Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Kerry's Wednesday Challenge ~ Worldbuilding

The term Worldbuilding was coined in the 1970s during workshops of  Sci-Fi writers, and it refers to the process of creating a fictitious world in which the writer's imagination may roam free from the restraints imposed by the laws of nature and science.  Read more on Wikipedia.

Free Wallpaper

The goal of worldbuilding is to create a context in which a story can take place. Similarities with our own world will be present, but the magic lies in the differences. This world will include flora and fauna, and its own unique topography.

The World of Narnia
created by C.S. Lewis

Lists of Top Ten Fantasy Worlds (Listverse's Top 10) often include Narnia, Wonderland, Neverland and Middle-earth. They may reference paganism, mythology and the arcane or be based on hypotheses of scientific probabilities or possibilities not yet developed: time travel, parallel universe, alien invasion, hybrid species.

Nuke The Fridge's Top 10 List

Many surreal artists create fascinating worlds. The visualization of their imaginative process seems to open a window on a new way of looking at the things we take for granted in our own world. Jacek Yerka, a Polish surrealist, has long fascinated me. A definitive selection of his work may be viewed at Amazing! Incredible!

Turf Bay ~ Jacek Yerka (2006)
Creative Commons

The challenge today is to open our own small window on an imaginary world of original design. The images and sources I have provided are only to demonstrate what is possible if we delve into our own minds and pursue concepts and visions. Present your world in a descriptive or narrative poem - inhabited or not at your  own discretion. This is not an exercise in ekphrasis poetry writing, so please do not take the option of describing another artist or writer's world. Create your own.