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Date: Saturday, 3 June 1944
Place: Weymouth Harbour, Dorset, England
Photographer: Unknown
U.S. Rangers from E Company, Fifth
Ranger Battalion, aboard their landing craft on Weymouth Harbor, Dorset
(England), waiting for the signal to sail to the coast of Normandy, 3
June 1944. In the foreground, they are, clockwise from far left, First
Sergeant Sandy Martin, Technician Fifth Grade Joseph Markovich, Corporal
John Loshiavo and Private First Class Frank Lockwood, with their
Bazooka, Garand rifle, 60-mm mortar and Lucky Strikes. Before they
boarded their vessel, these Rangers — four of perhaps 160,000 soldiers
who would cross the English Channel — were penned up, away from public
view, in camps policed by British officers in machine-gun towers. As
they waited for their signal, soldiers of Operation Overlord hurled Army
knives at playing cards nailed onto trees, played softball and, ducking
into an entertainment tent, watched “Girl Crazy,” starring Mickey
Rooney and Judy Garland. But their nerves were strained; sometimes they
fought one another with fists. They knew the lethal odds that faced them
on the Normandy beaches. Then Martin, Markovich, Loshiavo and Lockwood
were in their landing craft. One soldier insisted that these boats were
designed to induce “a sense of physical discomfort, seasickness and
physical degradation” so that the men would “land in such an angry
condition as to bring destruction, devastation and death upon any person
or thing in sight or hearing.” About 2,500 Americans were killed in the
D-Day effort to make the world safe for freedom. One of them was Sandy
Martin, who lies buried in the American cemetery on the bluff that looks
down on Omaha Beach