yang mengharap.
- Syarat lain: Pastikan tulis dengan tatabahasa penuh. Kengkadang tuh takpe ah. Tapi format penulisan tuh jaga, dengan huruf besar keciknya, dengan tanda titiknya, komanya, dan lain-lain.
- Apa: bahan penulisan (karya).
- Tema: Hidup dan Tarbiyyah. Tulislah cerita inspirasi yang berkisar tentang tarbiyyah. Ikutlah nak buat cane. Nih ana biar je terbuka.
- Saiz: tak kurang dari 450 perkataan. Ana check nanti pakai word.
- Sama cam kat atas: KREATIFLAH.
- Apa: bahan kreatif (karya).
- Tema: Hidup dan Tarbiyyah. Sama cam atas. Kaitkan dengan perasaan dan jiwa. Biasalah sajak kan seni. Heheh...
- Saiz: Pantun, boleh buat dua baris atau empat baris. Sajak, tak kisah panjang mana.
- Sama cam kat atas: KREATIFLAH.
Huish... Apa lagi eh? Kalau ada yang nak tambah kategori silakan...
Semua karya boleh hantar kat ana: yeop(dot)mayuru[at]gmail(dot)com
Letak label nih dalam tajuk tuh: [karya_iqra]
Setiap orang yang join kene hantar PALING KURANG SATU penyertaan. Tapi nak hantar banyak-banyak pun takpe. Takde masalah.
Kemudian macam ana sebut sebelum nih, ana ingat kalau cukup bahan terkumpul waktu cuti nih, ana nak terbitkan koleksi karya iqra dalam bentuk booklet.
07 March 2007
Aku Tidak Terdaya....
Aku kesal. Berbagai persoalan timbul dan benam dari onak fikiranku. Betapa aku kian menyesali keterlekaan ku ini. Yang kian menyebabkan aku tertekan. Tertekan bukan salah siapa yang lain. Namun salah diri ini.
Salah diri ini yang sukar untuk mengucapkan do'a, "Wahai Allah! Aku berlindung padaMu dari rasa sesak dada dan kesedihan, dan aku berlindung padaMu dari kelemahan dan kemalasan; dan aku berlindung padaMu dari sifat pengecut dan bakhil; dan aku berlindung padaMu dari dilingkupi hutang dan dominasi manusia."
Betapa sebuah do'a yang pendek. Namun jiwa terasa berat untuk mengucapkan...
Kini, aku terjaga. Terjaga dek tamparan dunia yang kian pantas berlalu tanpa mengambil sedikit masa berehat sebentar. Aku tersedar diriku ketinggalan.
Aku kini terkapai-kapai dalam pengharapan. Mencari keajaiban yang mampu menyuntik semangat untuk aku bangkit dari mimpi yang kian lama menghantui persepsi diri aku ini. Mimpi ngeri, demikian kurasa setelah aku terjaga.
Kepada sahabat handaiku yang mudah meluahkan kata sokongan. Aku sayang kepada kalian dengan segenap pertalian cinta atas dasar kasih kepada Allah. Maka aku do'akan semoga Allah memberi kalian kebaikan di dunia dan di akhirat. Semoga bertemu kebahagiaan hakiki.
02 March 2007
Bingkisan Harapan
Arakian terjadilah kisah 'Umayr menyopankan diri. Maka tertulislah secebis lembaran digital yang berupa bahasa hikayat yang sedemikian indah.
Tertulisnya lembaran tersebut dengan sebuah bahasa. Bahasa yang tiada taranya jika terbanding dengan bahasa orang kasar. Terlalu sangat menyentuh jiwa dan raga. Maka berkatalah Sang Pujangga itulah bahasa Melayu, bahasa adat dan pustaka. Bahasa kasih dan cinta.
Arakian berkatalah 'Umayr dalam bahasa kasih dan cinta tersebut. "Dengan penuh lafaz ikhlas dan ta'zim maka Hamba mempersila Tuan Hamba Sekelian menunjuk ajar diri Hamba yang hina dina.
"Bukanlah Hamba dijadikan sempurna; oleh itu sebagai makhluk Allah yang Esa, maka bimbinglah Hamba dengan tanggungjawab Hamba yang Hamba rasakan berat ini.
"Hamba terbayang kesokan hari yang kian menjelang. Hamba terbayang wajah Tuan Hafiz yang ceria melayan pelajar-pelajar Sri Lalang. Terbayang sifatnya yang begitu belas dan sopan. Maka Hamba ingin memohon tunjuk dan ajar dari sekelian Pak-Pak Otai KRj. Semoga dengan do'a dan harapan, Hamba juga mampu menjadi sesopan dan sesoleh mereka akhirnya..."
