Showing posts with label Color. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Color. Show all posts

Friday, February 21, 2014

Second Sight

In the absence of color
my parched eyes drink darkness
through pupils
dilated and yearning.

It fills the vitreous chamber,
presses against optic nerve,
with the weight of the void
that is now inside me.

Upside down images of naught
reflected against my macula
dissipate and re-form
as I sit unaware
and stare
into nothing...

and everything.

For G-man's FF55.   

Friday, November 1, 2013

And Then November

I don’t see you come
but I feel your cold breath
on my back.

Your gaze stoops my shoulders
and I wither
curling in
around the dark
like the petals of a flower.

A dozen shades
of brown and grey
fill my eyes.
A killing frost is coming;
I must prepare the ground.

This is for G-man and his FF55.  I missed you all the last couple weeks! 
And this is also for d'Verse where Claudia wants us to write about color, and for  Writers' Digest PAD (writing prompts for November's poem a day challenge).  Today's challenge was "appear" and I tried to do it without using the word itself.