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Showing posts with label R2J. Show all posts
Showing posts with label R2J. Show all posts

27 December 2006

DERUan C2DC R2J (Guess what *that* means!)

A few days back I took part in executing DERUan C2DC R2J. Follow the story below. Details of activities will NOT be shared unless specifically asked for by the right people. The reason we're keeping the project a secret is so that those who MIGHT be participants to this program wouldn't know it's details. But like I said, if you introduce yourself and tell me why you need to see this module, I'll pass you the details.

Section One: C2DC - Task Force

Tasks and Responsibilities

Initially me and Zakri were invited as PaLS representatives to represent PaLS in the organizing committee of R2J. As it is, there was not much that we could do due to the lack of manpower during the semester. The only people that we could mobilise were people in JB. And even those already have tons of responsibilities at their respective localilties. R2J had to come second by prioritisation.

We did, however, accept the task of running R2J's Explorace. We changed the name later to C2DC R2J due reasons given if you refer the glossary below.

Envisioning and Initial Conceptualising

Me and Zakri came up with a vision of what the challenge was gonna look like. We basically had three days days to use up, and ideas envisioned from after last year's R2A e-Race. We planned out the route as different as possible to any similar activities ever done previously and within the contraints applied on us.

Constraints and Priorities

Then we had to basically let go of the project for a while. There were many things of more priority at hand to be given focus to such as Xpert '06.

Rallying Manpower

A week before the program was to be run I rallied up the community of ikhwan to get the manpower needed to run this activity. Mainly PaLS. The support I got was, alhamdulillah, more than what we needed. Even some PaLS residing in KL offered their support through whatever means. One such person is Zaid who offered to be the internet guy looking after internet information handling throughout. Thanks dude! It means a lot.

Detailed Planning

On Monday the 18th, I called for a planning meeting. Thus far (with less than a week to go!) we still had nothing but the initial concept and the route. Activities in between; nothing. Clues; nothing. Accommodations; nothing. Anything else; almost nothing.

So as you can see, we had to detail out everything by Monday, and begin execution ASAP. Preferably by the next day. No, even earlier than the next day.

We did two sessions of detailing and clarification on Monday. One at 2:45 pm and another at 10:00 pm. There some confusions regarding akhawat's attendance so there were no akhawat in the detailing meeting. But, they offered to hold some responsibilities anyway.


We did some rough calculations and came up with rough calculations of the total spendings we would face. It exceeded pakcik²'s expectation. By far. They decided to give us only RM1500 initially and RM1800 at most. Total spendings calculated on the first day was RM2200; a difference of RM400. That grew later to RM2800 after some unforeseen variables entered the equation making the difference RM1000. We had to find other ways to fund the project, or say goodbye to relatively a third of the planned activities.

The Recce Team

Tuesday became the day that all of us strived to lay down the basic groundwork.

One team was sent to recce the route and check up on fares along the way. They were also tasked to make contact with one of the places we planned to accommodate the participants and negotiate prices if necessary.

The recce team did their job wonderfully. But they also brought back bad news. The non-stop rain was causing floods in certain areas of Johor. It could affect all our plans.

Beginning of the Floods

The floods began and some areas of Johor were reported to be cut off. However, according to the recce team our route can still be used. There were areas inaccessible, but where we were going, there were no dangerous floods yet. Mark the word, YET.

Communications and Sponsors

The akhawat team was tasked to contact some ikhwan homes for activities in the challenge. They were also tasked with getting sponsorship from any available source. The deadline: the briefing meeting on Wednesday.

Briefing Meeting

Wednesday was a bright day. It stopped raining at Subh. It gave us hope that the floods would subside. So we carried on with our plans and execution.

The briefing meeting was more for the akhawat than ikhwan. This is due to the confusion for the planning meeting. So they currently knew less than the ikhwan. The briefing was also for updates on current progress on activities detailing and preparation.

Activities were updated and reports given.

For sponsorship the akhawat acquired RM220, topped up by RM500 that me and Salman negotiated through Pak Uteh from SMIH's PIBG. Since we were still deficit by a bit, I tasked upon the committee members to find a certain amount each person. Since there were seventeen members there shouldn't many problems acquiring that amount.

The recce team reported what they have done. They reported the floods.

All the activity planners reported the details of their preparations.

One Fateful Day...

Thursday I received bad news. Very bad news. Segamat was submerged. Since it was one of the destinations in our plans, it had to be taken out of the equation. At least that was what I thought initially.

Then came more news. Kota tinggi; flooded. Kluang; flooded. Muar; bad flooding.