Maka bersiaplah 'Umayr untuk menuntut ilmu kefasilitatoran dengan Pak-Pak Otai dan saudara segurunya Hafiz dengan bertapa di Sri Lalang...
Tersebutlah disini bahawa ceritera hikayat Sri Lalang belum terjadi. Maka Sang Pujangga penulis kisah, memohon dari segala jasa baik tuan-tuan pembaca ceritera agar MENUNGGU sehingga lewat DUA HARINYA lagi... (bersambungla tuh!! -- em... Hanya kalau 'Umayr rajin ye)
Sang Pujangga Penglipur Lara,
Yeop Mayuru
p/s: Alamak.... Panjang ler plak... Heheh! <-- Signature gelak 'Umayr.
22 February 2007
On Books
Although I've had this love of books since I was small, there are just some books that elude my interest. God knows how hard it is to find the motivation to start such a one.
The problem mostly lies within. I know that. And the problem always resides with actually gaining enough momentum to START. Imagine me... Who is, as some of you knows, a "lintah buku", finding it hard to start reading. Kinda weird init?
12 December 2006
Xpert Chronicles: Day Four
Woke up again. Went and washed and freshened up. Prayed Subh. Went to the Baiduri Hall. Pak Long and the other Paks were there. Apparently the participants also failed to wake early.
After some Picit² Urut² and some Berbual², Pak Anjang did In-Team.
Task: express feelings and pent-up emotions to friends. Apologise for all wrongs and mistakes you did and forgive all wrongs and mistakes that friends did.
Did In-Team. Phased out. Nothing much registered of the morning besides the fact that these guys did In-Team.
Then we had breakfast.
Breakfasted with Nasi Lemak. Sambal was not adequate. But to heck with that. Was hungry; so just ate.
Photo Shoot
Forgot to mention. Last night; had photo shoot. All state reps had to pose and have the group photos taken. A few last ones on day four. Morning of day four.
Jurnal XPERT
Task: make a multimedia presentation based on videos and pictures you've taken over the four XPERT days to chronicle your journey from there to here.
The kids presented what they did over the four days. Some were creative. Some were... well... traditional. Rather liked what KL did for their multimedia.
Fell asleep during the last part of this activity. Couldn't hold back any longer. The fatigue was getting to me.
Suddenly it was over. Even Pak Anjang's summary. But hey, what the heck, guess we already knew the points from the last night's meeting.
After four days of grueling work, these kids can finally graduate out of the XPERT classroom. The four days have been cool. Enjoyed time as their facilitator. Especially the Perak and Selangor teams. Maybe they didn't go all they way according to my standards, but hey, who's to say they haven't made progress?
Congratulations to KL for acquiring the XPERT champion title and to PerTan for being the first runner-up.
Congratulations also to ikhwan Negeri Sembilan for their inspiring performance (even though Pak Anjang says otherwise) and akhawat Johor for theirs in Akademi Realiti.
Congratulations to Pahang for being chosen by Abu Nuha to win the game even though they did not come. Haha!
Congratulations and jazakumullahu khairan kathira to all fellow facilitators and the XPERT committee for pulling off one heck of a first-timer. You guys are the greatest.
Thanks and jazakumullahu khairan kathira to all pepakcik who helped support the programme. Whether for transportation, finance, accomodations or locality support. Thank you all.
Thanks and jazakumullahu khairan kathira to anyone and everyone who has ever had anything to do with this programme at all. Thank you all and may Allah bless us all with his rahmah; here and in the hereafter...
The End...
Xpert Chronicles: Day Three
Woke up again. Looked at the time again. 4:00 am. Rose up and freshened self. Then started waking everyone else.
Started th qiyamullail at 4:30 am. Led the first solat tahajjud. Then let Mawardi continue. Everyone did 2 tahajjud prayers, 1 hajat prayer, 1 taubah prayer and a three-rakaat witir prayer.
Then did some zikr.
Went out at approximately the same time and ironed rather moist clothing (consequences of yesterday).
Did Subh Prayers. Pakcik Roslan led the jama'ah. He read the a significant lot of the surah ar-Rahman. Divided for two rakaats.
Then the Xpert participants; Zair and Maheer specifically conducted the Hai Hai Bai Bai activity.
Hai Hai Bai Bai
Task: do a "perpisahan" ceremony for the local teenagers. Make sure they become friends that is kept in contact later.
The groups combined to execute this last activity together.
