Showing posts with label zombies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label zombies. Show all posts

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Swap announcement

Time for my annual Halloween swap!  Check it out at

Hope to see you there!  

Saturday, February 6, 2016

The Walking Dead crochet coffee cozies

In anticipation of The Walking Dead season preview, I made a few coffee sleeves to help me through....

one for me...

and a few for some friends......

yep, I think we are ready!  I wonder how many other couples will be glued to their tv sets instead of going out?

Monday, December 21, 2015

Nutcracker Nadine

Each year I host an ornament swap.  I wanted to send something special to one of the ladies.  She is so selfless.  She always creates the most AMAZING ornaments...and this year, she sent in a special treat bag for each of the participants.

She joins all my zombie doll swaps so while wracking my brain on what to make her, I decided a Christmas themed zombie doll would do the trick.

I know, I am so out of control....but here she is in all her glittery gory (oops, GLORY!)


I wrote a little poem to go with her of course, half the fun of creating these dolls is "telling" why they are zombies!

Oh, and she already has a boyfriend!  Of course, he had no IDEA that she was going to eat him for dinner after their "date.!"  That was fine with me, he was born in 1969, WAY too old for a young thing like Ms. Nadine!

Here is a little music to start your week....just imagine Nadine as the "star!"

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Halloween Tea Party and a Halloween giveaway (CLOSED)

A party you say, is it tea for two?  Only for witches or can zombies come too?  

So many to visit, to sit and to chat....let's just see who is in the pumpkin patch!

"Sweet" Bloody Mary, so cute to behold

but look at all the heads she made roll...

Little Estelle has a smile on her face

While Wednesday stands tall and eyeballs her space...

Miss Muffet ain't scared of no spiders y'all, she eats them all up, brains and all!

While new love is spreading throughout the land

Raggedy has HER man's head in her hand.

And this sweet bride has no man at all....

Will this guy do?  He's not very tall....

Pumpkin Head and Estella are happy at home

While Little Red seems to be alone...

Not to worry, she has this mummy

While Dorothy's dog, Toto fills her tummy!

             Thank you for coming and spending some time, now I must ask....Who needs tea when you can have wine?

In your comments, let me know!  Is it tea or wine...or a little of both!    

I'm giving away a zombie virus handbag, a Halloween hand towel, owl salt & pepper shakers, a cute pumpkin plug in with fragrance.....

Make sure to leave me your contact info, one lucky winner gets this fun little package.   The drawing will be October 31st!

The winner by random drawing is DESIGNING FAIRY!  I will leave a comment on your blog notifying you!

Thank you to Vanessa for hosting this year's party!

Halloween Blog Hop

Monday, September 28, 2015

Zombie Doll swap

I hosted my annual zombie doll swap.  This year, I sent my partner "Woodstock Wendy."

I got the idea off her blog...she is into peace signs, etc.  Thought a throwback to Woodstock would be funny.

Here is the other stuff.....toadstools, soup mix, yarn, a journal, some stickers and a flowery headband.

The tag on the soup mix:

I put her in a doll like plastic box and included this info sheet on her.  I wanted it to read like a doll insert you get.  You'll have to click on it to read it...

Then I made two pieces of paper, like you get when something with a toy you bought might have a missing piece.   I slipped one into the box with her and taped one to the outside.

I made her to be naked but at the last minute added a little dress.  Oh my gosh, this was a fun doll to make!

Monday, August 31, 2015

zombie purse and catch up

This month was fairly hectic with me heading back to work.    I had to change my routine with Osa to make sure she got enough playtime in after I got home.....and with the heat, that was difficult.  I haven't had much time for blogging either.  But that doesn't mean I am not doing "stuff!"

I am still plugging away on my CAL squares:

And for my craft along theme of altered art, I made a few things:

I already posted how I decoupaged a cigar box for work, along with a large P for my door.  But I also made a cigar box purse.    This one is for October.....

I have also been busy in the kitchen.....harvesting basil for pureed cubes.  I harvested 3 plants, 4 to go....

 and making my fresh strawberry cake, just because....

Dean and I attended a gala a couple weeks we are with some friends and co-workers...

no, they aren't ALL women, here I am with Ed....

This is one of the table arrangements, the roses were white.  It is drying naturally and still so lovely.

Wishing you all a happy week!

Friday, August 14, 2015

zombie swap announcement

Stop by my swap blog if you want to play along.   Registration is open until the 22nd!

Here is the link!

Friday, July 31, 2015

Five on Friday....

I;m joining Amy this week for her Five on Friday blog hop.

School starts next week and Kaela will be a SENIOR in high school!  
It seems just last week, she looked like this:

Then "POOF" I looked up and she looked like this!  My baby is all grown up.

In the summer, I tend not to crochet and knit as much.   I turn to working in the yard, reading and catching up on doctor appointments.
Not THIS summer....THIS summer has been taken up by THIS little girl!

That being said, I did make a cute little Yoda hat and rattle set for a friend who has a grand baby in her future.  Her daughter is a Star Wars fan.

I finished this month's CAL squares a couple days early.  Red, white and blue seemed appropriate this month.

 I already posted a photo of this box Kaela did but it was blurry.  The colors are so deep and rich but soft at the same time.  I love the swirls....

I also got a fun  birthday surprise in the mail!  Kerry sent this guy to me.  His wife was sent to me in the spring...

Here they are, reunited!

check the cute notepad she made...even the pen and letters are handmade!

I'm trying to convince her to open an etsy shop.  Her stuff is unique and well made...Thank you Kerry!

It is the tail end of the week so I thought this shot was appropriate!

Have a great Friday!  Don't forget to click here to continue the blog hop!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

More catch up and a thank you!

I am still writing catch up posts from MARCH!

I thought "Hook and a Book" would be a fun weekly post to do this summer...thought I'd get an early start. 

On my hook...more squares for the CAL.  
The book....  I loved Tony Hollerman novels.  He passed away and his daughter took up the torch.  I am sooooo hoping I love her style of writing as much as her dad's.

I wore the Soloman's knot shawl to work...

I made a pasta salad for lunch one was so good I made for 3 days in a row!

Osa's butt.  I mean, what is cuter than a Corgi booty?

Maybe a corgi FACE giving you kisses?

Kaela bought me these.....thank you sweetie...

Kerry sent me a surprise!  This cute zombie doll and coaster set! 

 Oh my gosh!  I love them....  Thank you Kerry!
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