This NaNoWriMo is already starting to drag me under. I'm thinking that by the time the end of November finally rolls around, I'll have the timing on some well-placed energy drinks down pat. I just hope my heart holds out ;)
So far I'm less than 500 words behind. As long as I make my mark for today anyway. If I manage a good 2,000 words today I'll be right on track. Of course that doesn't help a lot when the goal is to be ahead of the curve.
In my defense, I have started writing on the 750words site - serious fun! Try it out, write a few days, then check out your metastats and subconscious - cool beans. I've not included any of that writing in my tally. Neither have I counted anything I have to write for work. I've got 2 big workshops coming up next week that are requiring a lot of mental attention and physical time.
At present, I have reviewed and updated my character sketches, reviewed and made notes on where I want to go in the outline, and then I went back to Blake Snyder's Save the Cat books and started hashing out my Beat Sheet for the novel. I love Blake's books! Seriously. It was a tragedy when the world lost Blake. I am grateful he put out what he did do, and honestly I can't think of anything more he could have added, but to have taken a class from him directly, now that would have been epic.
No more dilly dallying! Time to get that count in for the day.
Parting shot -
p.s. if you ever feel guilty about drinking caffeine, read The Invention of Air: A Story of Science, Faith, Revolution and the Birth of America by Steven Johnson - the chapter on the Coffee Houses of London and the meetings of the Honest Wigs.
Review From The New Yorker
The author of Everything Bad Is Good for You provides an entertaining account of the eighteenth-century scientist and radical Joseph Priestley's monumental discovery that plants restore "something fundamental"—what we now know as oxygen—to the air. Johnson also offers a clear-sighted and intelligent exploration of the conditions that are propitious to scientific innovation, such as the availability of coffee and the unfettered circulation of information through social networks.
see . . . does that not sound familiar? Will they be writing books on the availability of energy drinks and social networking of today in the far ahead future? What discoveries await a well-timed dose of caffeine, some brilliant minds, and a connection via Facebook?
(BTW, I suggest only reading the first half of the book, the second half--when it goes more into politics and religion--seems to stumble around and is not near as interesting as the science and discovery in the beginning)