I like to walk slowly when I'm outside. It helps me catch glimpses of things that would be otherwise missed. This latest image continues my 'naturally b&w' theme, and reinforces my belief that beauty is found in the most unexpected places, but only if we take the time to look.
Your turn: I'm having trouble figuring out why I like this image. Any suggestions are welcome.
I like it too! It's a car tailight, right? I'm fascinated by tailights and how different they all are and I like to look at the ones on expensive cars and see what they do with them. It's an odd fascination for me. Probably because I'm a racecar driver's daughter. As to why you're interested in this image...perhaps because it's a guy thing? That's my best guess.
Here via Michele's today Carmi. Hope you're well.
Is that a hubcap reflected in a mirror? I like the repetition of the rounded shapes.
I always adore photos that seem to go on endlessly. Well photographed reflective objects are perfect for creating this illusion.
By the way, did I forget to mention that Michele reminded me to stop by tonight.
It's shiny. :)
Here via Michele tonight, Carmi. Hope you're having a fabulous evening.
I have a hard time walking (or driving or talking ...) slow. I should work on that.
I like it because it is retro and modern at the same time, almost space age, Plus, shiny things always seem to attract my eyes!
I love this image!
The shiny flares of light, the blueish reflections... the light seems to dance across the surface. Really like this.
Here from Michele's
Someone said tailights.. My first thought was headlights and ALL guys like those.... Ok- maybe I should get some sleep now- I'm getting loopy! LOL
It is SO crisp! I mean, when I popped into your blog and saw it, it actually made me catch my breath. I don't often have a physical reaction to what I see! Wow!
Is is headlights? amazing photography!
And hey, Carmi - please don't publish this comment. I'm only doing it this way since I know you have comment moderation like I do.
I just wanted to thank you for your comments on my blog. You have a way of making me feel like my writing gave something to you - because you touch the heart of the message in each post. Not everyone does that and I wanted you to know that I appreciate it. Your encouragement, believe it or not, has meant a lot to me as we've been getting settled in our new state, new lives... new roles.
Thanks again!
my first thought was 'what the heck?'... it's a pix that makes you keep looking and looking.. it draws you in... it's black and white and shiny but there are subtle hints of color in there. so very cool!
It is pretty cool.
Great quality.
You are very talented.
Cool photo.
Michele says hi!
Pickalish stole my thunder. Or, to be more accurate, I was untrendy again. The picture DOES look like a guy thing.
And I have no idea who Michele is, but did you know that three airlines are banning Dell and Apple laptops?
its bright, like you!
It's a beautiful sunny day in Sussex, but far too early for you to be blogging!!!
Here from Michele's.
I'm still trying to figure out what it is. But it is shiny. I have always been amazed how the printers can combine blue, red and yellow to make chrome and make it shiny.
Looks like the tail end of a spaceship...all crome and shiny..futuristic , clean, ingenious...the ideas just flow on why u may like this photo...I guess like the rest of us, we ust enjoy all the photos u share with us lol
Here from Michele's today.
I love the pic!!!! The metal reflecting against metal, awesome
It tickles the imagination. It is reflective and yet you can see inside at the same time.
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