Showing posts with label France. Show all posts
Showing posts with label France. Show all posts

Monday, November 28, 2011


About the Blog (and me): I'm 22, french and a student who love to read young-adult books. All young-adult books. Because I'm a fast and eager reader, I'm always short on books that I would like to talk about on my blog.

My blog is all about reviews, news, author's bio and biblio and maybe someday I'll host some giveaways.

So, come and check Freak-YA-tastic !
Country: France

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Book on the Hill

Bio: Who's The Blogger?
I'm Charlotte, a 24 year old French/English/Canadian girl living in Paris. I'm an actress, and also a professional reader for a French publishing house, specialized in YA and children books. What does that mean ? Basically my job is to read English-written books (either already released or still in drafts) and submitting a full summary and review to my boss. Depending on my review (and sometimes other readers' reviews), they decide if they want to buy the rights of the book, and if they do it is translated in French and published in France. I discovered the existence of book blogs only this year, and was amazed not only by the number of them but also by the passion and talent all the book bloggers share. I think it's fascinating, and very useful for any reader who wonders what book she/he will read next. With the pile of books I read, I thought it would be a good contribution, and the idea of sharing my reviews with readers makes me happy. Plus, they are written anyway, so why not share them ?

What Can I Find On Your Blog?
For now, reviews ! But I will add new features in the future.


Country: France
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