Showing posts with label boots. Show all posts
Showing posts with label boots. Show all posts

Saturday, January 16, 2021

first snow of the season

first snow of the season first snow of the season first snow of the season first snow of the season first snow of the season first snow of the season first snow of the season first snow of the season first snow of the season first snow of the season

First snow of the winter season and first snow since two years.

We made a tour through the white Villa Augustus garden. It's only for one day, so we went outside to enjoy the rare snow moment of 2021.

Saturday, November 28, 2020


yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow

Saturday morning 28th of November

Hello yellow!

We made an appointment to pick up a vintage italian design chair and ended up on this beautiful courtyard covered in a yellow ginkgo glow.

I collected some of the 'fruits' of the Japanese nut tree (which are botanically the seeds, but because the seed coat is fleshy, they look like fruits). The seeds are apricot shaped and when the female seeds fall to the ground in autumn, the fleshy seed coat starts to rot and falls off and smells like rancid butter.

I want to try to grow some mini ginkgo trees.

Monday, March 9, 2020

slow fashion & sustainable souvenirs

slow fashion sustainable moroccan souvenirs

Even before the term 'slow fashion' existed, I was already acting this way.

I always preferred original, beautiful and quality fashion to enjoy in a responsible and sustainable way.

Developing a personal, timeless style, is essential to avoid getting sucked into the madness of chasing after the latest trends.

Many items of my clothes- and shoes collection I already have for years, sometimes more than 20 years.

Although some of you might see me as 'Imelda Marcos', in reality it is not that excessive.

The same rule as it comes to interior objects. I try to follow the sustainable style, by buying for example timeless interior souvenirs.

Fashion fades, style is eternal - Yves Saint Laurent

Buy less. Choose well. Make it last. Quality not quantity. - Vivienne Westwood

marrakech autumnal amsterdam 24/24 een bloemetje op tafel cross over demolition demolition vintique haarlem antwerp breda rotterdam lloydkwartier

Monday, December 11, 2017

snow snow snow

snow snow snow

Over the weekend we had our first snowfall of the season.

Everyone was so excited about the snow yesterday! Snow photos and videos everywhere on Instagram and blogs.

Snow days can mean two things, either you want to stay at home or you want to go outside and hear your footsteps in the snow.

Yesterday, I preferred the first option, but this afternoon we had more snow and I dressed warmly to go out and enjoy the cold and beautiful winter landscape. Snow proof with woolen sweater, beanie, scarf, mittens, boots and I borrowed Pippa's fake fur coat, it was great to play outside...

snow snow snow

Tuesday, November 14, 2017