They made the local teens group up in circles. Then all shook hands and embraced in farewell. Supposed it was so anyway...
Then Mak Cu gave a speech. "Alhamdulillah syukur kita kepada Allah.... To the end of her speech..."
After that, everyine went to eat.
Left for the bus station at approximately 7:15 am. Dropped the two group facilitators at the bus station and proceeded to Ulu Tiram.
Dropped by Al-Azhar for breakfast. Had the normal roti canai ration.
Continued on our way to Tiram Indah Village. Stopped at the Simpang Renggam side stop for some rest. Too drowsy to drive. Had to sleep.
Arrived at Tiram Indah Village at approximately 10:30 am. A welcoming committee of Pak Long, Kak Fidah, Insyirah and two Terengganu pengiring waited. Haha! At least it seemed like they were waiting. For us; maybe not.
Had lunch then prayed full Zuhr. Had a reason for this. All participants were to engage in the activities which include doing 'Asar at a field. So no Jama' Qasar. The facilitators also have to oblige.
Then it was time for the next activity; MP 3.
MP 3
Task: to complete the trek and any tasks on the way. Main mission and sub-missions must all be completed.
Was tasked to look after the war games section.
Location: The Stream.
Weapons: Flour-Filled Water-Inflated Balloons. And Mud.
Entered the river for initial reconnaisance. Checked out the depth and current. Also determined strategic ambush locations. Went through once then once again. Then gave the go for participant entry with stationed safety marshalls at intervals.
Briefed the first team to enter. Then entered the water. Then moved to attack position.
Then the firefight started. Many tactics were used to attack the participants. The balloon bombs weren't much use in the water and they were very limited, so we had to resort to secondary weapons stock; mud. From the riverbank.
Every team after the initial few got volleyed by the ambush team. They were also special cases. Among others; Pak Long, for being in the way and compromising our positions (Pak Long jangan marah ye! Heh!); Kak Fidah and Kak Mus, for going into the water at a bad time (sorry Kak Fidah! Bile tengah excited susah nak kawal, heh!), the pengiring who also went into the water, for not being distinguishable from the participants.
When it was all over, dipped ourselves in the water for wudhu and clean up. Then Solat in the field and back to camp.
Took a few different routes going back. Have now discovered new areas previously unexplored.
Self Service
Ate. Showered. Prayed. Rested. Prayed again. Time for Akademi Realiti.
Akademi Realiti
Task: do any sort of presentation in the form of permissible entertainment.
Watched the kids act and sing. Weren't really satisfied with most. Mostly due to lack of originality or even plain authenticity. The kids seem to be trying too hard to please the jury.
The facilitators did an act. Intoned a poem woven with songs in between. See below:
Dari Terengganu dan juga Kelantan
Dari Utara hingga ke Selatan
Masing-masing dengan semangat watan
Untuk menunjukkan yang mereka ni jagoan
Yang datang tu bukan tua2 belaka
tetapi anak2 yang muda remaja
Lagu: Remaja (UNIC)
Ingatlah masa depanmu
Janganlah kau terleka diusia remaja
Peserta yang hadir bukan calang2
mereka nie hebat bukan kepalang
4 hari nie bersama malam dan siang
yang akan sentiasa hidup untuk berjuang
Lagu: Selamat Berjuang (Brothers)
Selamat berjuang sahabatku
Semoga Allah berkatimu
Kenangan indah bersamamu
Takkan kubiar ia berlalu
Mereka datang nie semua sehati
sanggup hidup dan juga semati
tetapi boleh ke dipegang pada janji
untuk jadi teman sejati
Lagu: Teman Sejati (Brothers)
Selama ini
Ku mencari-cari
Teman yang sejati
Buat menemani
Perjuangan suci
Datang mereka bukan sebarangan
bukan juga datang dengan angan-angan
bukan juga tanggungjawab yang ringan
tetapi penuh dengan satu perjuangan
Lagu: Satu Perjuangan (Brothers)
Dengan satu perjuangan
Satu arah tujuan
Di bawah rahmat Yang Esa
Kita melangkah... Seiringan
Satu perjuangan
Perjuangan perlukan pengorbanan yang nekad
yang mungkin berlaku setiap dekad
dan boleh berlaku pada setiap saat
tetapi mereka semua datang dengan satu tekad
Lagu: Satu Tekad (UNIC)
Berikan aku pedoman
Arah mana jalan kejayaan
Timur utara juga selatan
'Tau arah mentari terbenam
Itulah dia doa dari kami
semuga akan sentiasa kekal abadi
dulu, kini dan hingga akhirnya nanti
muga hidup kita sentiasa Allah berkati.
