Showing posts with label hootings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hootings. Show all posts

Saturday, April 11, 2015


The trip to Florida was a quick one but we still had loads of fun. We did things other just hang out with the dogs!  We did a little shopping and the girls went to the pool and beach...

 I dropped an owl outside a restaurant the first night there.

The next day for lunch, we had pizza...and laughter!

When we got back to Page's, this bottle of wine sat, in daddy's honor.  So sweet.

Sitting on Page's porch.......what a view.

I finished a scarf and dressed up one of her cherubs for his close up.  hahaha!

We did lots of sitting on the patio.  Five dogs needing supervision will do that to you!

We had a great trip...

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

another drive by hooting!

Last week, I drove through a gas station and flung this little guy out the window as a lady walked in to pay for her gas.  He landed by her car door.  

As I drove off, I saw her come out and pick him up.  She looked around and laughed and drove off with him.

Friday, January 16, 2015

A Hooting!

Yesterday I did my first hooting of the year.

I was driving through our neighborhood and saw some kids standing outside.  I flung this little guy in the yard and drove off. 

Friday, January 2, 2015

Drive by "Hootings!"

Last year I decided I wanted to start doing toy drops again.   

I thought the idea up last year, long before Robin Williams passed away but a quote from a movie he was in was the inspiration for the theme..."Mrs. Doubtfire!"   We LOVE that movie!  Dean and I use the quote "run by fruiting" all the time.  

I was thinking things up and a "drive by hooting" was born.  No, this is not a nod to drive by shootings so don't get all fussy about it.  Just a fun way to fling toys at people.

With that in mind, if you'd like to play along, simply grab a badge and start tossing owls at unsuspecting people.  

One of the "hooters" who joined has sweetly created and emailed me a little tag to print and attach so if you join, let me know and I'll gladly email them to you.

I'll be posting them here on my blog once a month!

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