Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

weekending :: Lady edition!

We had a really great weekend. My mom came in town on Friday afternoon and we had a nice, relaxing day before she got here. Not that we hadn't done enough relaxing on Christmas day. ha!

Emma played doctor and poor Oliver was her patient. 

When Lady arrived with lots of presents it was hard to do anything but open them. The kids have had a steady stream of Christmas presents all December long. It's been fun to spread it out!

Emma and I both got a new necklace and bracelet from Lady. And she is just like me...every piece she opened she had to put on. I've been that way for as long as I can remember. So we snapped a pic of us in our new jewels. Thanks Lady!

That afternoon we played and dressed up in the fun new dress up clothes Lady gave them. That night we had leftovers and then of course, hot chocolate!

Saturday morning we headed out so the kids could practice on their new balance bikes. Hudson loved it but Emma was way too tired to enjoy it.

After bikes we went to lunch at Post Office Pies and had yummy pizza. I realized just now that I didn't do a great job documenting our weekend. That's one of my new years be better about documenting every part of our weekends. ha! Saturday afternoon while Lady and Hudson went to go see Big Hero 6, I was painting my nails for our date night and Emma wanted her nails done too. She picked blue to match her Elsa dress. 

Saturday night John and I went to dinner and then we saw Hunger Games. It was great! We love the Hunger Games movies. Again...didn't document anything. :)

Sunday we went to eat breakfast at Big Bad Breakfast....our new favorite breakfast spot in Birmingham. It's by far the best breakfast I've ever had. After breakfast we came back home and played for a little while before the kids napped. Oh...forgot to mention that John was off on Sunday so it was so strange to be out that morning and not at church. ha! Anyway, while the kids napped Lady and I went and saw Into the Woods. It was fantastic! And I saw 2 movies at the movie theater in 1 weekend! I can't even remember the last grown up movie I saw in the theater. haha!

Unfortunately our basement flooded this weekend from all the rain we got so John spent a lot of time down there pumping water out. Boo :(

Monday morning I was serenaded with a lovely Christmas medley while I was enjoying my coffee. Around 10 Lady and I headed out to do a little shopping in downtown Homewood. We picked up some lunch from Brick & Tin on our way home. So so good. Then that afternoon John and I had a day date! We went shopping...John wanted a new bow tie for New Year's Eve and I needed a dress. Then we ended our afternoon at Pottery Barn to get a few things for the house. On our way home we picked up dinner from Little Donkey. It was such a fun day! 

I ended my dad with a piece of Father Christmas pie from Emporium Pies in McKinney, Texas. SO good, y'all!

While Lady was in town, she slept in Hudson's room so H slept on the floor of our room. When we went to bed on Monday night he was in what looked like the most uncomfortable position ever. ha!

Lady gave us a Vitamix for Christmas. We have had it for 4 days and have used it at least 10 times. The kids love green smoothies and I love that they are getting tons of healthy things in them. a Vitamix is the easiest thing ever! If it's possible to be in love with a blender then I totally am.

We spent all day taking down Christmas. I love taking down Christmas almost as much as I love putting it up! People spend so much time and money on Christmas cards and it's one of my favorite parts of Christmas so I can't bring myself to throw them away. A few years ago I started hole punching them and then putting them on a ring. It's fun to go back through and look at all of them!

Monday, December 29, 2014

Christmas 2014

Christmas day this year was so so so wonderful. The kids opened their gifts slowly, we stayed in our jammies all day long, did whatever we was great. 

They were so excited when they ran in and saw their new kitchen! 

Emma's favorite part of the kitchen is the phone. She plays with that phone all day long.

They immediately started cooking and preparing each other the strangest meals. haha!

They noticed that the reindeer were pretty messy and there were carrots all over the front lawn. Silly daddy. I mean, reindeer.

Checking out the note Santa left them!

This is probably my favorite picture from Christmas day. Hudson is jumping up and down over the M&M's he found in his stocking and Emma is flipping out over her Sophia dress that Santa STUFFED in her stocking. haha!

Selfies with Sophia.

We got them these Bilibos which are so strange but kids love them. They're pretty neat!

It wouldn't be a holiday without me cutting myself. This year it was while chopping fresh sage. 

Hudson is so obsessed with reading. He has known his sounds for a long time now and is able to sound a lot of words out. A friend of mine used to teach reading so she let us borrow some books to help him practice his reading. He is doing so well and spent a lot of time on Christmas practicing his reading.

We made a last minute decision to have our Christmas dinner as a picnic out in the sunroom. In our jammies. See...such an awesome Christmas day! We decided this would be our new tradition to do on the years we don't have any family in town on Christmas. 

At this point....there had been so much screaming! :)

I hope everyone had a blessed Christmas with your loved ones. xo

Christmas Eve 2014

We spent Christmas Eve day at home pretty much all day. John and the kids played and I cooked. It was a really great day! 

Around 4:30 we headed up to church for the Christmas Eve service. It is a family service which means no nursery. The kids did really well considering they're 2 and 3. Plus it was a short service...only 35 minutes!

During the last song of the service, John took Hudson up on the platform with him. I took the first picture but was so bummed when I noticed that I didn't get a good picture of Hudson "conducting" also. It was such a sweet moment.

A friend posted this on IG...I was so glad she got a good shot!

Our little family of 4 after the service. Love them!

That evening we came home, ate our appetizer dinner and then got ready for Santa to come. We put on our Christmas jammies, read our Christmas story, and set out cookies and carrots for Santa and the reindeer. The kids were so excited and so into it this year. It was so much fun! John snuck in the other room and rang some bells and they immediately were ready for bed! ha! Oh and Hudson said that they needed 10 carrots so he was double checking and counting the carrots again.

The kids' kitchen arrived on December 1 and I told John I had heard it takes a few hours to put together but he decided he wanted to put it together on Christmas Eve "like all the other parents." haha! So he put together their kitchen while watching a movie and I did laundry. :)

Santa came! Playing Santa is so much fun.

Stuffed stockings! 

Their kitchen is fully stocked with food, plates, utensils, and pots and pans.

Christmas week

Christmas week started off with a bummer. Hudson had a horrible cough and Emma was still not herself so we paid a visit to the pedi. 

Bad news...H was diagnosed with a double ear infection and E still had an infection in 1 ear. Good news...they both got strong antibiotics that helped!

That evening we put on our Christmas jammies after dinner and went to go look at Christmas lights.

Tuesday I did all of my grocery shopping for Christmas Eve and Christmas day and then we made Christmas cookies. This was our first time to do decorated sugar cookies with the kids.

They loved it and had the best time!

And because they hadn't had enough sugar...we ended the evening with hot chocolate!

Emma had a little too much sugar. 

And oh my word it took her forever to go to bed! haha! sweet girl had the biggest sugar high.

It was a really fun few days before Christmas!

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