Lagu: Allahu (Raihan)
Allahu, Allahu, Allahu...
Allahu, Allahu, Allahu...
Tamatpun dah...
Lagu: Alhamdulillah (Raihan)
Alhamdulillah pujian bagi Allah,
Subhanallah maha suci Allah,
Allahuakbar Allah maha besar,
Segala puji hanya bagi Allah...
Muhasabah/Rationalization: The Facilitators
God knows that the meeting was a havoc. It was great in a way. All of us had lots of things to share. Some more than others. There were also issues brought up that were unforeseen before. It was good to share the experience after being isolated for sometime at each of our respective locations.
After the meeting... Slept. How I waited for the moment.
Continued in Day Four's Chronicles.
Xpert Chronicles: Day Two
After a while of Pak Cu's "jenguk²", rose up and went straight into the toilet. Spent 15 minutes settling everything from cleaning up to waste disposal.
Prayed Subuh. Jama'ah. Then ma'thurat (almost forgot again, but reminded by the kids, shamed again). A bit of tadzkirah for them on Do'a Rabitah.
Let them off to settle themselves personally and hygienically.
Waited for akhawat to arrive. Then passed the document containing the next few tasks for them. Akrab Persahabatan, Teman Sejati, Kau Sahabat Kau Teman and Hai Hai Bai Bai.
Akrab Persahabatan
Task: plan for the afternoon task (Teman Sejati). Stage of planning and initial preparation. Objective: activity planning procedures.
Told them to start discussion straight away. So they did. For a while. Then breakfast arrived.
Called for a facilitator meeting at the same time. So whilst we discussed they ate.
After that, we ate and they discussed until 9:00 am.
9:00 am: called them for a briefing on the basics of the program. Mostly they had to create/design activities with resources we provide.
Then they started to work on their project. Discussions, discussions and discussions.
Lunch was delicious. Munawwar said to mention so. It was ayam percik and veges and rice and a few other lauk.
Teman Sejati
Task: execute activities to get to know the local teenage community. Try to get them to follow the activities and ibadah through the night.
Got to the Surau early. Went early. Arrived early. Approximate time of arrival: 2:25 pm.
Since there was no one of the execution committee there yet; went and reconnoitred the entrance points for the ascent to the Bukit Soga peak. Fellow facilitators were rather beguilled by the fact that the formal entrance to "Hutan Lipur Bukit Soga" was in the midst of a housing area. Already expected such. Was like that when first came.
Second arrival at surau shows arrival just at the right time. Met with Bro Farhan again. But he couldn't stay long; had to go back to work.
The program began after a while. At the minute of this writing, introductions are being held. Taaruf seems to be going fine between the Xpert participants and the locals. Registration yields 36 local teens. Congratulates the participants in own mind.
Went and had a general look at the progress of the Xpert Participants at handling an activity. Impression so far: a lot to be improved. Taaruf was still a bit "kaku". Had to help them out a bit.
The teams divided the day's activities between them. Perak took the night's activities. Selangor took the afternoon's.
Selangor already had to modify and improvise their plans. The weather did not seem good enough for absolute outdoor activities.
The kids played "Goreng Pisang". Watched them for a bit. Up to one point it had come to the word "korban". The receiving team returned "korban orang"!! Imagine that! Haha! Another one was the word "mana". The receiving team returned "mana mana"! Hilarious!
It turned out that the team for the outdoor activity went on with their original plan. Aaaaand whole contingent got caught in the rain. Great. really great. Got wet. Most wet.
Then they made another decision. They further decided to go on with the plan. Reasoning: now that everyone's already wet, might as well.
They did 'Asar prayers at the entrance to the forest. In the rain. Woah... Super woah. Then they continued the original plan for the obstacle course.
Approximately 5:10 pm; ordered the ones who have finished to return to the surau. No use being kept wet when you can already get dry.
Returned to the surau. Got dry. Then after a while, ate some snacks provided by the local pakcik/makcik community (guessing).
And then it was time for the next activity: Kau Sahabat Kau Teman.
Kau Sahabat Kau Teman
Task: i'tikaf at a masjid, tadzkirah after maghrib or 'isya'. Discuss clues for 3rd Day and strategies for getting there quickest.
Settled down at the surau. Oh... It was a surau. Not a masjid.
Ate dinner. Socialized with the kids. Got to know them beter.
Did Maghrib Prayers. Jama'ah. Of course.
Watched the kids group up. Three groups. Broke the Selangor group (now without tasks but to help the Perak team). Hannan gave a briefing for the kids on the night's program.
