Showing posts with label science. Show all posts
Showing posts with label science. Show all posts

Friday, February 14, 2014

I'm a Theorectical Scientist! And so are you.

The thing about theoretical scientists is they don't exist until they open their mouths and theorize. Say something scientifically theoretical, like, I don't know, gravity only existed in the minds of cats. Then they blurt this out to a passing scientist and get him or her to prove if it right. That's right, right?

So then, I want to be one of those. I want to blurt something out profound and get other more clever people to prove I'm right. Or at least on the right track as I'm not a scientist thinking slightly differently. Here it is, here's my theory.

Quantum physics does not exist. That's it, I said it,it doesn't exist. Let me tell you why. When we look at a photon, or what ever and scratch our head because it behaves like a wave if we look for it, but then a particle if we look for that behaviour. We say how can it be both things, it cannot be 2 things at once? Well how about this...It is the same thing, it's 2 sides of the same coin. It's just once thing exhibiting 2 behaviours simultaneously.

   How is this possible? Well here's the doozy. Back before the universe existed, there were these 2 universes, one made of wave forms one of particles, they decided to collided. This was such a massive force the two universes binded and made one. That's how the universe existed everywhere at once like 2 panes of glass smashing together. A colossal universe side chest bump.

  So, in effect we are living in 2 universes at once. How's that for a mad cracked up theory? Over to you clever people.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

WoC 499 MythBusters gag

I'm a massive Mythbusters fan. But I always feel a sorry for the dead pigs they use. Particularly the poor porker they fired a chain at from a cannon. That was sooooooooo wrong. Anyhoo, thanks to Adam, Jamie and crew for all the fantasic science. I think Kari is HOT btw. :-)
I'm almost on World of Cow 500. So I thought to mark the occasion I'd do a little competition. Winner gets a copy of my book 300 of the Best Cow Jokes Ever! So Here's the question.
In World of Cow joke 492, what sort of grass do the Hulk Cows like?
a. Gamma Grass
b. Jammer Grass
c. McHammer Grass
Send your answers to this address:
You never know, if I have enough entries I might have some bonus prizes of free WoC Birthday cards. Entries in by 24th of June. Good luck.
This WoC joke isn't in the new book
300 of the Best Cow Jokes Ever! The Woc gag will of course make Vol 3 of the World of Cow comic, which will be out soon. This cow design is now a Birthday card at my Online shop. :-) There are now World of Cow Mugs, tee shirts and steins up to. Completely original and unique. Have a look at what's on offer. You can't get this material anywhere else. and you can buy this toon at Cartoonstock

Friday, November 02, 2007

Britain's Got Cow Talent!