Showing posts with label monster. Show all posts
Showing posts with label monster. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

WoC 973

World of Cow vol 2 comic book app is now out on the iPhone. Only 59p or $.99. It's got over 100 cow jokes on it, containing all the funny goodness of Classic World of Cow cowtoonery. Click here to get your copy. :-)

Monday, May 11, 2009

WoC 747

I'm trying to get World of Cow into local newspapers around the world. If you want WoC in your local newspaper. Get in contact with them and give them this blog addy. Thanks for your support. I've set up a World of Cow group on Facebook, so if you want to join search for World of Cow or go here. It'd be lovely to see you there. This WoC joke is not in the new book World of Cow Comic.Vol 4. There are now World of Cow Mugs, tee shirts and steins for sale. Completely original and unique. Have a look at what's on offer. You can't get this material anywhere else. and buy this toon at Cartoonstock

Saturday, September 13, 2008


Here's my latest Tee Shirt design to grace my online shop. BUMZILLA! It's not subtle, but it made me giggle. I'm a childish person..what can I say.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

WoC 556

Bang goes another horror franchise!
This WoC joke is in the new book World of Cow Comic.Vol3. It's now a Birthday card at my Online shop. :-) There are now World of Cow Mugs, tee shirts and steins up to. Completely original and unique. Have a look at what's on offer. You can't get this material anywhere else. and you can buy this toon at Cartoonstock

Friday, August 22, 2008

WoC 547

Everyone needs a hero.
This WoC joke isn't in the new book 300 of the Best Cow Jokes Ever! The Woc gag will of course make Vol 3 of the World of Cow comic, which will be out soon. This cow design is now a Birthday card at my Online shop. :-) There are now World of Cow Mugs, tee shirts and steins up to. Completely original and unique. Have a look at what's on offer. You can't get this material anywhere else. and you can buy this toon at Cartoonstock

Friday, September 28, 2007

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Ol' Toonz 1

I found some of my old material so I thought I'd stick it up for you all to see. You can find more at Cartoonstock.

Britain's Got Cow Talent!