Then more news. Xrek '06, the KRj national camping activity due to be executed at Kuantan was postponed.

I was in a dilemma. To cancel or not to?

After a while, I made the decision to call off the Challenge.

Called Off, Backup Plan?!

Cancellation means informing all the necessary people. So I informed the committee, and began to get them to close down operations. Then, we had to hold an emergency meeting to determine what's next.

The consensus: R2J participants are to be redirected to DERU. Daytime is to be dedicated to DERUan Banjir and nighttime is for us to organize activities for the participants.

We also contacted the sponsors from whom we clarified how we would use the money in light of changes in the plan.

Section 2: DERUan!!

First day

We all arrived in the morning and got the first assignment; packing relief packages. The participants all cooperated to pack the relief packages. They categorised the clothing and set aside the food stuff.

At about twelve, we moved to assigned places. Mine was Sekolah Batu 10.

At the school we met some of the banjir victim families. One makcik was very passionate about sharing her experience. She told us how high the flood was. She told us of the day she had to evacuate. She told us of salvaging stuff.

After the Jumaah prayers, we went to Kg Maju Jaya. About five cars went. We were delegated to about five different houses; each with their own story to tell. I was assigned to Bro Zul's house. We did some cleaning and angkat² furniture. There was a whole lot of furniture to clean and a maybe a few wardrobes of clothing too. By the time we had to go back, not everything was done. But we had to go anyway. It made me feel kinda guilty.

That night, we organized some games for the C2DC participants. There was Build The Tallest Tower, Faulty Mime Phone and Play Your Character. All with rationalizations based on C2DC objectives.

Then it was Saturday.

Second Day

We were delegated into two teams. One small team went to settle things at Ust Umar's and Ust Qamarul's homes which were both affected. And the rest went to Maju Jaya to finish off the tasks there.

I went to Maju Jaya. First to Makcik Odah's home, then I went to Bro Zul's. At both places we had to wash clothing. We became washing machines that day. Haha!

That night we played Cashflow. The game of management, leadership and quick decision making. I so loved the atmosphere of the game at the time. A satisfactory havoc, with a definite feel of something getting done.

Third Day

The third day marked the day where we only did DERU work for half a day. Until 3:00 pm to be exact. The reason for this was that we wanted to give more time for the participants to clean up and rest in the afternoon, because we were going to get them to arrive at Pej JIM by maghrib so that they can go back earlier that night. Previously the night activities began after 'Isya' and finished at 11.00 pm. But this day we wanted to get them back to their accommodations by 10.00 pm. This is so that they can get enough rest for the next day's activities.

Like I said before it was only half a day. Yet it was by far the most tiring. Why it was the most tiring was that it was the only place where we had to clean up unwashed mud from the buildings. Added to that was the excruciatingly "exquisite" smell emanating from the rooms of a certain kilang kerepek that we had to clean. Since the smell arose from somewhere close to what we thought were the toilets and the mud looking pretty weird... we tried not to think of the origins of that mud.

After the kilang kerepek, we had to clean the next door lot. Our task was to take out the wardrobe that had fallen down, and was hindering cleaning operations. So at that moment, me and Ubai and a few others became Temporary Vandals who were Vandalising Under Control. Haha! We absolutely wrecked the wardrobe between us.

Then after that, we cleaned up the surau. THAT was a real havoc. The guys all played with mud, getting it all (ok maybe not all, but MOST) of the mud out of the surau space. And doing that took the cooperation of the whole lot of ikhwan. The akhawat cleaned up the surau's little stuff, like plates, cups, dulangs and the like.

When that was done, we officialized the surau by being the first to solat there after the banjir.

The night activities began with Maghrib prayers. Then they had a bit of tadzkirah. After that the debate began.

The question for the C2DC Debate was "70% of pelajar lepasan Hidayah lari dari tarbiyyah, kenapa salah siapa?" Or the english version "70% of Hidayah graduants run away from tarbiyyah, why whose fault?"

It was a debate with four sides who were The Individuals, The Teachers, The Pal and PaLS and The Parents. The Individuals were the graduants themselves, The Teachers were the teachers of Hidayah, The Pal and PaLS were peers and the senior alumni of Hidayah and The Parents were the graduants' parents.

The winners? No one really... It was a debate intended for them to speak out. To challenge points; to challenge current views. It was a debate intended for us to see how they think. To see how tentatively they walk the path of blame or if they walk the path of forgiveness.

Fourth Day

It began with the C2DC Race. Yup. There was a race after all. A decision made by us the day before based on feedback by the participants. Adaptation and preparation began the day before and ended the morning it was to start.

