Please accept my apologies for the brevity of this entry. It's late, I can't sleep, and I'm in a rather small hotel room a couple of blocks away from NYC's Central Park. Oh yes, I need to finish off some work before I tuck in for a few hours' rest.
Yet I find myself updating my web log. Maybe crossing the border has compromised my ability to prioritize. Or maybe my priorities are in perfect order.
Whatever the case, I thought this image of hotel towels would fit the tone of my evening.
Your turn: The more I look at this image, the more I realize that whoever stacked these towels never worked at The Gap - where they train you to build tall towers of perfectly aligned textile goods. Does the variable alignment contribute to or detract from this image? Discuss.
well.. i think it looks pretty good to me... if you follow the lines they go almost in straight lines, even the crease between each towell... infact... i really like this image BECAUSE of the lines on the towells and how they change angle the higher they get...
But if i had 'The Gap' here to inspect and realise that the person who stacked these towells really doesnt have a clue, then im sure that i would agree with you 100%...
Otherwise... i think as soon as you take a towell your not going to see the imperfections of the pile anymore anyway...
Great 'blurt' post there Carmi... short sharp and sweet... go have your nanna nap now - i'll let ya! :)
"discuss", says the teacher , walking between the desks. The gum chewer says: "i don know, to me it jus makes me wan a bubble bath". The class laughs. I say it reminds me of the stratification of the sedimentary rocks in the southwest, and the way the sun plays across the faces of large water sculpted stones as it rises across the desert sky. Teacher thinks I am loaded, again....
I think the variable alignment contributes to the image. Perfection, perfect unerring alignment (a la Gap stacks) is unnatural and unappealing to me.
contributes... makes it more interesting that they are not all the exact same fold and like david said it makes him want to take a bath and bothaniel wants to smell them... i want to touch and feel them to see if they are as soft as they look in the picture! who woulda thunk to take pix of hotel towels? why carmi, that's who!!!! :)
They look comfy to me. I imagine wrapping myself up in one and sitting by the window looking out at Central Park.
i too am wondering about the texture of the towels. are they soft and fluffy or coarse and scratchy? do they smell of bleach?
i love staying in hotels but i hate the feeling of hotel sheets and towels.
Here's my guess - your priorities are perfectly fine. The blog is a little piece of home. You're compelling need to write in it is a desire to feel a bit of normalcy.
Or is that stretching it?
The lines are great. I don't care what the GAP says.
If they are like most hotel towels, they are not that soft, not that great in quality and will likely make you long for your home even more. Hmmm. Perhaps that is their ultimate purpose.
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