The first photo is the kit that was given to me. It is the Gonal-f injection kit. The injection box, the intruction manual and the dry ice were in the blue box. While for the second photo; on left is the injection box which has the pen, needle and alcohol swabs. On the right is the Nolvadex-D (Tamoxifen 20mg). I took the photo yesterday morning. Actually I have completed 3 days tablets. Only 2 more to go. Then we can start the injection which my husband is waiting for. He is excited about that. He claims that he should have studied to become a doctor....Hmmmm.....Too late I guess.
Below is the vitamins that I am taking based on Dr. Helena's advice. It is to help my body with all the nutrients and strengthen the uterus to provide a happy environment for my baby. I hope so very very soon. Praying the hardest and trusting my Dr. to the fullest.
What I have above is from left top is GNC Vitamin D-3 400IU, Wyeth Centrum Multivitamin-Multimineral, Blackmores Fish Oil 1000 and Abbott Iberet Folic - 500 (it's is a folic acid tablet with other nutrients as well).
All the above will be my best friend for this month. I did ask Dr. what food should I take and should avoid. She said can eat anything but have to take the Vitamins above. Hoping for a baby bump soon....
Important dates for this month :-
10 Jan 2013 -14 Jan 2013 - 2 tablets Nolvadex-D Tamoxifen 20mg daily after food (1pm and 8 pm )
14 Jan 2013, 16 Jan 2013, 18 Jan 2013 - Gonal-F 450 IU/0.75 ml injection (9pm)
p/s- The time is just my comfortable time. I read somewhere it is best to keep the timing similar during the medicine intake and also the injection. So, I have alarm at 1pm, 8pm and 9 pm according to the above dates.