Then they tadarrused. "Bismillahi r-Rahmaani r-Rahiim... to the end of the reading."
Prepared for 'Isya' after that. In the front saf when suddenly the Maghrib Imam passed the mic to us. Oops.
Opened the next activity block with 3S and the Kasih Sayang terminology attribution. Then passed on the mic to Hannan for the next activity.
Forum Perdana. Have heard that it's gonna be a bit different. The moderator was Maheer; the panels were Faris, his twin Fais, Meor Azim and Aiman.
Then came the moment everyone was waiting for. The games. They conducted the game 5 cent, 10 cent for the kids. Watched them at it. The kids had fun. The Xpert participants had fun. Until they rationalized it. Apparently it was a simulation of valuing another person. And they made it as if the kids were valuing their friends as ONLY 10 cents or 5 cents. And if they don't need the cents, they'll kick out their friends.
Then the program for the day came to an end.
Hai Hai Bai Bai continued on Day Three's Chronicles.
Xpert Chronicles: Day One
Scrambled frantically to meet the time limit. Deadline 7:30 am at rendezvous point. Arrived at 7:50. Good thing fuel sufficed.
Topped up fuel. Exchanged important Xpert material with Kak Fida. Acquired Xpert program package. Gave the tags in return.
Zoomed all the way to the BP Bus Station. Arrived at 9:35 am. Immediately went to meet Perak participants. Kinda took them by surprise. Introduction with bewildered faces on them.
Gave first task. 3 Abduls.
3 Abduls
Task: sell prepared items brought along for total amount RM300 at least. Points given on strategic planning, marketing tactics and group mobilization.
Left them after Selangor group arrived and briefed. Headed straight to next destination: Masjid in Parit Raja near BSN. Zuki accompanied.
Arrival at the time of Zuhr. Straightaway did prayers; jama'ed and qasared. Then tried to rest in waiting. Felt superbly drowsy. Drifted to sleep soon as I laid my head on the floor.
2:30 pm. Received report from both teams. Apparently both on the way, on the same bus.
Waited still more. Stomach cried to be filled.
Met Mak Cu. Just briefing Makcik when participants arrived; time 3:15 pm. God knows how long time seemed before that moment.
Debriefed them. Then straight away briefed for next activity: Pak Belalang.
Pak Belalang
Task: to visit and help out with the day's chores at the homes of selected poor people. Or any other chores for that matter.
Drove team Perak guys to Nenek Rahimah's home. First impression: very poor. Single small wooden house. Estimate about 3 rooms; living room, bedroom and kitchen.
Greetings exchanged. Team Perak seems a bit frozen. Probably since it's their first time exposed to such in adequacy. Decided to briefly join in. The participants seemed to need somebody to begin. Began the interaction while helping Amin to initiate activity. Tackled Bro Zaidi (i think?) whilst Amin tackled Nenek Rahimah and her foster daughter.
Went out again to join Pak Cu. Decided against dominating the scene. The kids needed to actually DO to acquire experince.
Outside, "Sembang-sembanged" with Pak Cu for a while then gave the marker for the guys to leave in a little more time.
Went back to say farewell to the hosts.
When back in the car, questioned; might say interogated the participants to see how much the learnt or extracted from the hosts. Rather satisfactory. Evident progress.
Went to Pak Cu's and settled down. After settling down, briefed participants on Musang Berjanggut.
Musang Berjanggut
Task: cook something based on ingredients provided. Plan the process, delegate the tasks. New objective: do simultaneous with Tadzkirah; measure to tackled time shortage problem.
Initial activity seemed like a flurry of going-ons. Participants took turns between doing tasks and freshening up. They also collaborated between the groups. Suddenly after a while it seemed like only a few are cooking and planning the Tadzkirah.
Maghrib prayers. Unfortunately forgot to do ma'thurat. Shamed for failing to initiate.
Stopped for a while for tadzkirah (see below).
They laid the food down for the guests. The esteemed teenage guests. And few facilitators. The plan was let the guests eat first. This is due to the fact that the curry was not going to finish cooking before 9:00 pm. And the guests could not stay too long. Joined in. Purpose: to "raikan tetamu".
Later on after the guests have gone back and the curry has finished cooking the participants laid down the food for themselves. Watched as they did so. Could not join in due to having a full stomach. Treated
it with drinks anyway.
After they finished eating; continued for the nest activity: Rationalization for Day One.
Rationalization (Day One)
Collective sharing of experiences and emotions. A bit of pointers and highlights on management, public speaking and socializing. Basically that is all.
Continued in Day Two's Chronicles.