Showing posts with label GNC Vitamin D-3 400IU. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GNC Vitamin D-3 400IU. Show all posts

Sunday, 13 January 2013

IUI Medication - KL Fertility & Gynaecology Centre

This is my first month treatment in KL Fertility & Gynaecology Centre (KLFGC). I had 1 month of tests taken which includes hormon test, Vitamin D, Insulin and Miscarriage test. After Dr. Helena looked at my results, she recommended us to do IUI. This will be my 3rd IUI attempts (2 previous IUIs was at KPJ Damansara). My medication differs from KLFGC and KPJ. During my KPJ IUI treatment, I  took Clomid 50 mg and I had Ovidrel shot after the egg progressed to a desired size. Then the next day would  be the IUI procedure. Below is the medications that was prescribed for me in KLFGC. I am sure every patient is different. It all depends on the tests results.


The first photo is the kit that was given to me. It is the Gonal-f injection kit. The injection box, the intruction manual and the dry ice were in the blue box. While for the second photo; on left is the injection box which has the pen, needle and alcohol swabs. On the right is the Nolvadex-D (Tamoxifen 20mg). I took the photo yesterday morning. Actually I have completed 3 days tablets. Only 2 more to go. Then we can start the injection which my husband is waiting for. He is excited about that. He claims that he should have studied to become a doctor....Hmmmm.....Too late I guess.

Below is the vitamins that I am taking based on Dr. Helena's advice. It is to help my body with all the nutrients and strengthen the uterus to provide a happy environment for my baby. I hope so very very soon. Praying the hardest and trusting my Dr. to the fullest.

What I have above is from left top is GNC Vitamin D-3 400IU, Wyeth Centrum Multivitamin-Multimineral, Blackmores Fish Oil 1000 and Abbott Iberet Folic - 500 (it's is a folic acid tablet with other nutrients as well).

All the above will be my best friend for this month. I did ask Dr. what food should I take and should avoid. She said can eat anything but have to take the Vitamins above. Hoping for a baby bump soon....

Important dates for this month :-

10 Jan 2013 -14 Jan 2013  - 2 tablets Nolvadex-D Tamoxifen 20mg daily after food (1pm and 8 pm )

14 Jan 2013, 16 Jan 2013, 18 Jan 2013 - Gonal-F 450 IU/0.75 ml injection (9pm)

p/s- The time is just my comfortable time. I read somewhere it is best to keep the timing similar during the medicine intake and also the injection. So, I have alarm at 1pm, 8pm and 9 pm according to the above dates.