The race was fun. At least we enjoyed it. And participants seemed to enjoy it. There were many games and activities designed to meet our initial objectives. To complete what has not been completed through the activities so far.

The afternoon's activity was a Cooking Competition. The four teams had to compete with each other to cook the best dish. They had to work together to achieve this task. Unfortunately, I didn't get to taste the end product, but the guys who did mentioned that there were all sorts of flavours.

That night we did the rationalization for the program. Then we closed it off.


To all those who offered your support, I can only give you all my thanks for your support and appreciation of this project. Thank you all and may Allah reward you for your efforts with the handsome rewards of akhirah.

I'd like to personally thank these people:
  1. Zakri, for your ideas and vigour to help out even in your busyness.
  2. Zaid O, for offering to handle the internet info, even though it was cancelled later.
  3. Suhaib K, for attending a meeting. Takziah to you too for your atuk's death. Innaa lilLahi wainna ilayhi raji'un.
  4. Salman H, for your clues and directing the inpromptu Race.
  5. Ubai, for your quirky quotes that made us laugh and smile.
  6. Hafiz Bai, for your adamance in keeping your promise to join us even if you were tranferred to KL.
  7. Majeed, for coming here from Sarawak just so the participants can guess your name.
  8. Salman AR, for your ideas that kick started an inspiration in Salman H for one of the clues.
  9. Nazihah, for volunteering early on for this project and getting lotsa things done.
  10. Abidah, for your offer of accommodation for the akhawat participants and the use of your dad's car.
  11. Nusaibah, for helping drive the participants around and washing the chicken for cooking.
  12. 'Ammar, for covering me and being my tag team partner handling this project. Thanks bro!
  13. Muhammad, for being the ever busy transportation dude.
  14. Zayd S, for offering your quotes of "MH" and the food.
  15. Hafiz A, for driving fast to get to food to us and for getting fined for parking when you were getting us our food.
  16. Fathi, for your cool games. Some of which I have never seen.
  17. Maimunah, for offering the use of your car for the akhawat. Takziah to you too for your atuk's death. Innaa lilLahi wainna ilayhi raji'un.
  18. Shakirah, for attending the briefing meeting, even though you couldn't help.
  19. 'Esam, for opening the Pej JIM very early.
  20. Asyraf A, for the handling the tools and equipment and for posing in the camera.
  21. Munawwar, for being cool with sharing your manja name. You also did a good job of handling activities.
  22. Zahid, for handling peralatan with Asyraf and for the cool miming activity.
  23. Hafizul Amin, for helping out with the inpromptu race clues.
  24. Syahir, for offering your help even though you didn't foresee the banjir at home.
  25. Amin M, for offering to help out after Xrek '06 was cancelled. I'm sorry we didn't follow up on your offer dude to the banjir and the hectic tranformation of the program.
  26. Nabihah H, for helping out a lot with akhawat stuff.
  27. Nisreen, for being the cool treasurer who was amanah in handling our money.
I hope I haven't left out anyone. There were so many, I had to take time to remember. If I did, just mention them to me and I'll add them here.

The Glossary

C2DC: C2-D Challenge is a sub-program of the main R2J program. It was initially planned as a race covering a significant area of Johor. Its purpose was to provide a physical and practical edge in the application of key moral values. (back)

DERU: Stands for Disaster and Emergency Response Unit. See here for more.(back)

DERUan Banjir: This is a label to refer to the work done over the weekend to relieve the flood victims by DERU JIM. DERUan C2DC is the volunteer work by the R2J participants in line with the backup plan for C2DC.(back)

Explorace: A TV show hosted on Malaysia's TV3 and sponsored by MAS and some other companies. The name is sometimes used to describe activities in the form of a race that entails a physical challenge throughout. I hate this name for any of our programs. For one, it is someone else's brainchild; thus it is unoriginal. For another, it tends to lead to confusion when participants interact with the community.(back)

PaLS: PaLS is an acronym for Persatuan Alumni SMIH which is the alumni body for the Hidayah Islamic Secondary School (SMIH). The same word is also used to refer to any of its members.(back)

R2A: The pioneer four month long post-spm training project. See R2J for details.(back)

R2J: Road 2 Jawa is the Johorian equivalent to MH-i (Madrasatul Hayah). R2J is the second R2 project whereby the preceding one was called R2A with the "A" standing for Aceh. It entails a four month long program segregated by modules run in portions throughout. 1 month of skill training, 1 month of international kembara, 2 months of entrepreneurial projects and integrated tarbiyyah activities.(back)

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