Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Emma :: 13 months old

You are walking everywhere now! Your sweet little personality is developing more and more every day and you make us laugh so much. Watching you and Hudson play together is so much fun. We just love you so so much!

Weight: 21 pounds
Height: 30 inches

You're still taking your morning nap from 9-10 and an afternoon nap from 1-3. You sleep at night from 7-7.

You've been drinking whole milk for a little over a month now. We started giving it to you right before you turned 1 and you love it now. You love any fruit and dessert. You also love cheese, eggs, and yogurt. 

You blow kisses and are starting to know where your nose, eyes, ears, and mouth are. 

Words: Dada, Mama, bye bye, dog, hi, nemanema (M&Ms - haha!), nana (banana)

You are talking SO MUCH! Much more than Hudson was at 13 months.

You love your stroller, baby, lovie, pacis, playing outside, Yo Gabba Gabba, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and playing cars with Hudson. 

You love your mama. You have pretty strong separation anxiety but once I am gone you do great. 

We've started brushing your teeth and you love it!

We love you sweet girl! 

Friday, November 15, 2013

Five on Friday!

Happy Friday y'all! I'm linking up with Darci and the other girls today! It's been a fun week and I'm excited about a full and fun weekend we have ahead of us! I'm headed to the salon in a little bit for some MUCH NEEDED mama time. Then we have a preschool movie night at church tonight, a birthday party for a sweet little 3 year old tomorrow, Samford homecoming, and other fun things planned. So, here's some happy randoms...

Last week I jumped on a [very early] plane and flew to Dallas to surprise my sister! When they scheduled an induction for Baby Lincoln I just HAD to be there. John was SO SUPER AWESOME and took off work to stay with the minis. Loved begin able to get a way for a few days without being mom. So fun!

Plus, HELLO CUTENESS! How stinkin adorable is my new nephew?!?! Whitney was a CHAMP and delivered a chunky 8 pound 11 ounce bundle of LOVE.

Y'all. Emma James has been wearing bows for THREE DAYS! Around 6 months she started ripping them off of her head as quickly as I put them on. I kept trying for several weeks and then just gave up. Every once in a while I would try but of course she would rip it off. While I was out of town last week John said that he put a bow on her [ dad ever] and she kept it in for a long time. So I decided to start "training" her to wear bows again. And it's working! She's worn a bow pretty much all day for the last 3 days. Proof...

I adore fall/winter clothes on my minis. We went to lunch on Wednesday with John and since they looked so cute and fall-ish, I decided to have a mini photo shoot in the backyard. It is SO difficult to get a decent picture of them when they won't look at the camera/phone at the same time. BUT, a photographer friend of mine gave me some AMAZING tips that I can't wait to try soon. Just as soon as my ankles heal a little more and I can squat down to take better pictures of them. 

My sweet friend, Erin, sent Emma these ADORBS Minnetonka booties from J.Crew. They are to die for.

And for a little Friday humor...this CRACKS me up! Love me some bacon. Oh...go get the Applewood smoked bacon from Trader Joe's. Thank me later.

Have a great weekend y'all!!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Halloween 2013 {a little late}

Halloween this year started off really great! Eric and Brittany came over to hang out for the evening which made the kids SO happy!

My darling little pig!

I love that we got a pretty decent picture with our farmer and pig.

This is more like it. :)

Our plan was to just go to a few houses. This was their first time trick or treating so they wouldn't have known a difference if we had gone to 2 or 22 houses. Our first stop was the Cartee's house. Hudson was SO excited even though you can't really tell on his face.

Emma totally didn't get it but was just happy walking around.

Right after I took this picture Emma came to me and we went to the next house. When we were leaving and walking down the steps from that house, I stepped in a hole I didn't see (because it was dark) and rolled both of my ankles and fell while holding Emma. Praise the Lord that as I fell I held Emma out in front of me and then she landed in the grass. She was also SUPER padded from this pig costume. She cried but was totally fine. Me on the other hand. Not so much.

My left ankle swelled up huge immediately. The right one hurt worse but wasn't as swollen. We called an orthopedic doctor friend and he said that even if it was broken, the ER was the last place we wanted to be on Halloween. Which we knew from watching Grey's Anatomy. 

The left ankle...also very dirty.

So the next morning, a friend came over to watch the kids and John and I went to the hospital. Here's the left.

And the right. Thankfully it wasn't very crowded at all and we were in and out of there in less than 2 hours.

The ER doctor said that I had sprained my left ankle and fractured the right. Later we found out that the right wasn't fractured but just a bad sprain also. 

John was amazing and took care of everything for several days. We had so many people bringing us meals and checking on us. 

Hudson was SO sweet while I spent most of my time on the couch. We had to keep reminding him that "mommy hurt her feet" and one evening he reached over and just started rubbing my foot. Melt my heart!

I'm doing MUCH better. I'm still sore in the evenings, but I'm able to get around a lot easier. Not exactly how we thought Halloween would go but so thankful Emma was okay and I didn't get more seriously injured.
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